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🐯 The Jungle Book ➡️ کتاب جنگل
زیرنویس انگلیسی ✔️
قسمت اول: بدون زیرنویس
قسمت دوم: با زیرنویس
قسمت سوم: کلمات کلیدی
قسمت چهارم: بدون زیرنویس
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💢 هزینه استفاده از مطالب کانال، روزی ۱۴ صلوات جهت سلامتی و تعجیل در ظهور امام زمان
💢 این کار بهانه ایست برای اینکه هر کدام از ما در حد توان قدمی هر چند کوچک در راه امام زمانمان برداریم.
📕 دعای فرج امام زمان
اِلهى عَظُمَ الْبَلاَّءُ وَبَرِحَ الْخَفاَّءُ وَانْكَشَفَ الْغِطاَّءُ وَانْقَطَعَ الرَّجاَّءُ
خدایا بلاء عظیم گشته و درون آشكار شد و پرده از كارها برداشته شد و امید قطع شد
وَضاقَتِ الاْرْضُ وَمُنِعَتِ السَّماَّءُ واَنْتَ الْمُسْتَعانُ وَاِلَیْكَ
و زمین تنگ شد و از ریزش رحمت آسمان جلوگیرى شد و تویى یاور و شكوه بسوى تو است
الْمُشْتَكى وَعَلَیْكَ الْمُعَوَّلُ فِى الشِّدَّةِ وَالرَّخاَّءِ اَللّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى
و اعتماد و تكیه ما چه در سختى و چه در آسانى بر تو است خدایا درود فرست بر
مُحَمَّدٍ وَ الِ مُحَمَّدٍ اُولِى الاْمْرِ الَّذینَ فَرَضْتَ عَلَیْنا طاعَتَهُمْ
محمد و آل محمد آن زمامدارانى كه پیرویشان را بر ما واجب كردى و بدین سبب مقام
وَعَرَّفْتَنا بِذلِكَ مَنْزِلَتَهُمْ فَفَرِّجْ عَنا بِحَقِّهِمْ فَرَجاً عاجِلا قَریباً كَلَمْحِ
و منزلتشان را به ما شناساندى به حق ایشان به ما گشایشى ده فورى و نزدیك مانند
الْبَصَرِ اَوْ هُوَ اَقْرَبُ یا مُحَمَّدُ یا عَلِىُّ یا عَلِىُّ یا مُحَمَّدُ اِكْفِیانى
چشم بر هم زدن یا نزدیكتر اى محمد اى على اى على اى محمد مرا كفایت كنید
فَاِنَّكُما كافِیانِ وَانْصُرانى فَاِنَّكُما ناصِرانِ یا مَوْلانا یا صاحِبَ
كه شمایید كفایت كننده ام و مرا یارى كنید كه شمایید یاور من اى سرور ما اى صاحب
الزَّمانِ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ الْغَوْثَ اَدْرِكْنى اَدْرِكْنى اَدْرِكْنى السّاعَةَ
الزمان فریاد، فریاد، فریاد، دریاب مرا دریاب مرا دریاب مرا همین ساعت
السّاعَةَ السّاعَةَ الْعَجَلَ الْعَجَلَ الْعَجَلَ یا اَرْحَمَ الرّاحِمینَ بِحَقِّ
همین ساعت هم اكنون زود زود زود اى خدا اى مهربانترین مهربانان به حق
مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِهِ الطّاهِرینَ
محمد و آل پاكیزه اش
O Allah, terrible was the calamity,
and its evil consequences are visible,
the covering has been removed,
(all) hopes have been cut off, the
(plentiful) earth has shrunk (with
very little to spare), the heavenly
blessings have been withheld. You
alone can help, we refer our grief
and sorrow to You, we have full faith
in You, in the time of distress, as
well as in good fortune.
O Allah, send blessings on
Muhammad and on the children of
whom we must obey as per Your
command, through which we become
aware of their rank and status, and
let there be joy after sorrow for us,
for their sake, right away, in the
twinkle of an eye, more rapidly than
that. O Muhammad,
O Ali, O Ali, O Muhammad,
Give me enough, because both of you
provide sufficiently. Help me,
because both of you help and protect.
O our master , O the living Imam,
Reach me! Reach me! Reach me!
At once, in this hour. Be quick,
be quick, be quick, O the most merciful,
for the sake of Muhammad and his
pure children
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مرور مطالب این هفته 🔃
دعای سلامتی امام زمان
مقایسه حال کامل استمراری و حال کامل ساده
لغات ( پول و واحد پول )
لغات ( سبزیجات )
داستان golden seal
افعال چند قسمتی
حروف اضافه
⛱ گروه چت و رفع اشکال
کانال های زیرمجموعه
📌 📌📌 فعالیت کاری کانال
شنبه، دوشنبه، چهارشنبه
🔄 پنج شنبه ها مرور
🚫 جمعه ها تعطیل
29.77M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
#short_story #anime
💞 The Grisly Beard 💞
📙 short story 📺 short animation
📃english subtitle ( زیرنویس انگلیسی )✅
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با عضویت در کانال دیگر ما، گنجینه ای از لغات انگلیسی را در اختیار خواهید داشت:
نکته ای که باید توجه داشته باشید اینکه این کانال روش اصولی یادگیری لغت که همان انگلیسی به انگلیسی هست رو دنبال میکنه و معنی فارسی لغات تنها در انتهای هر درس قرار میگیره.
یادگیری لغت رو به همین روش یاد بگیرید چرا که هم ماندگاری اون بیشتره و هم تصور کنید میخواهید با یک خارجی زبان صحبت کنید. در این صورت تنها نقطه اشتراک شما انگلیسی است و تنها میتوانید با توضیحات انگلیسی منظورتان را منتقل کنید و معنی فارسی در اینجا کاربردی ندارد.
موفق باشید🌹
#quote #حدیث #امام_رضا
💢 هزینه استفاده از مطالب کانال، روزی ۱۴ صلوات جهت سلامتی و تعجیل در ظهور امام زمان
💢 این کار بهانه ایست برای اینکه هر کدام از ما در حد توان قدمی هر چند کوچک در راه امام زمانمان برداریم.
🍂 quote of the day
امام رضا عليه السلام می فرمایند :
محرّم ماهی است که [حتّی] مردم زمان جاهلیّت جنگ را در آن حرام میدانستند، [امّا] در آن ماه خون ما را حلال شمردند، حرمت ما را پایمال و فرزندان و زنان ما را اسیر کردند.
Muharram is the month when even people of the Jāhillīyya time declared fighting unlawful, [but never less] in that month they declared shedding our blood lawful, trampled upon our honor and captured our children and women.
بحار الأنوار، جلد 44، صفحه 283
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#comprehension #reading
روخوانی و درک مطلب 📖
Adam: Hi Sarah.
Sarah: Hi.
Adam: Today we’re talking about do-overs. So if you had a time machine and you could go back to your college years, is there anything that you might change or do differently?
Sarah: I really wish that I would have had the chance to study abroad. I chose the wrong major initially. I was a nursing major for two years, and worked really hard at a major I was really bad at. And then after two years, I switched schools and switched majors. And because of that, I had so many credits to take that I couldn’t study abroad or do really any extra classes that were fun.
Adam: Hmm, that must have been challenging. Where would you have liked to study abroad?
Sarah: Really, anywhere. I’ve always loved to travel, so I would have been open to going anywhere.
Adam: So you said you studied nursing, what would you have studied otherwise?
Sarah: Well, I first went into nursing because everyone since I was really little told me that I would be a good nurse. So I thought it was my calling in life. And then after taking lots and lots of science classes, which I’m really bad at, I decided to switch majors to education. And then I ended up liking that major, so I’m really happy that I switched.
Adam: Was there any other major that you would find interesting that you might study if you went back or you’re satisfied with education?
Sarah: I’m glad I did education because I really liked that work wise. But if I had to go with things that I’m interested in, I probably would have been some sort of art major. Both of my siblings are artists, so it kind of runs in the family a little bit.
Adam: What kind of art do you like?
Sarah: Mainly dance, but I also was really into music growing up, so musical instruments and singing.
Adam: So, do you have any friends that were interested in art or dance that you had in those times?
Sarah: Not really. No, actually.
Adam: Do you wish that if you were in a group of people that like the similar things that you might have pursued different interests.
Sarah: Hmm, definitely. I wish I would have done more with dance. I was a ballerina for 12 years. And I gave up on that when I was 14. So I got to the level where I either had to train professionally to do that for a job or stay in a class where the younger girls would keep moving up. And so at that time, I quit.
And although I don’t wish I was still doing ballet, I wish I would continued some kind of dance.
Adam: Interesting.
Adam: So Sarah, any funny haircuts or anything like that?
Sarah: Actually, yes. One week before I moved away to college, I cut my hair boy-short. And then after that, like during my first semester, I’d dyed it all different shades of red. And my hair has actually been pretty much every link and every natural-ish color.
Adam: Wow. How did your friends and family respond to your red hair?
Sarah: My mom didn’t like it so much. She thought I was going to die like a natural red color, but it was more of fuchsia red color. So she didn’t like it very much. But my friends and like siblings understood because I’ve always been very different and didn’t really care what other people thought about how I looked.
Adam: How long did you like it?
Sarah: For a while until I wanted change. I love change, so I’d always switch it to something else.
Adam: Well, that’s great. Thanks, Sarah.
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