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👨‍🍳 👉 “Whip up,” which means “to make food or a meal very quickly and easily.” (عامیانه/ به سرعت و با مهارت) تهیه کردن و آماده کردن، معنی دیگر: ترغیب کردن، تهییج کردن Usage in a movie ("Ratatouille"): ⠀ - Gusteau's Corn Puppies! They're like corn dogs, only smaller. Bite size! - What are corn dogs? - Cheap sausages dipped in batter and deep fried. You know, American. Whip something up! 🏡 @English_House 🏡
This expression alludes to the former British custom of tying up official documents with red ribbon. [Early 1800s] ☘☘☘☘ allude اشاره کردن tie up بستن 🏡 @English_House 🏡
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🎀 اصطلاح 👉 “Red tape,” which means “time-consuming regulations or bureaucratic procedures.” کاغذ بازی اداری، روند اداری طولانی Usage in a movie ("Blood Diamond"): ⠀ - Look at that man. You see him? His entire village was burned down. His wife and children, they got away. He's been working in the mining camps, he's been trying to get his family back. But he cannot get through all the red tape. All I'm asking is this, that you help him, huh? 🎯 Origin: در زمان های گذشته کاغذ ها و مدارک اداری و اسناد را با بند قرمز یا صورتی می بستند و امروزه هم این اصطلاح برای روند طولانی اداری به کار می رود. 🏡 @English_House 🏡
The phrase dates back to the 14th century. At this time the name Jack was typically used to describe the ordinary man. These people were working class and often had to supplement their meagre income by doing other jobs. ⠀ The phrase is often changed to "a Jack of all trades, master of none". Meaning that the person completes multiple tasks but none are done very well. It is often used in a derogatory manner. 🌱🌱🌱 meagre ناچیز derogatory تحقیرآمیز 🏡 @English_House 🏡
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🛠 اصطلاح 👉 ”Jack-of-all-trades,” which means “a person who has skill in many areas.” همه فن حریف، (آدم) آچار فرانسه، همه کاره (و هیچ کاره) Usage in a TV series ("House of Cards"): ⠀ - You carried it all the way up here? - For privacy. I had help. - Meechum. - That's right. - Jack-of-all-trades. Handyman, furniture mover. 📍 به فردی گفته می‌شود که از هر چیزی کمی اطلاعات دارد و احتمالاً در هیچ کدام خبره نیست 🏡 @English_House 🏡
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⚫️ حی علی العزاء ... حی علی البکاء ... فی ماتم‌الحسین علیه السلام .... مظلوم کربلا... 🏡 @English_House 🏡
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🏹🕊🕊 اصطلاح 👉 ”To kill two birds with one stone,” which means “to complete two tasks at once with a single action.” با یک تیر دو نشان زدن Usage in a movie ("Meet Bill"): ⠀ - You could bring your wife. - Oh, that'd be great. She'd love that. - Since she'll be your partner in this venture, we do require one meeting with her anyway, so kill two birds with one stone. 🏡 @English_House 🏡
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💃🕺 اصطلاح 👉 ”Jump for joy,” which means “to be very happy about something”. بسیار خوشحال شدن، از خوشی بالا و پایین پریدن Usage in a TV series ("Black Books"): ⠀ - What are you doing? - I'm literally jumping for joy. This is gonna be the best summer yet. I love you. - Yes, it is! 🏡 @English_House 🏡
- ناشناس.mp3
😔قبل از واکسن زدن حتما گوش کنید، اگر جانت عزیز است 🔈 سخنان روشنگرانه دکتر امیر اشرفی، پاتولوژیست درباره ویروس آزمایشگاهی کووید19، واکسن‌های عرضه شده نسل جدید و همکاری وزارت بهداشت ایران با شرکت بدنام کووکس بیل گیتس برای تولید واکسن
This expression dates from the days of open-hearth cooking, which blackens practically all the utensils used. [Early 1600s] ⠀ 🏡 @English_House 🏡