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لهجه بریتیش 🇬🇧 بد نیست با لهجه بریتیش هم آشنا بشید😏👍
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نمایش در ایتا
💛 The Golden Seal 💛 part 4 🌪 There was a letter from Eric on the table. It said: "I'm going up the sand dunes. I want to find a golden seal. Don't be frightened. I love you. Eric." Tania put her face in her hands. ((Oh, no. No. No." With a noise like a big, angry animal, the storm arrived "Don't be frightened," Jim said to Tania. "Eric's a good boy. Maybe he's in one of the little buildings on the sand dunes." 🌪 ➖➖🐳🐳➖➖🐳🐳➖➖🐳🐳➖➖ ↪️ put ↪️ face ↪️ noise ↪️ little ↪️ buliding ↪️ maybe ↩️ گذاشتن ، قرار دادن ↩️ صورت ↩️ سر و صدا ↩️ کم ، کمی ↩️ ساختمان ↩️ شاید 🏡 @English_House 🏡
🗣👂 Listening 1 _ Part 2 4⃣ A: And your e-mail address is…. B: It’s coolgal@rol.com A: Cool pal? B: No, cool gal. G-A-L. At R-O-L dot com. 5⃣ A: May I have your phone number, please? B: Sure. It’s 555-2398. A: Okay… 555-2358. B: Actually, it’s nine eight. 2-3-9-8. A: Oh, 2-3-9-8. Thank you. 6⃣ A: So, could I give you a call sometimes? B: Sure, that would be great. My cell is 555-7216. A: 555-7216? B: Yep, that’s right. A: Okay. I’ll give you a call this weekend, then. ➖〰〰➖➖〰〰➖➖〰〰➖➖ ➡️ sure ➡️ actually ➡️ call ➡️ great ➡️ weekend ⬅️ حتما ⬅️ در واقع ⬅️ تماس گرفتن ⬅️ عالی ⬅️ آخر هفته 🏡 @English_House 🏡
❤️ quote of the day امام سجاد عليه السلام می فرمایند : 👩👧👦حقّ مادرت بر تو، این است که بدانی او تو را در جایی حمل کرده است که هیچ کس، دیگری را حمل نمی‌کند و از میوۀ دلش چیزی را به تو داد که احدی به دیگری نمی‌دهد و تو را با تمام اعضایش حفظ کرد... 💞 💞 Your mother's right to you is that you know she carried you in a place in where nobody carries someone else, gave you of her hearts fruit something of which nobody gives others, maintained you by her all organs, etc. 👩👧👦 🏡 @English_House 🏡
☂ idiom of the day 🐣 after all 🐣 بالاخره ، با این وجود ، به هر حال ، در نهایت 🏡 @English_House 🏡
❣ Expressions 🚼 Birth 🤰 had a baby 🤰 was born 🤰 weighed 🤰 call 🤰 birthday 🤰 were born ➖➖➰➰➖➖➰➰➖➖➰➰➖➖ 👶 Anna " had a baby " yesterday. آنا دیروز " بچه دار شد. " 👶 He " was born " at 1.15 yesterday morning. او دیروز صبح در ساعت 1:15 " متولد شد. " 👶 He " weighed " 3 kilograms. او 3 کیلو " وزن داشت. " 👶 They are going to " call him, John " – after John, his grandfather. اونا میخوان " اسمشو جان بذارن " _ بعد از فوت پدربزرگش جان 👶 His grandfather’s " birthday " is June 16th too. But he was born in 1957! " روز تولد " پدربزرگش هم 16 ام ژوئن هست. با این تفاوت که او در سال 1957 متولد شد! 👶 The baby’s parents " were born " in 1986. والدین نوزاد در سال 1986 " متولد شدند. " ➖➖➰➰➖➖➰➰➖➖➰➰➖➖ 📌 Common mistakes ↪️ اشتباهات رایج Anna had a baby ✅ [ not Anna got a baby ❌ ]. He / She was born ✅ [ not He / She born or He / She is born ❌] 🏡 @English_House 🏡
لهجه بریتیش 🇬🇧
افعال to be 👉👆👆 👇 ↪️ am , is , are 🏡 @English_House 🏡