Voice 013.m4a
In the Name of Allah the All Compassionate the All Merciful
🌹Prophet Mohammad is the color of love 🌹
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
نمیدونم.... شاید آدم هایی هستند تو دنیا که برای خودشون هم گمنام هستند. نه دیگران اونها رو میشناسن که این ها یار واقعی هستند و نه خودشون. آدم هایی که هیچ ادعایی ندارن و اصلا بهشون هیچی پیدا نیست. هیچ کسی هم روشون حساب نمیکنه....چه برسه به یار بودن.
گاهی وقت ها ماها توهم یار بودن میگیریم. میگیم چون خیلی داریم فعالیت میکنیم و جواب این و اون رو میدیم پس دممون گرم. ماشالله به خودمون عجب یاری هستیم. صبح تا شب خواب نداریم. نه انگار آدم هایی هستند که هیچ ادعایی ندارن...... آدم های غریب . این ها رو انگار خدا خریده و یک لباس بی ادعایی از سرتا پا به این ها دوخته و گذاشته به وقت خودش این ها رو برملا کنه.....
خوش به حال این آدم هایی که بوی غریبی میدن تو کوچه و محله خودشون تو خونه خودشون کنار دوست و آشنا. شاید این ها شبیه ترین آدم ها به حضرت زهرا باشن و اصلا این بانو رو نشناسن. یک بار حتی اسمش رو هم نشنیده باشن. شاید هرکسی بیشتر به حضرت زهرا رفته باشه غریب تره...گمنام تره..... بی ادعا تره.....
بسم الله
آدم هایی هستند شبیه حضرت اسماعیل. پا به زمین میزنن از دل زمین چشمه جوشان جاری میشه.این آدم ها هرجا میرن دل سنگ رو آب میکنن و بالاخره یک کاری میکنن. از دل حرفاشون کاراشون یک دنیای جدیدی سبز میشه به روی آدم هایی دیگه. اصلا انگار بعضی از ادم ها کمی خالق میشن تو این دنیا. هرجا میرن باعث و بانی خیر میشن..... هرجا میرن یک بهشتی میسازن......
بعضی از آدم ها هم نه انگاری دوست دارن سنگ باشن. آب نباشن. نجوشن. نبارن. نتابن. هیچی از وجود این ادم ها بیرون نمیاد. انگار جنس سنگ جنس بی تفاوتی هست . همینکه آدمی تو زندگی تصمیم میگیره هیچ کاری نکنه برای خودش و دیگران انگار یک جهنمی کم کم خلق میشه. لازم نیست حتما برای تولید جهنم آتیش روشن کنی. همینکه تصمیم بگیری سنگ باشی کافیه که یک جهنمی رو خلق کنی. تو خونه تو جامعه بین فامیل و دوست و آشنا. اصلا انگار سنگ نبودن بی تفاوت نبودن دل و جرئت میخواد. همت میخواد.....
27.58M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
سگ گردانی
انتشار حداکثری!!!!!⛔️
به خاطر خدا منتشر کنید
نشر حداکثری صدقه جاریه🌷
In the Name of Allah the All Compassionate the All Merciful
🌹Lady Fatmeh is the color of love 🌹
🔥Satan: look how happy this muslim is . He is enjoying his life. Look he is always teaching Quran to people. Many people are becoming his followers. I know what to do. I will fasten his hands and feet. I will chain him. I will make him miserable. I'll set a big fire in his life.
(Satan, darkness, blowers in knots, envier gathering together at Night).
🔥Satan: dear evils. You should all work together and enter this man's life. He has made so much progress in his life. Look he is inviting people to Quran. It's not good at all. You should put all your energy to stop him. If you dont stop him you will lose all your powers by the hands of Quran. Do whatever comes to your mind. Attack him, Chain him, make his life real hell. Show me your tricks.....
Satan calling darkness
🔥Satan: hey you darkness. Prepare dark life for him. Bring all you have. Make him blind . Don't let him see. And be silent.
Darkness: OK Satan. I'll do whatever I can.
Satan to Blower in knots.
🔥Hey you Blower. Make colorful knots in his life. Make him involved with your colorful knots. I want you to be like a professional acrobat ok? I want you to blow your best knots..... I want to see him kneeling down in front of your blows....OK?
Blower: OK sir. As you order..
🔥Satan: dear enviers! You are going to have a big role in the life of this Muslim. Look how happy he is. Look at what he has in his life. you don't have any of them.
He has Happiness, money, family etc...... come on envy him. ENVY HIM.
Envy him the best you can. Why don't you have all these things in your life? God has done nothing for you. really nothing. God has given all his blessings to him. He has taken away your right in your life. You are all miserable because of him.
Surah al-falaq:
قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ ﴿١﴾ مِن شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ ﴿٢﴾ وَمِن شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ إِذَا وَقَبَ ﴿٣﴾ وَمِن شَرِّ النَّفَّاثَاتِ فِي الْعُقَدِ ﴿٤﴾ وَمِن شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ ﴿٥﴾
Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak (1) From the evil of that which He created (2) And from the evil of darkness when it settles (3) And from the evil of the blowers in knots (4) And from the evil of an envier when he envies." (5)
Satan: Oh no look he has come again. Bequiet just bequiet.......
Darkness: Oh no.falaq came again. Look it is shining in his life. All my shadows are going away....oh no look he is repeating falaq all the time.
Blower in knot: what's happening? Why don't my knots work properly? Oh no look what falaq is doing to this muslim. No no I can't take it any longer. Why doesn't my magic work properly? I should go and learn a new magic. I feel ashamed. Sorry dear Satan.
Enviers: Oh no we can't make others set fire in his life. Look how falaq is friend with him. Just look howmuch he is shining with this Surah.
Satan: God damn all of you. I will punish all of you with my fire.
It's all because of Falaq.
I will come back falaq. I will come back..... I will chain this Muslim one day.... I will make him forget you with all my magics and knots and fire...... you won this time but I will come back again. I will come back again.......
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ ﴿١﴾ مِن شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ ﴿٢﴾ وَمِن شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ إِذَا وَقَبَ ﴿٣﴾ وَمِن شَرِّ النَّفَّاثَاتِ فِي الْعُقَدِ ﴿٤﴾ وَمِن شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ ﴿٥﴾
اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج
🦋Oh Allah hasten the reappearance of Imam Mahdi 🦋
Voice 017.m4a
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
یا مولاتی فاطمه اغیثینی
نمایشنامه سوره فلق
بخش اول
🌹Lady Fatemeh is the color of love 🌹
استفاده از صوت ها و متن ها با ذکر اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج جایز هست.
🦋Oh Allah hasten the reappearance of Imam Mahdi 🦋
Voice 018.m4a
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
یا مولاتی فاطمه اغیثینی
نمایشنامه سوره فلق
🌹Oh my master Fatimah rescue me
Lady Fatemeh is the color of love
🦋اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج
🦋Oh Allah hasten the reappearance of Imam Mahdi
استفاده از صوت ها و متن ها با ذکر اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج جایز هست.
Voice 019.m4a
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
یا مولاتی فاطمه اغیثینی
نمایشنامه سوره فلق
بخش سوم
Oh my master Fatimah rescue me
🌹Lady Fatmeh is the color of love 🌹
اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج
🦋Oh Allah hasten the reappearance of Imam Mahdi 🦋
استفاده از صوت ها و متن ها با ذکر اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج جایز هست.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
❤️یا مولاتی فاطمه اغیثینی ❤️
نمایشنامه تقدیم به سیدالشهدا امام حسین(ع)
Oh my master Fatimah rescue me.
Imam Hussain is the color of love
🌳 Jungle: thanks God thousand times. I am blessed. I have everything. I have water, fruit. I hear sound of birds every day. Whenever I open my eyes I see my beautiful green trees. I see animals. Thank God. Hey you karbala desert. Why don't you join me. You are alone. Look at you. You are dry. No one likes to be your friend. You have nothing. No fruit. No water. No tree. No bird. Just thorn and cactus. Yes you are a thorn in the eyes of the earth. You are nothing. But you can do something. Come on shake your hand with me and I will get you out of this situation. Come on.
❤️Karbala desert: No thanks dear jungle. I have a mission.
🌳Jungle: you are so stubborn. You will have a short life in this way. How long can you continue in this miserable situation? You will die alone and No one will even come to see you.
🌊Sea: thank God thousand times I have blue water in myself. Whenever I open my eyes I see dolphins swimming in me. I see boats and ships. Thank God I am very useful. Mother earth is satisfied with me. Yes I have always been a good child for earth. What about you desert karbala? What have you done for mother earth? All these years you were desert. You did nothing for people. No one can count on you. No water no people no bird just thorn and cactus. God forbidden if children walk in your land their feet will start bleeding. You are a thorn in the eyes of earth. You are nothing. But I have a suggestion for you. Come and shake your hand with me. If you do it. I'll help you. I will give you a good life like myself. Come on what do you say?
❤️Karbala desert: thanks dear sea. But I have a mission. I'm waiting for someone. I can't break my promise.
Sea: As you wish. You are such an idiot. I'm suggesting an enjoyable life for you and you deny it? What's the matter with you. Look at you. You make everyone laugh at you. Everyone is talking behind you......
Mountain: thank God thousand times. I am tall and strong. I have clean water and air. I am a very special gift of Allah. Every body enjoys staying with me. Mother earth loves me so much.
Look at you desert karbala! What have you done in all these years for mother earth? No water. No fruit. No tree. Just thorn and cactus. Why don't you join us? Me, sky, the clouds, jungle and sea have good time together. We all have all blessings of Allah. What about you? You are nothing. What's your job? You just sit and relax? You are waiting for drops of rain? Don't you want to stand up and do something? Don't you wanna change your life? Come on shake your hand with me.
If you shake your hand with me I'll promise I will help you. Then you will get out of this situation and you'll have a good life with me. What do you say?
❤️Karbala desert: no thanks dear mountain. I have a mission. I'm waiting for someone.
❤️Karbala desert: dear friends you are all right. I am a nobody. I can't make benefit. But I have a mission. A big one. I've been waiting for this mission in all these years. Caliphate of Allah and his family will walk this way. They will come here. I wish I could clean myself from all my thorns. I wish I had some water to welcome them. I wish I were fruitful to feed them. But no it's not my mission. My mission is to be patient with all my thorns and salts. I have forgotten the colors. I miss blue and green. I am told that all I will see will be red. I should be patient. Yes I'm in a hard situation. But I'm preparing myself to get ready for that mission. I can't enjoy my life like you. I can't spend time with birds and water and people...... I should just work on myself to get stronger every day.
Then someday I will turn to heaven. Some day millions of people will come and visit me. Some day I'll see different people in all around the world. And all of you will envy me.
Voice 020.m4a
Voice 021.m4a
Voice 001.m4a
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
یا مولاتی فاطمه اغیثینی
Oh my master Fatimah rescue me 🌹
🦋Oh Allah hasten the reappearance of Imam Mahdi(ajt)🦋
استفاده از صوت ها و متن ها با ذکر اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج جایز هست.