An Important Message
In the name of God, the Creator of existence and life
The usurping regime of Israel is condemned [due to the following reasons]:
1. According to Islamic principles, this regime is condemned, and opposing it is entirely legitimate, as evidenced by the verses of the Quran:
*"Indeed, for the wrongdoers there is a painful punishment."* — Surah Ibrahim, 14:22
*"And indeed, the wrongdoers are in clear opposition."* — Surah Al-Hajj, 22:53
*"And whoever defends himself after having been wronged— for such there is no blame against them."* — Surah Ash-Shura, 42:41
2. This regime is condemned from the perspective of revealed religions: The reason is that in the Judeo-Christian Bible, specifically in the Book of Exodus, Chapter 20, and the Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 5, there is a significant set of commandments known as the "Ten Commandments." One of these fundamental commandments states, "Thou shalt not kill."
3. This regime is condemned from the perspective of human and moral principles: This is because the conscience of no human being would permit the mass killing of defenseless women and children.
4. From the perspective of human rights principles and provisions, the deprivation of the right to life, the most fundamental human right and the foundation of all others, this regime is condemned, as upheld by Articles 3 and 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
5. From the standpoint of divine nature and innate human instincts, the atrocities in Gaza and Lebanon are condemned. This is echoed in the words often attributed to the children and infants of Gaza and Lebanon: “O bloodthirsty murderers, do not kill my innocent father and mother. I want to grow up in the shelter of my father’s protection and my mother’s love. If you kill my father, then at least spare my mother, for I wish to grow under her nurturing and gentle love. If you kill both my father and mother, why do you take my life too? I have only just entered this world, and according to every human code throughout history, I have the right to live, and I am without any fault.”
6. This regime is condemned even by every predatory beast and bloodthirsty wolf, for if a wolf kills, it does so only to the extent of its own capability and the sharpness of its teeth, not with the bombs gifted by the incompetent and deceitful statesmen of the USA, UK, France, and others.
7. O noble and free-hearted people of the region and the world, rise up and awaken! Join forces with the other aware individuals of the world to confront this occupying and beastly regime. If you do not act swiftly, the criminal Israel will engulf the entire region and the world in fire and blood.
"The task of delivering this human message to all the people on Earth is entrusted to you."
An Important Message
In the name of God, the Creator of existence and life
The usurping regime of Israel is condemned [due to the following reasons]:
1. According to Islamic principles, this regime is condemned, and opposing it is entirely legitimate, as evidenced by the verses of the Quran:
*"Indeed, for the wrongdoers there is a painful punishment."* — Surah Ibrahim, 14:22
*"And indeed, the wrongdoers are in clear opposition."* — Surah Al-Hajj, 22:53
*"And whoever defends himself after having been wronged— for such there is no blame against them."* — Surah Ash-Shura, 42:41
2. This regime is condemned from the perspective of revealed religions: The reason is that in the Judeo-Christian Bible, specifically in the Book of Exodus, Chapter 20, and the Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 5, there is a significant set of commandments known as the "Ten Commandments." One of these fundamental commandments states, "Thou shalt not kill."
3. This regime is condemned from the perspective of human and moral principles: This is because the conscience of no human being would permit the mass killing of defenseless women and children.
4. From the perspective of human rights principles and provisions, the deprivation of the right to life, the most fundamental human right and the foundation of all others, this regime is condemned, as upheld by Articles 3 and 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
5. From the standpoint of divine nature and innate human instincts, the atrocities in Gaza and Lebanon are condemned. This is echoed in the words often attributed to the children and infants of Gaza and Lebanon: “O bloodthirsty murderers, do not kill my innocent father and mother. I want to grow up in the shelter of my father’s protection and my mother’s love. If you kill my father, then at least spare my mother, for I wish to grow under her nurturing and gentle love. If you kill both my father and mother, why do you take my life too? I have only just entered this world, and according to every human code throughout history, I have the right to live, and I am without any fault.”
6. This regime is condemned even by every predatory beast and bloodthirsty wolf, for if a wolf kills, it does so only to the extent of its own capability and the sharpness of its teeth, not with the bombs gifted by the incompetent and deceitful statesmen of the USA, UK, France, and others.
7. O noble and free-hearted people of the region and the world, rise up and awaken! Join forces with the other aware individuals of the world to confront this occupying and beastly regime. If you do not act swiftly, the criminal Israel will engulf the entire region and the world in fire and blood.
"The task of delivering this human message to all the people on Earth is entrusted to you."
🌸بسمِ رَبِّ الشُهَدا و الصِدّیقین🌸
❣تلاوت دسته جمعی قرآن کریم هدیه به روح پاک و مطهر همه شهدا برای تعجیل در فرج آقا صاحب الزمان عجل الله تعالی فرجه الشریف انشاءالله
روزتون ورزق امروزتون شهدایی 🌸
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
🌸شروع هفته تون را پُر برکت کنید
🌸صبحتون رو معطر کنید
🌸نفستون رو خوشبو کنید
🌸به ذکر صلوات بر حضرت محمد (ص)
🌸و خاندان پاک و مطهرش
🌸برای امروزتون برکتی عظیم
🌸ومعجزه هایی بی بدیل آرزومندم❣
🌸اَللّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلی مُحَمَّدٍ
🌸وَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ
🌸وَعَجِّلْ فَرَجَهُمْ
🌹الّلهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلے مُحَمَّد وَآلِ مُحَمَّد وَعَجِّل فَرَجَهُم🌹
💎امام جعفر صادق (ع) فرمودند:
"بهشتىها چهار نشانه دارند:
➖روى گشــــاده
➖زبان نـــــــــــــرم
➖دل مهـــــــربان
➖دستِ دهنده"
📚"مجموعه ورام ج2/ ص91"
💎امام جعفرصادق (ع):
💕دل، حرم خداست
پس در حرم خدا غیر خدا را ساکن مکن
📚جامع الأخبار، ص185
ارتش آل سعود هنگام محافظت از رقاصههای خارجی
و هنگام روبرو شدن با شیرمردان یمنی.
#بی_رودرواسی🇮🇷عضو شوید👇
به نام خدای خالق هستی و حیات
رژیم غاصب اسرائیل:
۱. از لحاظ قواعد اسلامی محکوم است و مقابله با وی، کاملاً مشروع است، بهدلیل آیات قرآن :
"انّ الظّالمین لهم عذاب الیم"، سوره ابراهیم/ ۲۲؛ "و انّ الظّالمین لفی شقاق بعید"، سوره حج/ ۵۳؛ "وَلَمَنِ انْتَصَرَ بَعْدَ ظُلْمِهِ فَأُولَٰئِكَ مَا عَلَيْهِمْ مِنْ سَبِيلٍ"، سوره شوری/ ۴۱؛
۲. از لحاظ ادیان وحیانی محکوم است دلیل : کتاب مقدس یهودی مسیحی در سِفر خروج باب ۲۰ و در سِفر تثنیه باب ۵ مجموعه مهم "ده فرمان" امده است. یکی از این فرمانهای اساسی این است: "قتل مکن".
۳. از لحاظ قواعد انسانی و بشری محکوم است، به این دلیل که وجدان هیچ انسانی اجازهی کشتار دسته جمعی زنان و کودکان بیپناه را نمیدهد؛
۴. از لحاظ اصول و مواد حقوق بشر، سلب حق حیات که بدیهیترین حق انسان است و پایه تمام حقوق انسان می باشد محکوم است، بهدلیلِ مادههای ۳ و ۵ از اعلامیه جهانی حقوق بشر؛
۵. از لحاظ فطرت الهی و تمایلات طبیعی و غریزی، جنایاتِ غزّه و لبنان محکوم است، بهدلیل این گزارهی پرتکرارِ کودکان و شیرخواران غزه و لبنان: ای سفّاکان آدم کش، پدر و مادر بیگناهِ مرا نکشید. من میخواهم در سایه حمایت پدر و محبت مادرم بزرگ شوم؛ اگر پدر مرا میکشید، لااقّل مادر مرا نکشید، زیرا میخواهم از شیر مادرم در کنار عشق دلنواز او به خودم بزرگ شوم. اگر پدر و مادر مرا میکشید، چرا من را میکشید. من تازه به دنیا آمدهام و طبق تمام قواعد انسانی درطول تاریخ، حق حیات دارم و هیچ گناهی هم ندارم،
۶. حتی این رژیم از لحاظ هر حیوان درندهخو و گرگ خونآشام نیز محکوم است، به ابن دلیل که: اگر گرگ دیگران را میکُشد به اندازه توان خود و تیزی دندانهای خود این کار را انجام میدهد ، نه به اندازه بمبهای اهدایی دولتمردانِ بیکفایت و کذّابِ آمریکا، انگلیس ، فرانسه و ....؛
۷.ای انسانهای جوانمرد و آزادهی منطقه و جهان بهپاخیزید و بیدار شوید و با بقیهی انسانهای آگاهِ جهان همراه شوید و این رژیم اشغالگر و حیوانصفت را سر جای خود بنشانید و اگر دیر بجنبید، اسرائیل جنایتکار همهی منطقه و جهان را به آتش و خون خواهدکشید.
ارسال این متن انسانی به همه انسانهای روی زمین بر عهده شما