هدایت شده از 12th IMAM
❇️ عذر پذیری !
🔖 #زندگی_اسلامی
🌼 امام امیرالمومنین علی « سلام الله علیه » :
🌸 اقْبَلْ عُذْرَ أخِیکَ،وَ إنْ لَمْ یَکُنْ لَهُ عُذْرٌ فَالْتَمِسْ لَهُ عُذْراً
🍃 عذر برادرت را بپذیر و اگر عذری نداشت، عذری برایش بتراش
☀️ Imam Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (as):
🌸 Accept your brother's apology, and even if he has no excuse, you bring him an excuse.
📚 Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 74, p. 165.
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❇️ معرفت امام زمان « سلام الله علیه »!
☀️به سندی همچون صحیح از حضرت محمد باقر یا حضرت صادق « علیهما السلام » روایت است که فرمود :
🌸 بنده خدا مؤمن نخواهد بود ، مگر اینکه خدا و رسول و همه امامان را بشناسد و نیز امام زمانش را بشناسد و در تمام امور خود به او مراجعه کند و تسلیم امر وي باشد . سپس فرمود : چگونه می شود که آخرین امام را بشناسد در صورتی که اوّلین امام را نشناخته باشد ؟
❇️ In a traditional report just like authentic, it is related from His Eminence, Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) or Imam Ja’far Sadiq (as) that he said:
🔶 “No one can be a believer until he knows Allah, His Messenger (s.a.w.s.) and all the Imams (including) the Imam of his time (imam mahdi (s.a) ), and refers (everything) to him and submits to him.”
🌸 Then he said: “How can someone know the last one when he is ignorant of the first?”
📚 Usul al-Kafi, Vol. 1/180
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📳 #اندروید
❇️ اپلیکیشن « سه دقیقه در قیامت » به زبان عربی.
🔖 #تجربه_نزدیک_به_مرگ
📔 کتاب سه دقیقه در قیامت ، خاطرات یکی از مدافعین حرم که زیر عمل جراحی برای لحظههایی از دنیای خاکی میرود و تجربهای نزدیک به مرگ دارد. حقایقی درباره مرگ، برزخ، حال انسان در برزخ و بسیاری مطالب دیگر درباره حیات پس از مرگ خواهید خواند.
🔍 جستجوی پیشرفته درون متن
📝 انتخاب فونت های مختلف
✏️ تغییر اندازه فونت
➕ تغییر رنگ فونت
⭐️ علاقه مندی ها
🔀 و اشتراک گذاری متن ها
©نظر به اعلام مسئولین محترم انتشارات این اثر ( انتشارات شهید ابراهیم هادی ) نشر در فضای مجازی بلا مانع است.
📝 ترجمه : امینی خواه مدیا
⚙️ طراحی و تولید:
🌐 گروه مهدویت شهر پرندک
📩 Email: admin@the12thimam.com
🌍 www.the12thimam.com
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📳 https://myket.ir/app/Tmjda.the12thimam.com
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📳 #اندروید
❇️ تطبيق «ثلاث دقائق في القيامة»
📙 قد تمّ إصدار كتاب ثلاث دقائق في القيامة من قبل مجموعة الشهيد إبراهيم هادي الثقافية، فالكتاب رواية عن ذكريات أحد مدافعي الحرم الذي يترك الدنيا للحظات تحت عملية جراحية ليحصل علی تجربة الاقتراب من الموت، فيری في هذه الفترة القصيرة ما يصعب فهمها لعموم الناس.
🔖 ستقرؤون في هذا الكتاب، الذي رحب به القراء وتمّ نقده وتفسيره، حقائق عن الموت، والبرزخ، وحال الإنسان في البرزخ، وأشياء عدّة أخری عن الحياة بعد الموت.
🔍 بحث متقدم في النص
📝 اختيار خطوط مختلفة
✏️ تغيير حجم الخط
➕ تغيير لون الخط
⭐️ المفضلة
🔀 اشتراك النصوص
© وفقاً لما أعلنه مسؤولوا مجموعة الشهيد إبراهيم هادي المحترمون، فإن النشر في الفضاء الافتراضي دون عوائق.
📝 الترجمة: امینی خواه مدیا
⚙️ التصميم والإنتاج:
🌐 مجموعة مهدويت ـ مدينة برندك
📩 Email: admin@the12thimam.com
🌍 www.the12thimam.com
🔻 رابط التحميل 🔻
📳 https://myket.ir/app/Tmjda.the12thimam.com?lang=en
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📳 #اندروید
🔖 #انگلیسی
❇️ اپلیکیشن « سه دقیقه در قیامت » به زبان انگلیسی .
🔖 #تجربه_نزدیک_به_مرگ
📔 کتاب سه دقیقه در قیامت ، خاطرات یکی از مدافعین حرم که زیر عمل جراحی برای لحظههایی از دنیای خاکی میرود و تجربهای نزدیک به مرگ دارد. حقایقی درباره مرگ، برزخ، حال انسان در برزخ و بسیاری مطالب دیگر درباره حیات پس از مرگ خواهید خواند.
🔍 جستجوی پیشرفته درون متن
📝 انتخاب فونت های مختلف
✏️ تغییر اندازه فونت
➕ تغییر رنگ فونت
⭐️ علاقه مندی ها
🔀 و اشتراک گذاری متن ها
©نظر به اعلام مسئولین محترم انتشارات این اثر ( انتشارات شهید ابراهیم هادی ) نشر در فضای مجازی بلا مانع است.
📝 ترجمه : امینی خواه مدیا ( حجت السلام امینی خواه ).
⚙️ طراحی و تولید:
🌐 گروه مهدویت شهر پرندک
📩 Email: admin@the12thimam.com
🌍 www.the12thimam.com
🔻 لینک دانلود از مایکت 🔻
📳 https://myket.ir/app/tmjde.the12thimam.com
✅ @TheTwelfth_imam ✔️
✅ @The12thimam_com ✔️
📳 #Android
❇️ " Three minutes of Judgement Day "
➕ #NDE
📔 Three Minutes of Judgement Day published by Martyr Ibrahim Hadi Cultural Group is the memories of one of the shrine defenders who left the earthly life for some minutes and had a near death experience. In such a short period of time, he saw things which are difficult to understand by ordinary people.
◻️ you will read facts about death, purgatory (barzakh), states of people there and many other points about the life after death.
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© Martyr Ibrahim Hadi Cultural Group
📝 Translation : Aminikhaah Media (aminikhaah.ir)
⚙️ Design and production by
🌐 Mahdaviat group of Parandak town
📩 Email: admin@the12thimam.com
🌍 www.the12thimam.com
🔻 download link 🔻
📳 https://myket.ir/app/tmjde.the12thimam.com?lang=en
✅ @TheTwelfth_imam ✔️
✅ @The12thimam_com ✔️
🎥 #video
❇️ 9 / 11 Mysteries ( video)!
✴️ #september_11_Mysteries
🔖 911 Mysteries is a documentary that attempts to tell the people what really happened. It systematically deconstructs all of the propaganda you have heard about the twin towers, and replaces it with facts.
📑 This important, detailed documentary presents clear scientific analysis of the fall of the buildings at the World Trade Center and contrasts that with the official story we have been given about Sept. 11, 2001.
🌇 Tall buildings shatter in 10 seconds; steel beams buckle as if crushed by Superman; a volcano of ash darkens the sky. Can jet fuel perform such a feat?
🔍 911 Mysteries is a careful deconstruction of the official story set alongside clean, clear science. It is ninety-minutes of pure demolition evidence and analysis, laced with eye opening witness testimonials.
📌 The 9/11 picture is not one of politics or nationalism or loyalty, but one of strict and simple physics: How do you get a 10-second,110-story pancake collapse of a major structure?
🎥 This is the film that might actually reach out to mainstream America-no agenda, no finger-pointing-just the facts and “mysteries.” It is a story of people. Willie Rodriguez’s recollection of strange noises on the 34th floor, and Scott Forbes’ similar story. Who was up there bumping around just weeks before the towers fell?
✴️ This is also the story of blasting itself; how shaped charges are strategically placed to slice through steel beams, allowing total control of how a building falls. This information helps give a better understanding of how a building can be purposely set to collapse and shed insight into what happened on the fateful day of 9/11.
🔻 Video Link 🔻
🎥 https://www.aparat.com/v/IvBp2
✅ @TheTwelfth_imam ✔️
✅ @The12thimam_com ✔️
🍃🌼 In the Name of God, the All-Compassionate, the Most Merciful🍃🌼
🍃🌸 Peace be upon you, O Amir al-mu’minin Ali (s.a) 🌸🍃
🍃🌺 Peace be upon you, O Aba Saleh al-Mahdi (s.a) 🌺🍃
❇️ With the opportunity granted by the Almighty God and the blessings of Imam al-Mahdi (aj), the app of “Istighfar From Amir al-mu’minin (s.a) ” (The word 'istighfar' literally means to ask for forgiveness.) is designed and produced by Mahdaviat group of Parandak town with the aim of hastening the coming of Imam Mahdi (as).
✔️We hope it makes God and Imam al-Mahdi (a) pleased.
🔶 It is to mention that this software is free and people who help its distribution will hopefully receive a share of spiritual rewards for its designing and production.
❇️ Mohammed Baqir Sabzwari in his book 'Mafatih Najah' has narrated the incident of Amir al-mu’minin (s.a) concerning the Dua famous as 'Istegfaar Moajize Asa'
Imam Hussain (a.s.) said : one day I was sitting with my father when an Arab man came to meet him and said o commander of the faithful: I am a family man. I don't have means to raise them. O my Arab brother, why is it that you don't seek too much forgiveness that your condition becomes good. The Arab man said o commander of the faithfuls, I have done too much penance, but there is no change in my life. Then Imam recited to him the ayat of Surah-e-Nooh 10-12
🌸 فقُلْتُ اسْتَغْفِرُوا رَبَّكُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ غَفَّارً
☀️ telling [them]: ‘‘Plead to your Lord for forgiveness. Indeed, He is all-forgiving.
🌸 يرْسِلِ السَّمَاءَ عَلَيْكُم مِّدْرَارًا
☀️ He will send for you abundant rains from the sky(Heaven),
🌸ويُمْدِدْكُم بِأَمْوَالٍ وَبَنِينَ وَيَجْعَل لَّكُمْ جَنَّاتٍ وَيَجْعَل لَّكُمْ أَنْهَارًا
☀️ and aid you with wealth and sons, and provide you with gardens and provide you with streams.
🍀 Ask forgiveness of your Lord, surely He is the most Forgiving. He will send down upon you the cloud, pouring down abundance of rain. And help you with wealth and sons, and make for you gardens, and make for you rivers.
🌺 Then Imam (a.s.) continued to say that I will give you an penance that you must recite before sleeping. If you recite every night before sleeping this penance than Allah will increase your sustenance.
🌼 Imam Hussain (a.s.) says: Then my father wrote it down and while giving said again, whenever you go on the bed with the in tension of sleeping than read this penance in the state of crying. And if tears do not come than at least make a crying face.
🌸 Imam Hussain (a.s.) says : One year later the Arab came back and said, 'O Amir al-mu’minin (s.a) you had said the truth. I have so many camels and cattle that now I don't have space to tie them.'
Imam Ali (a.s.): I swear by the Allah who has made appointed the prophet, whosoever recites this penance and seeks forgiveness from Allah, he shall be forgiven and his legitimate desires will be fulfilled. And by the blessing of the penance he will be granted more children and wealth.
🔻 download link 🔻
📳 https://myket.ir/app/Esf30E.The12thimam.com?lang=en
📚 Source:
🌐 Ahlolbait Institute
🌐 duas.org
⚙️ Design and production by
🌐 Mahdaviat group of Parandak town
🌍 Country:IRAN
🌍 City/Town: PARANDAK
📳 Telegram/Eitaa : @The12thimam_com
📩 Email: admin@the12thimam.com
🌍 www.the12thimam.com
© 2020
🔖 #English
❇️ " Istighfar From Amir al-mu’minin Ali (s.a) "
📳 #Arabic - English
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❌ With the ability to delete and display translation.
🇬🇧 English translation
📚 Source:
🌐 Ahlolbait Institute
🌐 duas.org
⚙️ Design and production by
🌐 Mahdaviat group of Parandak town
🌍 Country:IRAN
🌍 City/Town: PARANDAK
📳 Telegram/Eitaa : @The12thimam_com
📩 Email: admin@the12thimam.com
🌍 www.the12thimam.com
© 2020
🔻 download link 🔻
📳 https://myket.ir/app/Esf30E.The12thimam.com?lang=en
✅ @TheTwelfth_imam ✔️
✅ @The12thimam_com ✔️
❇️ فضائل امیرالمومنین علی «سلام الله علیه »
🔖 #غدیر
🌼 پیامبر گرامی اسلام « صلی الله علیه و آله » :
🌸 اگر انبوه درختان قلم، و دريا مرکب، و تمام جنّيان حسابگر، و تمام انسانها نويسنده باشند، قادر به شمارش فضائل علي بن ابي طالب «سلام الله علیه » نخواهند بود.
🌺 لوْ اَنَّ الْفَیَّاضَ اَقْلاَمٌ وَ الْبَحْرُ مِدَادٌ وَ الْجِنُّ حُسَّابٌ وَ الْاِنْسُ کُتَّابٌ مَا اَحْصُوْا فَضَائِلَ عَلِيَّ بْنَ اَبِیْ طَالِبٍ
☀️ Prophet Muhammad (s.a) :
🍃 If all the trees and gardens turn into pens and the oceans into ink and the jinn into accountants and men into scribes, they will be unable to enumerate the merits of Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.).
📚بحارالانوار، ج 28، ص 197
📚المناقب، الموفق بن احمد الخوارزمي، چاپ چهارم، ص 32
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🔖 #Multi Language
❇️ Sermon Of Ghadir Khumm (Multi Language)
🔖 translations:
🇮🇶 Arabic translation
🇦🇿 Azerbaijani ( Azərbaycanca )translation
🇩🇪 Deutsch translation
🇬🇧 English translation
🇪🇸 Español translation
🇫🇷 Français translation
🇵🇹 portuguese (Brasil) translation
🇷🇺 Russian translation
🇹🇳 Türkçe translation
🇵🇰 Ordu translation
🇮🇷 Persian translation
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🔻 Download Link 🔻
📳 https://myket.ir/app/Sogk.the12thimam.com?lang=en
⚙️ Design and production by
🌐 Mahdaviat group of Parandak town
📳 Telegram/Eitaa : @The12thimam_com
📩 Email: admin@the12thimam.com
🌍 www.the12thimam.com
✅ @TheTwelfth_imam ✔️
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#Allah (#God) #prophetmuhammad
#Islamic #islam
❇️ Imam #Sadiq(s): Whoever recites a #single verse of #poetry about #Hussain(s), crying as a result and making ten other #people #cry, becomes deserving of #Paradise and so do they.
#life #live
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