🌼 #伊玛目马赫迪
🌸 #救主
🔴 人们啊!我是来自真主的光!(伊玛目马赫迪显世时对人们的号召)
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✅ Imam Ali’s (a) Beautiful Encounter with His Killer
🔶 Generosity is among great attributes of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) and these attributes have been the reason that God the Almighty appointed these fourteen lights, i.e. the Ahl al-Bayt (a), His proof and vicegerents among creations in the world. They were ones who expressed kindness and forgiveness even toward their killers. Here, we will mention a little example of Imam Ali’s (a) kindness and forgiveness.
🔶 About his killer (Ibn Muljam), Imam Ali (a) advised as follows:
🍃 When Imam Ali (a) became conscious, he (a) opened his eyes and said, ‘O angels of my God! Be tolerant with me!” Then, his eyes fell on his killer (Ibn Muljam) whose hands were tied. With a weak voice, though full of kindness, Imam (a) said, ‘O Ibn Muljam! You committed a grave deed and a tremendous crime. Was I a bad Imam (a) for you that you rewarded me this way? Did not I do good to you or add to your privileges? Did not I leave you free and return from the path of deviation while they reported to me about you that you were so and such?” Then, Imam (a) turned to his son, Hasan (a) and said, “O my son! Be tolerant with your captive; and treat him kindly and with mercy; for not you see how his eyes are rolling in fear and his heart is in distress!”
🌸 Imam al-Hasan (a) said, “this cursed man struck you and has made our heart painful; now, you order that I treat him with tolerance?!” Imam Ali (a) said, “yes, my son! We are the Ahl al-Bayt (a) of mercy and forgiveness. For the right I have upon you, feed him from your own food, and give him from your own drink. Do not chain or handcuff him.”
🌼 This great generosity and mercy even toward his killer is among the most beautiful attributes of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) and shows well whom God has bestowed his mission upon.
🔖 Note: After Ibn Muljam’s strike on the head of Imam Ali (a), Imam (a) was in bed for some days and then he (a) was martyred because the sword was poisoned.
📚 Bihar al-Anwar, vol., p. 287.
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🔴 Ó #povo do mundo, observai! Eu sou o remanescente da luz de #Deus! (#Mensagem #universal do Imam #Mahdi (que a paz de Deus esteja com ele) para as pessoas do mundo quando ele #aparecer)!
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✅ The beautiful story of dried Oat bread and roast duck (Imam Ali’s (a) way of governance)
🔻 Ahnaf ibn Qays narrates:
One day I went to the court of Mu’awiya (who was the enemy of the Ahl al-Bayt (as)) and saw they brought so many different (colorful) foods that I did not know the names of some of them.
🔶 I asked: What is this food?
🔷 Mu’awiya replied: It is a duck filled with mixed sheep’s brain, fried with pistachio oil and covered with a sausage made from sugar cane.
🔶 Ahnaf ibn Qays says: I cried uncontrollably.
🔷 Mu’awiya asked in surprise: What is the reason for your crying?
🌼 I said: I remembered Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) when I was a guest at his house.
🔶 Then they brought a sealed tablecloth.
🌸 So I asked Imam Ali (as): What is on this tablecloth?
🍃 He (a) answered: Oat bread (dried and hard).
🔶 I said, “You are generous, so why are you hiding your food?” (that is, are you stingy?)
🌼 Imam Ali (a) replied: This is not out of miserliness, but I am afraid that Hassan and Hussein will soften the bread with olive oil or ghee.
🔶 I said: Is this forbidden?
🌸 Imam Ali (a), who was caliph of Muslims at that time, said: No, but it is necessary for the ruler of the Islamic Ummah to eat like the poorest people, lest their poverty cause them to disbelieve, so that whenever poverty put them under pressure, they could say:
🍃 It is not hard to us, since the table (i.e. food) of our caliph Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (a) is also like ours.
🌼 This is the way of governance and compassion of Imam Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (as) towards people of his ummah.
⁉️ How many of the world’s presidents or leaders do you think are like that? Do they treat their people fairly? Do they think of the poorest people in their society?
🔖 But the good and important news is that the way of conduct of the Twelfth Imam (a) is also like his noble forefather, Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (a), and after his coming, he will treat fairly and eradicate oppression, corruption, and poverty in the world, and under his rule, People will get rich.
📚 Al-Fusul al-‘Illiyah, page 51.
📚 Yanabi’ al-Mawada, page 172.
📚 Asl al-Shi’a wa Usulaha, page 65.
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✅ Speaking of Imam Ali (a) with the souls of the dead!
🔶 Habba ‘Arani said, “Imam Ali (a) and I went out of Kufa at noon. He (a) stopped in Wadi al-Salam and it was as if he (a) was speaking with some people. I stood with him until I became tired and sat as long as I became tired and stood again until I became tired like the first time and sat so long I became tired and stood up again and wrapped up my cloak and told Imam (a), “O Amir al-Mu’minin (a)! I pitied you for so long standing! You may take a rest for an hour.” Then, I spread my cloak on the ground for him to sit on it. He (a) said, “O Habba, it was not just a stop and standing, but speaking with a believer and communicating with him.”
🍃 I said, “O Amir al-Mu’minin (a)! Do dead ones make any communication?”
🌼 He (a) said, “If the curtains are removed from your eyes, you will see them sitting and speaking in circles.”
🍃 I asked, “are they objects or souls.”
🌸 He (a) said, “they are souls and no believer dies in any land except his soul is told to move to Wadi al-Salam, which is a hall from the Garden of Eden.”
📚 (1) Furu’ Kafi, vol. 1, p. 66.
📚 (2) Sisad-o bist dastan as mo’jezat va keramat-e Imam Ali (a), Abbas Azizi.
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✅ Life Conduct of Imam al-Sadiq (s.a) toward Talebearers
🔶 A person went to Imam al-Sadiq (a) and said,
🍃 “O Son of the Prophet (a)! I heard that your cousin insulted and slandered you.”
🌼 When he finished his talk, Imam al-Sadiq (a) began performing prayer. That talebearer thought that Imam (a) would curse his cousin in the prayer; but, contrary to his expectation, after Imam (a) finished the prayer, supplicated to God, “O My Lord! I forgave him; and Your generosity is greater than mine; so, forgive him and do not punish him for this action of his.”
🍃 By hearing this supplication, that talebearer got up in shame and went.
🌸 This is among the conducts of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) of the honorable Prophet (a) toward their enemies. By seeing such beautiful manners of the Ahl al-Bayt (a), we learn that God(Allah) knows whom He assigns with the prophethood and imamate and whom He appoints as His proof and vicegerent among His creation.
📚 Jami‘ al-Ahadith al-Shi’a, vol. 7, p. 457, hadith no. 36.
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🔴 Manner and Beautiful Reply to A Man’s Insult
🍃 One of the relatives of Imam al-Sajjad (a) stood against him and insulted him.
🌸 Imam al-Sajjad (a) stood silent and did not reply.
After that man went, Imam (a) told the people there,
“You heard what he said, now you come with me to hear my reply.”
🔶 They said, “we’ll come [with you]! We also would like to reply to him.”
They went to the house of the insulter all together. Imam (a) told the servant of the house,
▫️ “Tell your master that Ali b. al-Husayn (a) is standing at the door.”
The insulter came out ready to attack while he expected Imam’s (a) revenge.
🌼 But, Imam al-Sajjad (a) mildly said,
🌸 “O brother! Just a moment ago, you came to us and said what you wanted; if that [you said] exists in me, I ask God for forgiveness about it and if it is not in me, I ask God to forgive you.”
🍃 The man was embarrassed and kissed the forehead of Imam (a) and said,
💠 “What I said did not exist in you and I myself better deserve them!”
🌼 The companions of Imam al-Sajjad (a) said that on the way, Imam (a) recited the verse 134 of sura Al ‘Imran(The Holy Quran),
🌸 “…and [those who] suppress their anger, and excuse [the faults of] the people, and Allah(God) loves the virtuous;”
📚 Al-Irshad, vol. 2, p. 145.
📚 Bihar al-anwar, vol. 46, p. 54.
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🔴 #video
✅ #September 9 / 11 Mysteries !
🔖 911 Mysteries is a documentary that attempts to tell the people what really happened. It systematically deconstructs all of the propaganda you have heard about the twin towers, and replaces it with facts.
📎 This important, detailed documentary presents clear scientific analysis of the fall of the buildings at the World Trade Center and contrasts that with the official story we have been given about Sept. 11, 2001.
🎥 #video Link 👇👇👇
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🔴 Islam began with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and continued with Imam Hussein (PBUH); But some people stood up against Imam Hussein to deviate and destroy Islam. What ISIS is showing about Islam today are those who fought against Imam Hussein and martyred him.
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