❇️ دوستداران حسین « سلام الله علیه » .
♦️ #الحسین_یجمعنا
🌼 حذَيفةُ بنُ الَيمانِ : رَأيتُ النَبيَّ صلى الله عليه وآله آخِذاً بِيَدِ الحُسينُ بنُ عَليٍعليهما السلام وَهُوَ يَقولُ : يا أيُّها النّاسُ هذا الحُسَينُ بنُ عَليٍّ فاعرِفوهُ ، فَوَالَّذي نَفسي بِيَدِهِ إنَّهُ لَفي الجَنَّةِ وَمُحِبّيهِ في الجَنَّةِ وَمُحبّي مُحِبّيهِ في الجَنَّةِ
🌸 به نقل از حذيفة بن يمان : پيامبر « صلى الله عليه و آله » را ديدم كه دست حسين بن على « سلام الله علیه » را گرفته است و مى فرمايد : اى مردم ! اين حسين بن على است . او را بشناسيد . سوگند به آن كه جانم در دست (قدرت) اوست، او در بهشت است، و دوستدارانش در بهشتند و دوستداران دوستدارانش نيز در بهشتند .
🌺 侯宰法•本•叶玛尼说:“我看见穆圣拉着侯赛因的手说:‘人们啊!这是侯赛因,是阿里的儿子,你们要记住他,指掌管我生命的安拉起誓,他必定进入乐园,喜爱他的人,以及他的朋友的朋友都将进入乐园。”
📚 الأمالي للصدوق : ۴۷۸/۴.
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❇️ Imam al-Sajjad’s (a) #Beautiful Encounter with a Man who Bothered Him
🌼 Hisham b. Isma’il was Umayyad governor of Medina. He bothered people a lot and bothered Imam al-Sajjad (a) more than others.
🌸 Eventually, Walid dismissed him and ordered to tie him in the middle of the town so that people go and take their revenge from him. People went one by one and took their revenge from him.
◻️ Hisham said, “I fear Ali b. Husayn (a) more than anyone, because his revenge would be severe because of my bothering and the curses and abuses I made toward his grandfather Ali b. Abi Talib (a).”
☀️ Imam al-Sajjad (a) was passing by Hisham and saw him. Imam (a) told his companions, “our manner is not that we kick the fallen and take revenge of the enemy.”
🍃 When Imam (a) was going toward Hisham b. Isma’il, he became so terrified, but opposite to his expectation, Imam al-Sajjad (a) greeted him loudly and shook hand with him. Imam (a) expressed sympathy for him and told him,
◻️ “I’m ready to do any help I can give.”
🔶 Hisham shouted, “God knows whom He assigns with His mission.”
♦️ After this incident, people of Medina stopped taking revenge from him.
📚 Tarikh Tabari, vol. 6, p. 526.
📚 Sharh al-Akhbar, vol. 3, p. 260.
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❇️ Service and Assistance of Imam al-Sajjad (s) to his Fellow Travelers
🌼 Imam al-Sadiq (a) said,
🌸 “In his travels, Imam al-Sajjad (a) accompanied someone who did not know Imam (a), so that he (a) could help them and serve in the affairs of the caravan.
☀️ Once, he (a) went on a travel with a caravan who did not know him. He (a) did not spare offering any service toward his companions and some people, who saw his services, abused them by telling Imam al-Sajjad (a) to do all their errands!
🍃 They went on until someone met the caravan on the way and knew Imam al-Sajjad (a) and saw him gathering firewood. The man asked the people in the caravan, ‘Do you know this honorable man?’ They answered, no! He said, ‘he (a) is Ali b. al-Husayn (a)!” (Imam and the proof of God upon all the existence)
🌸 The companions of Imam (a), who just knew Imam (a), rushed to him and kissed his hands and feet and said, ‘did you want us to be inflicted with divine punishment? If we bothered you with hand or tongue out of ignorance, what should we do?”
🌺 Imam al-Sajjad (a) said, “Once, I went to travel with a caravan and they knew me. For the sake of the Prophet (a), they respected and served me in a manner I was not worthy of (meaning that even though Imam (a) was infallible and the vicegerent of God, he (a) did not consider himself superior); therefore, I lost the opportunity to do good (i.e. serving the fellow travelers); this time, I came with you so that I do not have the same problem, because I love traveling anonymously and serving fellow travelers more!”
🌼 Imam al-Sajjad (a) became upset of the person who introduced him, and told him, “you should have not introduced me.”
🍃 Then, Imam al-Sajjad (a) separated from the caravan and continued the travel alone.
📚 Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 11, p. 21.
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❇️ سیرت و صورت مهدی « سلام الله علیه »
☀️ #ظهور
🔥 #اخرالزمان
🌼رسول اللَّه « صلی الله علیه وآله وسلم » :
🌸 مهدي از فرزندان من است؛ نامش نام من وکنیه اش کنیه من ، شبیه ترین مردم به من از لحاظ اخلاق و خلقت است ، غیبت و حیرتی خواهد داشت که امّتها در آن گمراه می شوند ، مانند ستاره شهاب می آید . پس زمین را از قسط و عدل آکنده می سازد همچنان که از ظلم و ستم پر شده باشد.
☀️ Prophet Muhammad (s) :
🍃 #Mahdi (s) is from my progeny, his name is same as mine and his patronymic is (also) same as mine. He most closely resembles me by way of #manners and appearance. He will have #occultation and astonishment; such that #people will go astray in it. Prophet (s) said , Then he (Mahdi (s)) will appear #like a shooting #star. He will fill the #earth with #justice and #equity as it would have been teeming with tyranny and #oppression.”
📚 Kamaluddin; Vol. 1/287
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❇️ شرافت امام مهدی « سلام الله علیه »!
🔖 #وظایف
🔖 #منتظران
🌼 سئِلَ أَبُو عَبْدِ اللَّهِ «سلام الله علیه » هَلْ وُلِدَ الْقَائِمُ« سلام الله علیه » ؟ : فَقَالَ لَا وَ لَوْ أَدْرَكْتُهُ لَخَدَمْتُهُ أَيَّامَ حَيَاتِي.
🌸 از حضرت امام صادق « سلام الله علیه » سؤال شد : آیا قائم « سلام الله علیه » متولد شده است ؟ فرمود : خیر ، اگر او را درک میکردم تمام عمر خود را صرف خدمتش میکردم.
☀️ Nobility Of Imam Mahdi (s.a)
🍃 It is mentioned in Bihar, quoting from Nomani through his own chain of authorities that Imam Ja’far Sadiq(s.a) was asked : Has the Qaim (Imam Mahdi(S.a)) taken birth? The Imam replied: “No, but if I live till his time I shall serve him all my life.
🔖 #jesus
📚 Biharul Anwar; Vol. 51, Pg. 148
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❇️ مقام امیرالمومنین علی « سلام الله علیه » و شیعیانش !
🔖 المقربون
🔖 السابقون
💎 #شیعه
🌼 ابنُ عبّاسٍ قال : سَألَت رسولَ اللّه « صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم » عن قولِ اللّه ِ عَزَّ و جلَّ : «و السّابِقُونَ السابِقُونَ * أُولئكَ المُقَرَّبُونَ» . قالَ لي جَبرَئيلُ : ذاكَ عَلِيٌّ و شِيعَتُهُ ، هُمُ السابِقونَ إلَى الجَنَّةِ المُقَرَّبُونَ مِنَ اللّه ِ بكَرامَتِهِ لَهُم
🌸 ابن عبّاس از رسول خدا « صلى الله عليه و آله و سلم » درباره اين آيه پرسيد : «و پيشتازان پيشى گيرنده، آنان مقرّبانند » ، حضرت فرمود : جبرئيل « سلام الله علیه » به من گفت : آنها على « سلام الله علیه » و شيعيان اويند . آنان پيشتازانِ به سوى بهشتند و به لطف و كرامت خداوند ، به او نزديكند .
🍃 Ibn Abbas said, ‘I asked Prophet #Muhammad (s) about Words of #Allah (God) Mighty and Majestic: And the foremost are the foremost [ #Quran 56:10]These are the ones of proximity [ Quran 56:11], so he said: ‘#Gabriel (s) as said to me that is #Ali (s) and his #Shias, they will be the foremost to the Paradise, the ones of proximity from Allah by His Prestige for them’’.
📚 Bihar Al Anwaar – V 24,
📚 The book of Imamate, P 1 Ch 23 H 13
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❇️ نور امام مهدی « سلام الله علیه »!
🔖 در تفسیر البرهان و غیر آن از جابر بن عبداللَّه انصاري روایت شده که فرمود :
🔶 داخل مسجد کوفه شدم دیدم امیرالمؤمنین « صلوات اللَّه و سلامه علیه » با انگشت چیزي می نویسد و تبسّم می کند ، عرض کردم : یا امیرالمؤمنین چه موجب خنده شما شده ؟
🌼 فرمود : در شگفتم از کسی که این آیه را می خواند ولی به معنی آن به طوري که شایسته است معرفت ندارد . عرض کردم ، کدام آیه یا امیرالمؤمنین ؟
🌸 فرمود : اللَّهُ نُورُ السَّمواتِ وَ الْاَرْضِ مَثَلُ نُورِهِ کَمِشکوه؛
☀️ مشکوه محمد « صلی الله علیه وآله و سلم » است .
☀️ فیها مِصْباحٌ؛ مصباح من هستم .
☀️ فی زُجاجَهٍ؛ زجاجه حسن و حسین می باشند ،
☀️ کاَنَّهُ کُوکَبٌ دُرّيٌ ، علی بن الحسین است .
☀️ یوقَدُ مِنْ شَجَرِهٍ مُبارَکَهٍ محمد بن علی است .
☀️ زیْتُونَهٍ جعفر بن محمد است .
☀️ لا شَرْقِیَّهٍ موسی بن جعفر است .
☀️ و لا غَرْبِیَّهٍ ، علی بن موسی است .
☀️ یکادُ زَیتُها یُضِئ محمد بن علی است .
☀️ و لَوْ لَمْ تَمْسَسْهُ نارٌ ، علی بن محمد است .
☀️ نورٌ عَلی نُورٍ حسن بن علی است .
☀️ یهْدي اللَّهُ لِنُورِهِ مَنْ یَشاءُ ، قائم مهدي است .
🌸 و یَضْرِبُ اللَّهُ الْاَمْثالَ لِلنَّاسِ وَ اللَّهُ بِکُلِّ شَی ءٍ عَلیمٌ.
❇️ in Tafseer Burhan and other books it is narrated from Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari that he said:
“I entered the Kufa Masjid to find Amirul Momineen (as) writing something with his finger and smiling at the same time. I asked most politely: O Amirul Momineen (as), what is the reason behind your smile?
🌼 He replied: I am astonished at the one who reads this verse but is not cognizant about its meaning in the way it deserves to be. I asked: Which verse, O Amirul Momineen (as)?
🌸 He said: “Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth; a likeness of His light is as a niche…”
☀️ The ‘niche’ is Muhammad (S).
☀️ “in which is a lamp, I am the lamp.
☀️ the lamp is in a glass, The glass is Hassan and Hussain.
☀️ (and) the glass is as it were a brightly shining star,It is Ali bin al-Hussain.
☀️ lit from a blessed , It is Muhammad bin Ali.
☀️ olive-tree, It is Ja’far bin Muhammad.
☀️ neither eastern , It is Moosa bin Ja’far.
☀️ nor western, It is Ali bin Moosa.
☀️ the oil whereof almost gives light , It is Muhammad bin Ali.
☀️ though fire touch it not , It is Ali bin Muhammad.
☀️ light upon light.. , It is Hassan bin Ali.
☀️ Allah guides to His light whom He pleases, Qaim, Mahdi (aj).
🌸 “and Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is Cognizant of all things.”
📚 Tafseer Al-Burhan; Vol. 3, Pg. 136, Under the exegesis of verse 24:40
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❇️ Awareness of the original and hidden names (miracle of Imam Sajjad (a))
🔖 #Ahl_al_Bayt
🔶 Abu Khalid Kabuli had long been in the service of Muhammad ibn Hanafiyya, and regarded him as the rightful Imam. Until one day he came to him and said: “I have some respects. So I ask you by the honor of the Messenger of God and Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (peace be upon them), if you are the Imam, God has made his obedience obligatory?
◻️ Muhammad ibn Hanafiyya said: “The Imam of you and I, and all Muslims, is Ali ibn Hussain, Sajjad (a).”
🍃 So Abu Khalid came to Imam Sajjad (a), who greeted him saying:
🌸 “O Kankar, well done! You didn’t come to visit us! What has made you come here?”
◻️ Abu Khalid, when heard this, fell prostrate and said: “Praise be to God who does not take my soul until I knew my Imam.”
☀️ Imam Sajjad (a) said: “How did you know your Imam?”
♦️ Abu Khalid said: “You called me by the name that my mother had called. And I was ignorant and served Muhammad b. Hanafiyya, until I asked him today by the honor of the Prophet (a) and Imam Ali (a) if he is the rightful Imam?!
🍃 And he guided me to you and said that you are the Imam, who everyone is obliged to obey; and now that I came to your presence, you called me by my original name. So, I realized that you are the Imam of the Muslims (that is, you are aware of all secrets and the unseen).”
🌸 Abu Khalid continued: “When my mother gave birth to me, she called me “Vardan”. And since my father did not like it, she called me “Kankar”. And by God no one had ever called me by that name. So, I testify that you are Imam of the heavens and the earth.”
🌼 This is a glimpse of the status of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) and one of the peculiarities of the Proof of God and rightful Imam, which indicates that they are aware of the secrets from the past to the future. So they, including Imam Mahdi (a), are leading Imams and treasures of divine knowledge.
🔖 Abū Khālid al-Kābulī al-Wardān (Arabic: أبوخالد الکابلی الوردان), known as Kankar (کنکر), was a companion and hadith transmitter (or rawi) of Imam al-Sajjad (a) and Imam al-Baqir (a). He was born in Kabul in Afghanistan, and after immigration to Medina, he became a companion of Imam al-Sajjad (a).
📚 Al-Khara’ij wa al-Jara’ih, vol. 1, p. 261.
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هدایت شده از 12th IMAM
📳 #اپلیکیشن_اندروید
🔴 اپلیکیشن زیارت اربعین چند زبانه (قلم هوشمند) ✔️
🔖 انچه در این نرم افزار تقدیم شما شده است :
🔉 قرائت صوتی
🌀 اسکرول خودکار
✏️ قلم هوشمند با مداح برجسته (محسن فرهمند ازاد )
🔍 تغییر اندازه متن و ترجمه
❇️ ترجمه فارسی
✴️ ترجمه آلمانی
🔠 ترجمه انگلیسی
❇️ ترجمه اسپانیایی
✴️ ترجمه فرانسوی
🔠 ترجمه اندونزیایی
❇️ ترجمه ترکیه ای
✴️ آوانگاری آلمانی
🆎 آوانگاری انگلیسی
❇️ آوانگاری فرانسوی
✴️ آوانگاری ترکیه ای
❌ قابلیت حذف و نمایش ترجمه و آوانگاری .
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❇️ اپلیکیشن زیارت اربعین چند زبانه (قلم هوشمند) ✔️
🔉 قرائت صوتی
🌀 اسکرول خودکار
✏️ قلم هوشمند با مداح برجسته (محسن فرهمند ازاد )
🔍 تغییر اندازه متن و ترجمه .
❇️ ترجمه فارسی
✴️ ترجمه آلمانی
🔠 ترجمه انگلیسی
❇️ ترجمه اسپانیایی
✴️ ترجمه فرانسوی
🔠 ترجمه اندونزیایی
❇️ ترجمه ترکیه ای
❌ قابلیت حذف و نمایش ترجمه و آوانگاری .
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🔖 #الحسین_یجمعنا
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🔖 #Hussain
🔖 #Arbaeen2020
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❇️ نیروی 40 مرد و رهبران جهان !
💥 #ظهور
🌼 حضرت سیّد الساجدین علی بن الحسین « سلام الله علیه » فرمود : هنگامی که قائم ما « عجّل اللَّه فرجه » بپاخیزد ، خداوند « عزّ و جل » از شیعیان ما آفات را دور می سازد و دلهایشان را مانند قطعه اي از آهن قرار می دهد و نیروي هر یک از مردانشان را به مقدار چهل مرد میگرداند و آنها حکام و سران زمین خواهند بود!
🌸 Imam Ali Ibne Hussain (as) said:
🍃 “When our Qaim arises, Allah, the Mighty and Sublime would remove the troubles of our Shias and make their hearts like iron ingots and each of them would become as strong as forty men and they shall become the rulers and leaders of the earth.”
📚 Biharul Anwar; Vol. 52, Pg. 316
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❇️ علم نبی و ولی « سلام الله علیهما »
🌼 از ابو بصیر از امام محمد باقر « سلام الله علیه » روایت میکند که فرمود :
🌸 از امام علی«سلام الله علیه » دربارۀ علم پیامبر«صلی الله علیه و اله و سلم » سؤال شد. آن حضرت فرمود: علم پیامبر اسلام، علمِ همۀ انبیای پیشین و علم حوادث گذشته و حوادث آینده تا روز قیامت است. سپس فرمود: به خدایی که جانم به دست اوست، من از علوم پیامبر«صلی الله علیه و اله و سلم» آگاهی دارم و به تمام حوادث گذشته و آینده از زمان خودم تا روز قیامت مطلعم.
☀️ Imam Baqir (s.a) said :
🍃 Ali (s.a) was asked about the Prophet’s knowledge. He replied, The Prophet (s.a) possessed the combined wisdom of all the prophets of the past, the knowledge of all the events that took place in the past, and all that is going to happen in future. He then added, By Him who gave life to me, I possess all that knowledge and the knowledge of the events until Doomsday.
📚 Basa’ir al-Darajat, p.127
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❇️ اساس اسلام !
🔖 #امامت
🌼 الإمامُ الرِّضا « سلام الله علیه » :
إنَّ الإمامةَ اُسُّ الإسلامِ النّامي، و فَرْعُهُ السّامي .
🌸 امام رضا « سلام الله علیه » :
امامت ريشه بالنده اسلام و شاخه برافراشته آن است.
☀️ Imam Reza (s.a) :
🍃 Verily Imama (divinely appointed #leadership of the #twelve Imams) is the ever-growing #root of #Islam as well as its lofty branch.
📚 Al-Kafi , vol 1 , p 200 , no 1
🌐 hadithlib
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❇️ حدیث شجره !
🔖 #شیعیان
🌼 پيامبر اکرم « صلی الله علیه و اله و سلم » فرمود:
🌸 اى على! مردم از درخت دیگری خلق شدهاند و من و تو از يك درخت آفريده شده ايم. من ريشه آن درختم و تو تنه آن و حسن و حسين « سلام الله علیهما » شاخه هايش و شیعیان برگهایش . پس هر كه به شاخه اى از آن بياويزد خداوند او را به بهشت درمى آورد.
☀️ Prophet Muhammad (s.a) said :
🍃 O `Ali (s.a), people are like creations from different trees, but we are created as parts of a single tree. I am its root you are its trunk. al-Hassan (s.a) and al-Hussain (s.a) are its branches while our friends [Shiah] are like the leaves of the tree. Whoever gets attached to any one of the branches is assured of a place allotted to him in Paradise by Allah (God).
📚 Uyun-e Akhbar-e Reza , vol 2 , p 73
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❇️ فضلیت زیارت امام رضا « سلام الله علیه » !
🌼 رسول خدا « صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم » فرمود:
🌸 «به زودی پاره تن من در سرزمین خراسان دفن خواهد شد، هیچ مومنی او را زیارت نمی کند، مگر آن که خدای عزوجل بهشت را بر او واجب و جسدش را بر آتش حرام می گرداند.»
☀️ Porphet Muhammad (s.a):
🍃 Soon, a part of my body will be buried in Khurasan, and whoever from among the #believers goes there on #pilgrimage, #Allah (#God) will surely destine them to #Paradise, and their body will be forbidden (haram) to the #Hell-fire.
📚 Uyun-e Akhbar-e Reza , vol 2 , p 257
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❇️ زیارت امام رضا « سلام الله علیه » و بخشش گناهان !
🔖 #آمرزش
🌼 امام امیرالمومنین علی « سلام الله علیه » فرمود:
🌸 در آینده مردی از نسل فرزندم که هم نام من است و پدرش هم نام موسی بن عمران « سلام الله علیه » است در سرزمین خراسان با زهر جفا به شهادت می رسد. بدانید هرکس او را درحال غربت زیارت کند، خداوند گناهان گذشته وآینده اش را می بخشد، اگر چه به اندازه ریگ-های بیابان( به تعداد ستارگان) و قطرات باران و برگهای درختان باشد.
☀️ Imam Ali (s):
🍃 A man from among my progeny will be wrongfully murdered in the #land of Khurasan (is a #city in iran); his name is [the same as] my name, his father’s name is [like] the name of Musa b, ‘Imran’s name; let it be #known that whoever #visits him in his desolation, #God will #forgive his sins of the past and #future, even though they may be as many as the #number of the #stars,drops of #water,and leaves of the #trees.
📚 Story Of The Sun , p 78
📚 Biharul Anwar; Vol. 102, Pg. 287
🌐 masjed
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✏️ His pen wrote by itself (a miracle from Imam Hasan al-Askari (a))
🔖 #Miracle
❇️ Husayn b. Abd al-Wahhab in the book ’Uyun al-Mu’jizat, narrates from Abu Hashim who said: “I went to Imam Askari (a) while he was writing a letter. By the time of prayer, Imam (a) gave up writing the letter and began performing prayer.
🔶 I saw that his pen by itself moved on the paper and wrote the rest of the letter until it was finished.
🔴 Surprised by seeing this miracle, I prostrated before the One God, and when the Imam finished the prayer, he took the pen and allowed people to meet him.
📚Uyun al-Mu’jizat, p. 134.
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❇️ خورشید ، ماه ، ستاره !
🔖 #اهل_البیت
🌼 پیامبر اعظم « صلی الله علیه و اله و سلم » فرمود:
🌸 أنا کالشّمس و علیٌّ کالقمر و أهل بیتی کَالنّجوم بأیِّهِم إقْتَدَیْتُمْ إهْتَدَیْتُم؛
☀️ من چون خورشیدم و علی چون ماه و اهل بیت من همچون ستارگان. به هر کدام از آن ها اقتدا نمایید، هدایت می شوید.
☀️ Prophet Muhammad (s.a) :
🍃 I am like the sun and `Ali (s.a) is like the Moon. [The Imams from] My progeny are like the stars from any one of whom you may seek guidance.
📚 Awali ul Tawali, vol. 4. p. 86
🌐 Ensani
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❇️ The #Life Conduct of the #Prophet Muhammad (a) against the Enemy after he (a) Reached the #Power
🔶 The great army of #Islam arrived near #Mecca. Sa‘d b. ‘Ibada held the banner of the #army of Islam, while he recited the #following poem, “Today is the day of #battle. Today, [your life and property] are considered permissible [to cease]. Today, God humiliates Quraysh.”
🌼 The Prophet (a) became very upset of hearing that and in order that people of Mecca do not have despair and disappointment, immediately said, “Today is the day of clemency, the day God honors Quraysh, the day #God exalted the Kaaba.”
🌸 Then, he (a) dismissed Sa‘d and appointed Ali (a) instead of him and ordered him to take the #banner of Islam from Sa‘d immediately.
🍃 This way, the powerful army of Islam entered Mecca with 10 thousand armed forces and Imam #Ali (a) was the #flag bearer reciting the slogan of #mercy.
📚 Sirah Halabi, vol. 3, p. 22.
📚 Sirah Ibn Hisham, vol. 4, p. 49.
📚 Sharh Nahj al-balagha, Ibn Abi al-Hadid, vol. 17, p. 272.
📚 Bihar al-anwar, vol. 21, p. 105.
📚 Tarikh Tabari, vol. 2, p. 334.
📚 Kamil, Ibn Athir, vol. 1, p. 614.
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❇️ صدیق و فاروق و کشتی نجات !
🔖 #ولایت
🌼رسول الله « صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم » :
🌸 لکُلِ أُمَّهًْ صِدِّیقٌ وَ فَارُوقٌ وَ صِدِّیقُ هَذِهِ الْأُمَّهًْ وَ فَارُوقُهَا عَلِیُّبْنُأَبِیطَالِبٍ « سلام الله علیه » إِنَّ عَلِیّاً « سلام الله علیه » سَفِینَهًْ نَجَاتِهَا وَ بَابُ حِطَّتِهَا.
🍃 هر امّتی، صدّیق و فاروقی (جداکنندهی حق از باطل) دارد و صدیق و فاروق این امّت، علیّبنابیطالب « سلام الله علیه » است؛ همانا علی « سلام الله علیه » کشتی نجات و دروازهی حطّه (دروازهی آمرزش و غفران) این امّت است.
☀️ Prophet Muhammad (s.a):
🍃 Every #community has its ‘Siddiq’ [the most #truthful] and the Faruq [one who distinguishes #right from wrong].The Siddiq and the Faruq in my community is `Ali ibn Abi-Talib (s.a). For my community `Ali (s.a) is the ark of #salvation and the means of Redemption.
📚 Tafsir-e-Noorus Saqalain vol.1, p. 82;
📚 Isbatul Hudat vol.2, p.28;
🌐 Alvahy
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❇️ Imam al-Hadi’s (a) Miracle, Power and Army of Angels
☀️ Imam al-Hadi (a) sometimes decided to show his spiritual power and wilaya in creation to tyrants of his time through wonder including the following case:
🌸 To threaten and frighten Imam (a), Abbasid Mutawakkil summoned him and ordered that each of his soldiers provide a sack of red soil and pour them in a place.
◻️ His 90 thousand soldiers piled up the sacks and made a great pile of soil. Mutawakkil and Imam al-Hadi (a) went up the pile and armed soldiers paraded in front of them.
🔶 The tyrant Abbasid caliph wanted to bully Imam (a) and prevent him from making any uprising. To thwart this plan, Imam (a) told Mutawakkil, “do you want to see my army and soldiers?”
🌼 As a miracle of Imam al-Hadi (a), Mutawakkil, who did not expect Imam (a) to have any soldiers and weapons, suddenly saw that armed angels obedient to Imam (a) and ready to serve him filled the space between the earth and the sky. By seeing them, Mutawakkil was terrified and fell unconscious on the ground. When he became conscious again, Imam (a) said,
🍃 “We do not argue with you in this world, since we are busy with the hereafter; so, it is not as you assume [about us].”
📚 Al-Khara’ij wa al-Jara’ih, p. 400, no. 6;
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❇️ Tell me about that which is not of Allah(God), that which Allah does not have, and that which Allah does not know!’
🌼 Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) said, “Once, a Jew came to Amir’ul- Mu’minin Imam Ali (a.s.) and said to him, ‘Tell me about that which is not of Allah(God), that which Allah does not have, and that which Allah does not know!’
🌸 Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) said, ‘What Allah does not know is that He does not know (accept) that He has a child. This refutes your (the Jews’) saying that Uzayr is the son of Allah. As for that which is not of Allah, it is injustice because there is no injustice with Allah against His people. And as for your saying about that which Allah does not have, it is that Allah has no partner.’
🔶 The Jew was astonished and became Muslim. He declared the shahada and then said to Imam ‘Ali (a.s.), ‘I bear witness that you are the truth, from the people of truth, and have said the truth.’
🍃 Imam ‘Ali (s.a) was the gate of the City of the Prophet’s knowledge. If he was given his right (in the caliphate), he would have given verdicts to the people of the Bible from their Bible, to the people of the Psalms (Zabur) from their Psalms, and to the people of the Torah from their Torah. He often said that if the caliphate (vicegerency) had come to him after the death(Martyr) of the Prophet (S), every Jew or Christian would have turned Muslim and followed the path of the truth.
📚 The Life of Imam ‘Ali al-Hadi,
📚 Ma’athir al-Kubara’
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❇️ 313 « یاور »
🌼 امام موسي كاظم «سلام الله علیه» :
🌸 اگر به تعداد اهل بدر در میان شما [یاوری] بود، قائم ما قیام میکرد.
🌿 لوْ کانَ فِیکُم عِدَّةُ أهْلِ بَدْرٍ لَقامَ قائِمُنا
🦋 #Thepromisedsaviour
☀️ Imam Kazim (PBUH) :
🌸If there were among you [for us only] the same number of [the supporters of] Badr war, surely our Qā'im (#Imam Mahdī) would rise.
🌼 #Imam_mahdi
📚 Mishkatul al-ʾanwār , p 128
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🔖 #Wisdom
🌼 Prophet Muhammad (s.a) :
🌸 Remembering God (#Allah) heals (people's) hearts.
📚 Nahj al-Fasaha
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🔖 #Wisdom
🌼 Imam Ali (s.a):
🌸 Espouse #generosity, for indeed it is the fruit of the intellect.
📚 Gurar al-Hikam , wa durar al-kalim
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❇️ O people of the World, Be Aware, I Am the Remnant of God’s Light (Imam #Mahdi’s #Universal Message to the People, When He #Returns)
🌼 #ThePromisedSaviour
🌸 #ImamMahdi
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