📚 اسامی تعدادی خوراکی خوشمزه😋🍭🍬🍫
Cheese puff = پفک
Crisps = چیپس
Fruit leather / Fruit rolls up = لواشک
Smarties = اسمارتیز
gummy candy / jelly sweet = پاستیل
✅ده عبارت برای خرید کردن
✅The expressions for shopping
📕 Do you have… ?
Where can I find… ?
I’m just browsing.
📘I’m looking for…
How much is this?
Is this on sale?
Can I try it on?
(use this to ask if you can put on clothing to see if it’s the right size)
📕I’ll take it!
Do you take credit cards?
I’d like to return/exchange this.
📚 تفاوت بین:
📘On the street
📕At the street
📗In the street
📘On the street
برای خیابان "با اسم" بکار می رود.
His house is located on azadi street.
📕 At the street
برای خیابان "با پلاک" بکار می رود.
John's house is at 29 azadi street.
📗 In the street
برای خیابان "به تنهایی" بکار می رود.
Children shouldn't play in the street.