#mola #moto
#associate with #people by a #method that if you #die, they'll #cry for #you and if #you #alive, they'll #approach you #enthusiastically
channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org
#mola #moto
A #person who is #turned #down by his/her #close #friends will be #accepted by #strangers.
channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org
#mola #moto
Helping the #oppressed and calming down the #suffered are #great #sins' #atonements
channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org
#mola #moto
Be #generous but not to #overdo it,
And in #life; Be #calculator but not to be #strict
channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org
#mola #moto
My dear son;
#avoid being in a #friendship with a #stupid because he/she wants to #benefit you but #harms you,
#avoid being in a #friendship with an #ungenerous because he/she #withholds what #you #need the #most,
#avoid being in a #friendship with a #wicked because he/she #leaves #you for a #low #value,
#avoid being in a #friendship with a #liar because he/she #looks #like a #mirage and shows #you the #things in the #wrong #form
channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org
#mola #moto
A #sin that makes you feel #regret is #better than a #good_work that makes you'll be an #egotistical
channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org
#mola #moto
#generosity is that you #start because the #thing that is given #after your #request, it is based on #shame or #afraid of hearing #bad_words
channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org
#mola #moto
if #you couldn't #achieve #the_thing that #you_want
#not_be #worry about #the_thing that #you_are
channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org
#mola #moto
#certainly, #hearts will be #depressed #like #bodies, so if you want to have #happy #hearts #look for #nice #mottos
channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org