ولۍ . . .
یِک دَهــہ هَشــتـادے در راه شُــهدا 🇵🇸 :)
مثلا سر کلاس میکروفونت روشن نشه و بچه ها سر به سرت بزارن بگن؛ نکنه شهید شدی اون پشت خبر نداریم 😄💔
و یچی دم گوشِت بگه
من کجا.... شهادت کجا....!(:
«لاحولولاقوهالابالله »♥️
Do you ever just randomly space out and think about the deepest things
Like how is heaven and hell, where would you end up, why you would end up there
And that one line in dua kumail where its like
.... and my body can endure the flames of the hellfire but how can I endure being away from you?!
And you think about it and you are like
Imam Ali (as) and all the 13 remaing masooms were perfect
And yet the duas and munajaat they would read were so sincere and moving
And we can't even read a hundred salawat in a day, let alone sit and think and cry during dua tawassul or kumail or nudba
Ask yourself 'where is the avenger of the blood spilt in karbala?'once in a while :) 💔
I know kids these days are smart
You guys have a lot of potential, we are just a liiiittle bit lazy 😅
If we thunk such amazing thoughts and actually act upon them more often, Palestine can be free in less than a decade
The Imam (ajtfs) can reappear in less than a month!
Rahbar keeps on telling us to learn about social media and use it for the right reasons and win the soft war
And then we go on Instagram for example and like bihijabi pics, or follow anti-inqilab pages 😐
اخه تویی که خدا بهت این همه عقل و هوش داده
Why do you do this?!