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سینما از سینما
67 دنبال‌کننده
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نشانیِ مدیر کانال: @mhnasseri «سینما از سینما» یک تارنمایِ کاملا مستقل است. در صورت تمایل به حمایت مالی از آن، از طریق شماره کارت زیر اقدام فرمایید. ۶۰۳۷۹۹۷۱۳۸۶۹۸۱۹۷ محمدحسین ناصری
مشاهده در ایتا
خدا قوت. اگه کسی رو میشناختین که میتونست فی سبیل الله توی ترجمه‌ی زیرنویسِ ویدیوهایی که درست میکنم کمک کنه، ممنون میشم معرفی کنین. دمتون گرم
Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution (September 20, 2023): Today, the concept of resistance and the element of resistance is an established element. There is resistance in Palestine, there is resistance in West Asia, and there is resistance in various other countries. There is resistance in Iraq. There is resistance in Iran and in various places. The Sacred Defense (in Iran) raised and promoted the idea of resistance around the world. It established resistance in many parts of the world [...] The eight years of the Sacred Defense (in Iran) worked miracles in this aspect. It spread the culture of self-reliance [...] All of us should know that as long as we work, move, and speak for the cause of God, He will help us. This is God’s promise: “If you help Allah, He will help you” (Quran 47:7); “Allah will surely help those who help Him” (Quran 22:40). If your intention is helping God, Almighty God will definitely help you. At times we understand and recognize how we are being helped, but sometimes we don't. We see that we are being aided and we see that our work is progressing smoothly. That is God’s help. 🗒First half
Let’s make our intentions for God. Making our intentions for God does not mean that whenever we want to do something, for example, we need to say [out loud] that we are doing it to seek God’s pleasure. No, when you show mercy to people, this means your intention is for God. When you seek to serve your country, this means your intention is for God. When you want to create a work of art that guides a few people, this means your intention is for God. When we do something with the intention of pleasing God, Almighty God will help us. 🗒Second half
Sometimes it’s hard to recognize the truth, it’s hard to recognize right over wrong. Whenever that happens, that’s an opportunity; an opportunity to grow, an opportunity to expand the limits of our imagination; and we have to seize that opportunity, but it can be challenging: QURAN (Chapter “THE PRIVATE APARTMENTS” – Translated by Sarwar): If two parties among the believers start to fight against each other, restore peace among them. If one party rebels against the other, fight against the rebellious one until he surrenders to the command of God. When he does so, restore peace among them with justice and equality; God loves those who maintain justice. (9) Believers are each other's brothers. Restore peace among your brothers. Have fear of God so that perhaps you will receive mercy. (10) Two parties among the believers fighting? Subhan’Allah! But it happens. And when that happens, we have to restore peace among them. Gaze has shed light on the world and has made our situation crystal clear; we know our common enemy. And by “our” I don’t mean Muslims; I don’t even mean anyone who believes in God; I mean anyone who cannot stand murder. And so, anyone distracts people’s attention from this enemy, knowingly or unknowingly, is helping that enemy. In my country Iran, Imam Khomeini has taught us 44 years ago: “Vent all your shouts on the US”.
🎥بِکار بَستنِ آزادی در این اثر که یک مستندِ آرشیویِ کوتاه است، از فلسطین می‌رسیم به ایران، انقلاب ۵۷، مهسا امینی و حاج قاسم سلیمانی. 👈در بخش «با ربط و بی ربط به سینما» cinemafromcinema.com/?p=626 @cinemafromcinema_com
اگر به این تشخیص رسیدین که «بِکار بَستنِ آزادی» می‌تونه در ترغیب مردم برای شرکت در انتخابات اثرگذار باشه، در این فرصتِ باقیمونده تا انتخابات به دیده شدنش کمک کنین.
این دو تصویر رو روی یک برگه‌ی آ4 به صورتِ دو-رو چاپ کردم، کارت‌هایی رو که از برگه به دست اومد به غریبه و آشنا (توی داروخانه، تاکسی، مسجد و...) میدم، ازشون میخوام کار رو تماشا کنن و اگه فرصتی دست بده، براشون توضیح میدم که امیدوارم با این کار، مشارکت رو در انتخابات بالا ببرم.
24.08M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
This is literally magnificent. Miko Peled is a son of an IOF general, and yet, he not only acknowledges the truth, but also expresses it; openly and loudly. @cinemafromcinema_com
Every afternoon, when the day is almost over, and the night is about to arrive, you can look back at your day, knowing that it’s almost over, finished, gone, it will never come back, and your lifetime is now a day shorter, you can look back at your day, and realize that everything, relationships, Politics, Art, everything is related to religion… Because everything, is a matter of life and death “He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed: and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving” (QURAN, chapter “The Sovereignty”, translated by Yusufali)
38.6M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
We know and they know we know; the problem is the people who don't know and the people who don't care enough to know. But... now that we know, how much do we care? We must persuade others, we cannot limit ourselves to ourselves.