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Books for Class No. 1
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هدایت شده از کانال خبری رجانیوز
GOV.2024/61: Verification and monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of United Nations Security Council resolution 2231 (2015), 19 November 2024 https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/24/11/gov2024-61.pdf
📖 GOV.2024/61: Verification and monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of United Nations Security Council resolution 2231 (2015), 19 November 2024 https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/24/11/gov2024-61.pdf
GOV/2024/62: NPT Safeguards Agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran, 19 November 2024 https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/24/11/gov2024-62.pdf
📖 GOV/2024/62: NPT Safeguards Agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran, 19 November 2024 https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/24/11/gov2024-62.pdf
Original Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Handling Restrictions -- N/A or Blank -- Executive Order: -- N/A or Blank -- TAGS: ANDERSON, JACK - Jack Anderson |CIA - Central Intelligence Agency | IR - Iran | PAHLAVI, MOHAMMAD REZA - Mohammad Reza Pahlavi | SOPN - Social Affairs--Public Opinion and Information | WHITTEN, LES Enclosure: -- N/A or Blank -- Office Origin: ORIGIN PA - Bureau of Public Affairs Office Action: -- N/A or Blank -- From: Department of State To: Secretary of State | US Delegation Secretary Canonical ID: 1975STATE163771_b Current Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Character Count: 5863 Locator: TEXT ON MICROFILM,TEXT ONLINE Concepts: BIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION | PRESS SUMMARIES | QUEEN |RESEARCH | SHAH | TOSEC Type: TE - Telegram (cable) Archive Status: Electronic Telegrams Markings: Margaret P. Grafeld Declassified/Released US Department of State EO Systematic Review 06 JUL 2006 https://www.wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1975STATE163771_b.html 1. Herewith full text jack anderson and les whitten story, friday, july 22, Washpost headlined "CIA study finds shah insecure." 2. The central intelligence agency has compiled a disturbing psychological profile of the shah of Iran, Whom the United States is building up to be the guardian of its interests in the Persian Gulf. 3. This secret study portrays the Shah as a brilliant but dangerous megalomaniac, who is likely to pursue his own aims in disregard of U.S. interests. 4. Already, he has pushed harder than any other oil potentate for stratospheric oil prices. Yet secretary of state HENRY A. KISSINGER has overlooked the economic damage this has caused and has courted him obsequiously. 5. With huge arms shipments and technical aid, the UNITED STATES is helping the Shah transform Iran into a world power. The purpose is to assure that the fabulous oil fields of the persian gulf remain under friendly domination. 6. yet the psychological study suggests that the shah is an uncertain ally. his dreams of glory, apparently, exceed his ability to finance them. When his oil revenues run out in an estimated two decades, he might use his new military power to seize some neighboring fields. 7. All of this is strongly implied in the CIA profile, which traces the shah's psychological problems to three sources--(1) An overbearing father, (2) The humiliation of serving at first as a puppet ruler, and (3) His inability for years to produce a male heir to the peacock throne. 8. The Shah's father began his career as an illiterate soldier and battered his way to the throne. Possessed of an explosive cossack temperament, he was known to slay dogs that dared bark in his presence, to hurl offending subordinates bodily through windows and to string up enemies by their heels and kick in their teeth. 9. He had little patience with his son, a sickly lad given to day-dreaming. One time, the old man came upon the boy standing beside a palace pool. The father asked the boy what he was doing. "thinking," replied the crown prince, whereupon his father uttered a roaring curse and booted his heir into the pool. 10. By contrast, a twin sister, princess ashraf, is a forceful, aggressive, vivacious woman quick to slap the face of anyone who displeases her. "It's too bad she was not the boy," the old Shah used to muse. 11. During World War II, the elder Shah demonstrated an unfortunate preference for the NAZIs. This encouraged the british and russians to occupy iran in 1941. They deposed him and deposited his 21-year old son on the throne. 12. For the next 12 years, the young Shah was no more than a figurehead. His ministers, fearing permanent occupation by the british and russians, invited the americans in. U.S. officials temporarily ran the country while the Shah spent his days riding horses, flying planes, speeding around in fast cars and chasing women. 13. But on the throne, he was a weak, retiring personality. When his appendix was removed in the early 1950's, Westerners in Tehran joked that "now the shah has no guts at all."
14. The shah, according to the CIA profile, never got over his lack of royal lineage and the ignominy of being a puppet monarch. His resentment toward the west gradually hardened in to a bitter determination to "show them." 15. But he was still a weakling in the early 1950s as premier Mohammed Mosadeq grew in power and began leading iran on a leftward course. The Shah ducked out on the showdown and chartered a plane for rome. While he was safely ensconced in the excelsior hotel, the CIA rescued his throne. 16. The news was brought to him, according to an eyewitness account, while he was dining at the excelsior. The Shah turned pale and looked as if he would faint. "in that case," he finally murmured, "the empress and i will go home as quickly as possible." He returned 12 pounds lighter, with prematurely gray hair. 17. Another problem that plagued the Shah for two decades was his failure to produce a son. His first marriage to princess Fawzia, sister of Egypt's king Farouk, was unhappy. Born into luxury, she became bored with the provincial city of tehran and longed for the swinging social soirees of Cairo. 18. When no son was born, according to the CIA profile, Fawzia ridiculed and humiliated the Shah by accusing him of impotence. He divorced her in 1948, after nine years of marriage. 19. Queen Soraya, wife No. 2, tried for seven years to produce an heir for the Shah. The couple finally checked into New York's Presbyterian medical center for examination. They were pronounced healthy. Still no son came. In 1958, they were divorced. 20. the Shah's long search for a son ended after he married Farah Diba, daughter of a wealthy Iranian. she gave him an heir, Crown prince Reza. 21. CIA psychologists believe that all these elements - his cruel father, his years as a pawn of the west, his undistinguished lineage, his fear of impotence - contributed to an enormous inferiority complex. 22. Now this insecure man, showered with oil billions and bolstered by the United States, is determined to show the world, the psychologists suggest. (End Text)
Original Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Handling Restrictions -- N/A or Blank -- Executive Order: -- N/A or Blank -- TAGS: ANDERSON, JACK - Jack Anderson |CIA - Central Intelligence Agency | IR - Iran | PAHLAVI, MOHAMMAD REZA - Mohammad Reza Pahlavi | SOPN - Social Affairs--Public Opinion and Information | WHITTEN, LES Enclosure: -- N/A or Blank -- Office Origin: ORIGIN PA - Bureau of Public Affairs Office Action: -- N/A or Blank -- From: Department of State To: Secretary of State | US Delegation Secretary Canonical ID: 1975STATE163771_b Current Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Character Count: 5863 Locator: TEXT ON MICROFILM,TEXT ONLINE Concepts: BIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION | PRESS SUMMARIES | QUEEN |RESEARCH | SHAH | TOSEC Type: TE - Telegram (cable) Archive Status: Electronic Telegrams Markings: Margaret P. Grafeld Declassified/Released US Department of State EO Systematic Review 06 JUL 2006 https://www.wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1975STATE163771_b.html
Apple now promises to invest $100 million in Indonesia to get rid of iPhone 16 ban Vlad 19 November 2024 ————————————— Indonesian government expects Apple to invest more than $100M to bypas iPhone 16 ban Michail 24 November 2024 ————————————— Indonesia wants Apple to sweeten its $100 million proposal as tech giant lobbies for iPhone 16 sales PUBLISHED FRI , NOV 2 2 2 0 2 4 - 1 : 3 1 AM E S T UPDATED FRI, NOV 2 2 2 0 2 4 4:09AMEST ————————————— Indonesia has set a rule that about 40% of the components of appliances imported into the country should be manufactured locally to promote local industries. Apple failed to meet this requirement, which saw iPhone 16 sales put on hold a few weeks after its launch in September Apple’s latest smartphone, the iPhone 16, is currently unavailable in Indonesia—Southeast Asia’s largest economy—after the Indonesian government blocked the sale of the series last month because it didn’t meet the country’s 40% domestic content requirements for smartphones and tablets. اندونزی برای حمایت از تولید داخلی گفت فقط به گوشی ها و تبلتهایی اجازۀ ورود به بازار اندونزی داده میشه که حداقل 40 درصدشون ساخت داخل اندونزی باشند. اپل 16 چون این شرط را نداشت ممنوع شد، شرکت اپل اول گفت باشه من 10 میلیون دلار داخل اندوزی سرمایه گذاری میکنم، دولت اندونزی گفت غلط کردی فعلا رقم را رسوندن به 100 میلیون دلار طی دو سال البته هنوز توافق نکردند، ایران اما...