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Islamic Pulse
108 دنبال‌کننده
468 عکس
629 ویدیو
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Unveiling the belief system, jurisprudence, social/political issues, philosophical/theological foundation, Pure Islam
مشاهده در ایتا
🎦 10 Signs of a Mo'min | One Minute Wisdom According to a tradition of the Messenger of Allah (S), a Mo'min has 10 signs! So what exactly are those 10 signs of a Mo'min? And how many of those 10 signs do you have? In this One Minute Wisdom, Sayyid Shahryar uses the wise and immaculate words of the holy Prophet Muhammad (S) to shed a little light on the 10 signs of a Mo'min and what we need to do if we want to be a Mo'min. So Go Ahead And Get Started, For The Sake of Allah! Duration: 01:21 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
📸 "A believer is the brother of another believer, like a single body. If any part of him suffers, he will feel its pain in his entire body." islamicpulse.tv | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
📸 "The believers are brothers, their blood is coequal, and they are one hand against others (i.e. the enemy), and the weakest among the believers is empowered by the protection of the stronger." islamicpulse.tv | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
📸 "A believer is the brother of another believer, his eye and his guide; he does not betray him, nor wrong him, nor deceive him, and nor does he rescind a promise he made to him." islamicpulse.tv | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 It Will Hurt the Whole Body | One Minute Wisdom If a part of your body hurts, do you feel the pain in the rest of your body? Well, I'm sure you know that a papercut might be a small cut, but it sure hurts everywhere. It seems like you can't take your mind off that little papercut. And how is this related to the Muslim Ummah and the present-day ordeals that the Muslims are facing, wherever you are. Sayyid Shahryar answers in this One Minute Wisdom using the wise and immaculate words of the 6th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (A). A pain in one part, hurts the body everywhere. Duration: 01:22 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
📸 "A believer is the brother of another believer, like a single body. And their souls are also made of one soul." islamicpulse.tv | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 The Strong Must Help the Weak | One Minute Wisdom Isn't the law of the jungle the most abhorrent kind of law? And what kind of law does the Pure Muhammadan Islam put forth for humanity? And what are we going to have to do as Muslims, if we don't want to live according to the law of the jungle? Sayyid Shahryar answers in this One Minute Wisdom using the beautiful and immaculate words of the divinely appointed Messenger of Allah (S). We weren't created to live according to the law of the jungle. Duration: 01:19 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 🎬 aparat.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/islamicpulse1 🎬 shiatv.net/user/islamicpulse 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
📸 "The believer is grateful in times of prosperity, patient during tribulation, and fearful in times of ease." 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/IslamicPulse1 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.cm/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC