🎦 israel Will Never Come Out Victorious | Imam Khamenei
What are some of the words that Imam Khamenei uses to describe the zionist entity called israel?
And what words of the holy Quran does his eminence use to prove his point?
And how does Imam Khamenei prove that the zionist entity called israel will never come out victorious?
Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Muslim Ummah, speaks about how the bloodthirsty "israel Will Never Come Out Victorious" in his Friday Prayer sermon delivered on Oct. 4, 2024.
Sermon 1️⃣ Text:
Sermon 2️⃣ Text:
Duration: 04:27
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📸 "We are all grieving and mourning the martyrdom of our dear Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah. This is a significant loss and it has truly caused us to mourn."
#ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #mourning #martyrdom #SayyidHasanNasrallah
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🎦 Resistance Pushed israel 70 Years Back | Imam Khamenei
What kind of damage has the Resistance movements in Palestine and Lebanon done to the zionist regime?
And ultimately, what is the root cause of all the wars and instability in the West Asian region?
And how have the West Asian Resistance movements pushed the zionist entity called israel back 70 years?
Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Muslim Ummah, speaks about how "Resistance Pushed israel 70 Years Back" in his Friday Prayer sermon delivered on Oct. 4, 2024.
Sermon 1️⃣ Text:
Sermon 2️⃣ Text:
Duration: 03:06
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📸 "Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah is no longer among us physically, but his true self, his spirit, his path, and his resonant voice are and will continue to be with us."
#ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #SayyidHasanNasrallah
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🎦 Giving israel Respite Is A Huge Mistake | Imam Khomeini (R)
What is one of the hugest mistakes that the negotiating Arab leaders made as regards to israel?
And at what point in time should have israel been stopped in its tracks?
And finally, what were and are the results since israel has been given respite?
The founding father of the Islamic Republic, Imam Ruhollah Khomeini (R), speaks about how "Giving israel Respite Is A Huge Mistake".
Duration: 01:41
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📸 "Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah was the highly raised flag of the Resistance in the face of the tyrannical, plundering devils."
#ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #SayyidHasanNasrallah #flag #Resistance
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