هدایت شده از مطالعات شیعه در غرب
@studiesofshia ❇️ دوازده معصوم: امامان و ایجاد تشیع ❇️ Twelve Infallible Men: The Imams And The Making of Shi’ism 🔹متیو پیرس 🔹Matthew Pierce A millennium ago, Baghdad was the capital of one of history’s greatest civilizations. A new Islamic era was under way. Yet despite the profound cultural achievements, many Muslims felt their society had gone astray. Shiˀa Muslims challenged the dominant narrative of Islamic success with stories of loss. Faithful Muslims have long debated whether Sunni caliphs or Shiˀa imams were the true heirs of the Prophet Muhammad. Shiˀa scholars assembled accounts of twelve imams’ lives, portraying them as miracle workers who were betrayed. These biographies invoked shared cultural memories, shaped communal responses and ritual practices of mourning, and inspired Shiˀa identity and religious imagination for centuries to come, مرجع تخصصی @studiesofshia