هدایت شده از SoQ Announcements
🏴🚩 MUHARRAM 2024 | 8 Majalis in English 🏴🚩 —————————————————— 🕣 8:30 PM 🗓 7 July - 14 July 📍 SoQ Cultural Center توحید، زیر پل نیروگاہ، خیابان مصطفی خمینی، نبش کوچه مصطفی خمینی 2، ساختمان آجرنما —————————————————— 🗓 7th & 8th July 🎙 Sayyid Muhammad Hashemi 🗓 9th & 10th July 🎙 Sayyid Agha Ali Raza 🗓 11th & 12th July 🎙 Shaykh Ali Qomi 🗓 13 & 14th July 🎙 Sayyid Shahryar Naqvi —————————————————— 📖 Qurān Recitation 🤲🏼 Ziyarat Ashura 🎬 Video Clip 🎤 Majlis + Masaib 🏴 Noha + Matam —————————————————— 🥘 Takeaway Tabarruk ☕️ Tea / Coffee / Juice —————————————————— RSVP: No Rsvp required —————————————————— 🔴 Also LIVE at: ▶️ studentsofqom.org/live ▶️ islamicpulse.tv/live —————————————————— Organized By: Students of Qom (SoQ) Technical Assistance: Islamic Pulse Studios —————————————————— ~ Students of Qom (SoQ) 🌐 www.studentsofqom.org 📱 telegram.me/studentsofqom 📱 https://eitaa.com/studentsofqom 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/DMICLq3eX9iKhSSh8t8JvA