#visit_iran #visit_paradise
#lipar_lagoon #chabahar #sistan_and_balochestan
#chabahar #lipar_lagoon that is known as #chabahar #pink_lagoon is one of the #specific #natural #attractions of #iran and it is #different from the other #lagoons and #lakes because of its #pink color
this #lagoon is located in a #rocky valley that looks at the mountain on the #chabahar-gwadar #coastal_road on the #beach of the #gulf_of_oman
this #lagoon’s #pink color due to its a lot of #plant_plankton
up until now, 93 kinds of #plant_plankton
31 groups #animal_plankton
64 types of different #shellfish
85 kinds of fish
24 types of #hard-shell
14 kinds of #meiobenthos
And 46 different kinds of #algae are recognised in this #lagoon
channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org