📚 روش های مختلف مخالفت کردن
📚 Different ways to disagree
🔹No Way
🔸Bad idea
🔹Forget it
🔸Go to hell
🔹I disagree.
🔸That is crazy.
🔹When pigs fly.
🔸I do not agree.
🔹Not on my watch.
🔸That is absurd.
🔹I beg to differ.
🔸When donkeys fly.
🔹I do not think so.
🔸You can’t be serious
🔹Not in my life time.
🔸I do not agree at all
🔹Not no, but HELL NO!!
🔸I’m afraid I disagree.
🔹When hell freezes over.
🔸Are you out of my mind.
🔹I sure as hell hope not.
🔸It's not going to happen.
🔹I’m sorry, but I don’t agree.
🔸If I could voice my opinion here...
🔹I see where you're coming from, but...
🔸With all due respect, I've always thought...