#طرح_مهدوی ؛
#استوری سریالی
🔸 همهٔ دنیاش رفیقش بود.
تا وقتی تو شهر خودشون بود، به نیابت از رفیقش برای شادی امام زمان کار میکرد.
شب و روز نمیشناخت. همینکه دلتنگ میشد، فوری میزد به دل جادّه…
میگفت: رفیق من درِ خونهاش همیشه به روی همه بازه...
میرفت مشهد تا به نیابت از امام زمان، رفیقش رو زیارت کنه...
رضایت رفیقش، همهٔ دنیاش بود.
🔹 His whole world was only his friend.
He worked on behalf of his friend while he lived in his hometown to bring the twelfth Imam happiness.
It wasn't important whether it was day or night, whenever he missed his Imam he would immediately hit the road.
He always said: My friend is welcoming and hospitable to everyone.
He would go to Mashhad to visit his friend,Imam Reza on behalf of the twelfth Imam.
His whole world was his friend's satisfaction.
🌸 ویژه ولادت
#امام_رضا علیهالسلام
🌐 به قرارگاه سایبری
#ضیاءالصالحین بپیوندید
@ziaossalehin ☫