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اطلاع رسانی مراسم شهدا کشور
1.3هزار دنبال‌کننده
19.7هزار عکس
1.1هزار ویدیو
28 فایل
"نشر اطلاعیه ها و اخبار مهم" بیش از پنج سال فعالیت با همین آیدی در کانال تلگرام "آرشیو بیش از هزاران مستند شهدا، نماهنگ و...در تلگرام" "با همین آیدی کانال،در سروش" جهت ارتباط👇 @Se_Mobin313
مشاهده در ایتا
پخش مستند "حسن بابا" به کارگردانی احمد عبدالرحیمی تهیه کنندگی مصطفی سیفی شنبه سوم آبان ماه ساعت ٢٠:٣٠ شبکه افق سیما 🔵اطلاع رسانی مراسم شهداکشور🔵 @shohada_keshvar
هیأت رزمندگان اسلام به مناسبت شهادت امام عسکری(ع) و بزرگداشت شهید والامقام سیدمصطفی خمینی(ره) دو ویژه برنامه مجازی خواهد داشت. هیأت رزمندگان اسلام به مناسبت شهادت امام عسکری(ع) و بزرگداشت شهیدوالامقام سیدمصطفی خمینی(ره) دو ویژه برنامه مجازی خواهد داشت. این برنامه‌ها شامل دو شب قرائت زیارت جامعه کبیره است که این برنامه امشب شنبه ۳ آبان‌ماه با نوای مهدی سماواتی از نماز مغرب و عشاء برگزار می‌شود و از شبکه سوم سیما پخش زنده خواهد شد. برنامه فردا نیز یکشنبه ۴ آبان‌ماه با نوای محمدرضا بذری از ساعت ۱۱ با نوای محمدرضا بذری برگزار و از شبکه دوم سیما پخش زنده خواهد شد. 🔵اطلاع رسانی مراسم شهداکشور🔵 @shohada_keshvar
مراسم عزاداری شهادت امام حسن عسکری علیه السلام اقامه نماز جماعت ظهر و عصر- سخنرانی - عزاداری زمان:یکشنبه ۴ آبان ماه همزمان با اذان ظهر و عصر مکان: بوستان کوکب حرم شهدای گمنام مهرآباد جنوبی لطفا به زمان برگزاری مراسم توجه نمایید. 🔵اطلاع رسانی مراسم شهداکشور🔵 @shohada_keshvar
زندگینامه شیخ زاکزاکی- بخش پنجم سخنرانی فونتوآ در سالهای پیدایش جنبش اسلامی در نیجریه، طرفداران شیخ زاکزاکی در دانشگاه‌ها تلاش می‌کردند تا اجتماعاتی مانند سمینار و ... در میان خودشان تشکیل دهند. در این گردهمایی‌ها بود که شیخ زاکزاکی در ایالت کاتسینا و در تاریخ ۵ می ١٩٨٠ (١٣۵٩) دعوت خود  را اعلام کرد. این درست همان جایی بود که شیخ زاکزاکی انتقادات خود به سیستم امپریالیسم حاکم بر نیجریه را بیان کرد و سپس به همراهانش راه حل را در (رجوع به) خداوند، پیامبر و قرآن معرفی کرد. او از مردم خواست تا با قرآن به عنوان قانون، به راه خداوند بازگردند. این سخنرانی از آن به بعد با نام "سخنرانی فونتوآ" شناخته می‌شود. 🔵اطلاع رسانی مراسم شهداکشور🔵 @shohada_keshvar
اطلاع رسانی مراسم شهدا کشور
زندگینامه شیخ زاکزاکی- بخش پنجم سخنرانی فونتوآ در سالهای پیدایش جنبش اسلامی در نیجریه، طرفداران
A brief history of life of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky- part 5 Funtua Declaration: During the nascent years of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, the followers of the Sheikh in Universities used to organize among themselves such gatherings like IVCs, seminars and etc. it is during one of such gatherings, on 5th May 1980, the Sheikh declared his call to the public in Funtua, Katsina State. It was right there that the Sheikh declared his total condemnation to the system of imperialism that governs Nigeria, and reassures his allegiance to the Almighty (T), his prophet (S) and the Holy Quran. He declared his call for the people to return to the path of  the Almighty, with Quran as a legal code. The lecture was henceforth termed “The Funtua Declaration”. 🔵اطلاع رسانی مراسم شهداکشور🔵 @shohada_keshvar
متن کامل سخنرانی: Delivered by Sheikh Ibraheem El-Zakzaky on 5/5/1980. In the name of Allah the destroyer of the oppressors, Dear Brothers and Sisters! Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah. A hadith narrated from Sayyidina Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) said, “Oh You people, surely the Messenger of Allah said; ‘whoever sees any government that takes injustice as her motto, that transgress the laws of Allah, and despise the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, that is oppressing the slaves of Allah, in such a situation, whoever fails to use his hands and mouth to fight this government, should know this, that Allah will make his abode same as that of the tyrant leader.” Not only do the rulers of this country take injustice and oppression as their only motto, in fact their whole system is built on basis of injustice and oppression. It is not only that they transgress the laws of Allah, they have disregarded it wholly and replaced it with man-made laws. It is not that they only transgress the bonds of Allah, they do not even have any regard for such bonds. They have rejected the covenant of Allah, and in its place they have accepted the covenant set by transgressors. They are not only unjust and oppressive, they make tyranny and oppression the norm. And certainly it is not that we only failed to use our hands and mouths to confront this pervasive injustice and oppression, we ourselves have given them the go ahead to oppress us. We voted for this unjust government with our own hands, and we are the ones supporting the government with our tongues. Surely it is we who offer them the chance to oppress us, give them the chance to do away with the laws of Allah and substituted them with man-made laws. We give them the chance to transgress the bonds set by Allah, we give them the opportunity to be unjust and to even make their transgression legal. We did not only fail to confront them with ourselves, we are even encouraging them in their transgressions. Alas, dear brothers and sisters, if the above quoted hadith says that those who fail to confront the unjust tyrants with their tongues and actions are doomed to the same abode as the transgressing rulers, what will our situation be? It means that not only will we be doomed together with the transgressors but we are also the transgressors. Yes of course, that is what we are, why will I not say so? We vote for these tyrants ourselves, and we regard them as our own government. We even consider them to be the ‘government of the people, by the people, for the people.’ If we are the people, we are the same thing as the government. And if that is so how can we say only the ruling class is unjust, and we are clean of all their misdoings? We and the Chairmen, Governors and heads of State are all transgressors, and we all are sinners! Almighty Allah perfected our religion and He sent down to us the Holy Qur’an, but we rejected His wish, and opted for the constitution of Nigeria? The handiwork of only 50 people, who we have chosen as our representatives, to act on our behalf? Allah wished Islam to be the system governing our lives, but we reject that and take democracy in place of Islam. Allah’s commandment is that we follow what He has chosen for us as our way of life but instead we opted for the commandments of Englishmen! After all what Allah commands us to seek is the Hereafter, but we seem to be contented with this world as if this is our final abode. Only Allah is worthy of worship, but we are worshipping the country instead. Dear brothers and sisters! You may be confused by what I am saying, but by Allah I am saying the truth! You may not believe me, but the truth is we are living in a state of disbelief. There is nothing like Islam in this country! Islam here is practically non-existent, it is not even up to zero here. We have a corrupted version of Islam which is full of traditional beliefs of our forefathers, and system of colonial invaders, and it is the same as nothing. The state of Islam in this country of ours is that of a crashed airplane that has been burne
d to ashes. Its debris will not form another airplane. Some time ago Sheikh Usman dan Fodio and his followers established Islam in this land, after them some wicked traditional rulers started deviating from the path of Islam; at last colonial invaders (staunch enemies of Allah) invaded the land and did away with everything of what remained of Islam. Surely the Europeans destroyed Islam in this land, and they replaced it with their traditional values, values of ignorance. They made sure to train their puppets who in turn form their own replacements from among us. They handed the established system of disbelief to them and we are now the offspring of those trained by the colonial invaders, always doing their bidding by furthering their system of disbelief. In reality we are living in period of modern ignorance and we are helping to further all its causes. We are even worse than the Muslims that refuse to confront the unjust system. Our current situation is that of the Muslims who have accepted to live in the system of disbelief. What do you expect to be our destination? Which excuse will we give Allah on the Day of Judgement? Based on all the things I have mentioned above, I am declaring this before you, and Allah (SWT) is my witness that I rebelled against the constitution of Nigeria, the whole system and its leadership! I accepted none of it! I am therefore affirming my firm belief in the Book of Allah, His Law and the leadership of His Messenger (SAW). .., I have a glad tiding for you, There is a hadith of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) that says; “Allah will bring someone to revive your religion in beginning of each century.” Alhamdulillah we have just entered a new Islamic century (15th). That’s why we have chosen the theme of this gathering to be the 15th century. Actually this gathering is the 25th of its kind and the second gathering in this new century. The theme of the previous gathering was ‘Faith: the weapon with which we will destroy disbelief.’ And our hope is to see the reviver promised to us by the Messenger of Allah (SAW). 🔵اطلاع رسانی مراسم شهداکشور🔵 @shohada_keshvar
🌸انالله و اناالیه راجعون🌸 پدر شهید «انصاری» اولین شهید انقلاب در رفسنجان آسمانی شد حجت‌الاسلام محمدعلی انصاری پدر شهید «محمدحسین انصاری» اولین شهید انقلاب در جنوب‌شرق کشور به فرزند شهیدش پیوست 🌸شادی روحشان صلوات🌸 🔵اطلاع رسانی مراسم شهداکشور🔵 @shohada_keshvar
از آن زمان که خدایم سرشت تا باشم نوشت تا که فقط عاشق شما باشم نوشت با همه کس غیر تو غریب شوم نوشت تا که فقط با تو آشنا باشم خدا رقم زده این سرنوشت را؛ چه کنم؟ همیشه شاه تو باشی و من گدا باشم امام عصر، امام زمان، مباد دمی دمی که از تو و از یاد تو جدا باشم تو نیستی و من این را ز خود نپرسیدم در این زمانه که او نیست، من چرا باشم میان خانه ات امشب عزا به پا کردی چه می شود که در آن مجلس عزا باشم برای آنکه کمی در غمت شریک شوم اجازه می دهی امشب که سامرا باشم؟ قسم به اشک روانت برای من بنویس که باز یک سحر جمعه کربلا باشم : 🏴 آماده شده کاسه ی خالی گدایی... همنام حسن بی برو برگرد کریم است صلي الله عليڪ يا سيدناالمظلوم يااباعبدالله الحسين سلام عليكم و رحمة الله، صبحتون بخير، (علیه‌السلام) را خدمت شما تسلیت عرض میکنیم🏴 🔵اطلاع رسانی مراسم شهداکشور🔵 @shohada_keshvar