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🔴 The Flames of the Sham Discord Before the Reappearance ✍️ By: Mostafa Amiri ▪️ The turmoil in the region of Sham (Greater Syria) will last so long that no solution will be found despite many efforts, and it will persist until the time of the reappearance: ▫️ “The Qa’im (AS) will not appear until the people of Sham are engulfed by a sedition from which they seek a way out but cannot find one.” [1] ▪️ Whenever it seems that the crisis in Sham and the Syrian conflict is nearing resolution, suddenly the flames of discord, like fire beneath ashes, erupt from another place: ▫️ “There will be a sedition in Sham; whenever it subsides in one area, it will flare up in another. It will not cease until a caller announces from the heavens.” [2] ▫️ “Whenever they try to resolve it from one side, it will break out from another.” [3] ✅ References: 1. Nu'mani, Al-Ghayba, p. 279; Hurr Al-Amili, Ithbat Al-Huda, vol. 5, p. 368. 2. Maqdisi Shafi'i, Aqd Al-Durar Fi Akhbar Al-Muntadhar, p. 75. 3. Muttaqi Hindi, Kanz Al-Ummal, vol. 11, p. 163. https://t.me/asrzohur110/940 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 🆔 @ASRZOHUR110 🌐 @rahyafte_en
🔴 Internal Players of the Syrian Sedition Before the Reappearance / The Abqa' Movement (Opponents of the Regime) ✍️ By: Mostafa Amiri 🔹 The Prelude: Before the Sufyani seizes power, a prolonged sedition will unfold in Syria between two opposing factions (al-Rumhan). These two factions are referred to as Rayat al-As'hab (the regime) and Rayat al-Abqa' (the opposition). The terminology is highly precise, revealing secrets that will offer guidance in the future. 🔹 Who are the Abqa'? The term "Abqa'" holds multiple meanings, including: 1. Mixed Lineage: A reference to Arabs marrying Roman maidens, whose children are later employed in the Levant, characterized as a blend of Arab darkness (Suwad al-Arab) and Roman fairness (Bayad al-Rum). 2. Roman Servants: Historically, Syrian rulers referred to their Roman servants as Abqa'. 3. Talkative Individuals: Denoting those who engage in excessive speech. 4. Mismatched Colors: Used metaphorically to describe a black-and-white crow or a spotted dog. 5. Strategists: Known as "Ba'qia," implying cunning individuals who explore vast regions (Tanqib fi al-Bilad). 🔹 The Abqa' Movement's Role: From these definitions, particularly the mention of Roman servants and the offspring of Arab-Roman unions being utilized as tools in the Levant, it becomes clear that the Abqa' refers to a faction opposing As'hab. This group aligns with Roman (Western) interests in the pre-reappearance sedition of Syria. 🔸 Military factions of the Abqa' exhibit these characteristics: Arab-Roman Links: They consist of elements tied to both Arabs and Romans (Suwad al-Arab wa Bayad al-Rum). Diverse Identities: They lack unified political stances (Dhu al-Kalam al-Kathir) and manifest under various names and forms (Mukhalafat al-Alwan). Scattered Presence: Their military forces are spread across different regions in the Levant (Kathrat Tanqib fi al-Bilad). 🔹 Core Attributes: The Abqa' movement is primarily supported by the Arab-Western axis. They oppose As'hab, and this power struggle will persist until the rise of the Sufyani. The Abqa' will have multiple leaders before eventually unveiling their final figure to confront Damascus' ruling authority. 🔹 Symbolic Narratives: The language of narrations regarding pre-reappearance characters is often symbolic, cryptic, and metaphorical, hinting at deeper truths and realities. ✅ References: 1. Ibn Athir, Al-Nihaya fi Gharib al-Hadith wa al-Athar, Vol. 1, p. 146. 2. Jawhari, Al-Sihah, Vol. 3, p. 1188; Fayrouzabadi, Al-Qamus al-Muhit, Vol. 3, p. 9. 3. Ibn Abbad, Al-Muhit fi al-Lugha, Vol. 1, p. 195. 4. Ibn Faris, Mu'jam Maqayis al-Lugha, Vol. 1, p. 281; Farahidi, Al-'Ayn, Vol. 1, p. 184. 5. Azhari, Tahdhib al-Lugha, Vol. 1, p. 188; Ibn Manzur, Lisan al-Arab, Vol. 8, p. 19. 6. Elahi-Nejad, Symbolism in the Signs of Reappearance, Mashreq-e-Mououd Quarterly, Issue 38, p. 25. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 'hab https://t.me/asrzohur110/960 🆔 @ASRZOHUR110 🌐 @rahyafte_en
🔴 The "Minimalist" and "Maximalist" Perspectives on the Time of Reappearance ✍️ By Mostafa Amiri ✅ Is collective prayer and supplication enough? ▪️ The time of reappearance is fixed and unchangeable in divine knowledge. ▪️ Mere prayer and supplication do not alter this time; other conditions for reappearance must also be met. ▪️ Sitting idly and assuming that the process of reappearance will be resolved through prayer and lamentation alone is incorrect. ▪️ Instead, through prayer and supplication, alongside fulfilling other pieces of the reappearance puzzle, we draw closer to the goal—not by bringing the time closer but by preparing ourselves. ▪️ Furthermore, the supplication for hastening the reappearance serves to maintain a connection with the Sun of Imamate, benefiting from its light and shielding believers from the tribulations of the era of occultation. ▪️ Shi'as have the duty to form a unified Shi'a front as groundwork for reappearance, a responsibility placed primarily on Iranians before the reappearance. ▪️ It is divine will that before the rise of the Sun of Supreme Guardianship, Shi'as in the geography of reappearance prepare both materially and spiritually, achieving Shi'a strength against the forces of falsehood. ▪️ When Imam Khomeini said, "We must prepare the groundwork for Imam Mahdi's reappearance," he meant establishing Shi'a strength and not merely relying on prayers. Prayers and supplications are essential but serve primarily to foster a spiritual bond with the Imam. ✅ The Voluntary Theory of Reappearance and Intergenerational Mahdism ▪️ The Mahdavi doctrine should be seen as intergenerational, where previous generations passed down authentic Shi'a teachings, culminating in the final generation's duty of groundwork preparation. ▪️ Preparing for a waiting society does not mean accelerating the time of reappearance but creating the conditions for it. The Shi'a community itself will actualize reappearance (Nahnū naṣnaʿ al-ẓuhūr). ▪️ In the past, the mindset was passive: "The savior will come to rescue us." This passive approach saw people waiting for reappearance without taking action, relying only on prayers. ▪️ However, with Imam Khomeini's revolution, the Shi'a community has been tasked with paving the way and preparing for reappearance. The Imam of our time is now waiting for us (The Master awaits us). ✅ Facilitating Conditions for Reappearance ▪️ Although the time of reappearance is fixed and unchangeable, the conditions for it must still be fulfilled. God’s planning ensures these conditions are met, such as: The weakening of Western powers through global turmoil (Harj al-Rūm). The formation of the Shi'a Resistance Axis led by the Iranian Revolution. The collapse of Israel and international Zionism, the primary enemies of Imam Mahdi. Conflicts within the Saudi ruling family, paving the way for reappearance in Mecca. ▪️ Ultimately, all the pieces of the reappearance puzzle will come together by the fixed time of reappearance. ✅ In Summary The Voluntary Theory of Reappearance emphasizes nurturing a Shi'a society, building Shi'a strength, and preparing the groundwork for the fixed time of reappearance determined by divine knowledge. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 'aStrength https://t.me/asrzohur110/972 🆔 @ASRZOHUR110 🌐 @rahyafte_en
🔴 The "Minimalist" and "Maximalist" Perspectives on the Time of Reappearance ✍️ By Mostafa Amiri ✅ Is collective prayer and supplication enough? ▪️ The time of reappearance is fixed and unchangeable in divine knowledge. ▪️ Mere prayer and supplication do not alter this time; other conditions for reappearance must also be met. ▪️ Sitting idly and assuming that the process of reappearance will be resolved through prayer and lamentation alone is incorrect. ▪️ Instead, through prayer and supplication, alongside fulfilling other pieces of the reappearance puzzle, we draw closer to the goal—not by bringing the time closer but by preparing ourselves. ▪️ Furthermore, the supplication for hastening the reappearance serves to maintain a connection with the Sun of Imamate, benefiting from its light and shielding believers from the tribulations of the era of occultation. ▪️ Shi'as have the duty to form a unified Shi'a front as groundwork for reappearance, a responsibility placed primarily on Iranians before the reappearance. ▪️ It is divine will that before the rise of the Sun of Supreme Guardianship, Shi'as in the geography of reappearance prepare both materially and spiritually, achieving Shi'a strength against the forces of falsehood. ▪️ When Imam Khomeini said, "We must prepare the groundwork for Imam Mahdi's reappearance," he meant establishing Shi'a strength and not merely relying on prayers. Prayers and supplications are essential but serve primarily to foster a spiritual bond with the Imam. ✅ The Voluntary Theory of Reappearance and Intergenerational Mahdism ▪️ The Mahdavi doctrine should be seen as intergenerational, where previous generations passed down authentic Shi'a teachings, culminating in the final generation's duty of groundwork preparation. ▪️ Preparing for a waiting society does not mean accelerating the time of reappearance but creating the conditions for it. The Shi'a community itself will actualize reappearance (Nahnū naṣnaʿ al-ẓuhūr). ▪️ In the past, the mindset was passive: "The savior will come to rescue us." This passive approach saw people waiting for reappearance without taking action, relying only on prayers. ▪️ However, with Imam Khomeini's revolution, the Shi'a community has been tasked with paving the way and preparing for reappearance. The Imam of our time is now waiting for us (The Master awaits us). ✅ Facilitating Conditions for Reappearance ▪️ Although the time of reappearance is fixed and unchangeable, the conditions for it must still be fulfilled. God’s planning ensures these conditions are met, such as: The weakening of Western powers through global turmoil (Harj al-Rūm). The formation of the Shi'a Resistance Axis led by the Iranian Revolution. The collapse of Israel and international Zionism, the primary enemies of Imam Mahdi. Conflicts within the Saudi ruling family, paving the way for reappearance in Mecca. ▪️ Ultimately, all the pieces of the reappearance puzzle will come together by the fixed time of reappearance. ✅ In Summary The Voluntary Theory of Reappearance emphasizes nurturing a Shi'a society, building Shi'a strength, and preparing the groundwork for the fixed time of reappearance determined by divine knowledge. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 'aStrength https://t.me/asrzohur110/972 🆔 @ASRZOHUR110 🌐 @rahyafte_en