A mother is talking with her child ...
Child: But I don't like this food.
Mother: Too bad. It is all there is. You will sit there and finish your meal. You may as well resign yourself to eating your dinner. You really do not have a choice.
Child: And if I don't eat?
Mother: You will be sitting there all night.
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Two colleagues are talking ...
Colleague 1: Where's Norbert?
Colleague 2: He walked out on us.
Colleague 1: Seriously? He quit his job without notice?
Colleague 2: Yes. He just picked up his personal effects and wished us luck with our emergency situation and left.
Colleague 1: But Norbert was an integral part of the team. There are some functions that no one else knows how to do. How could he leave us in the lurch like that?
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Two friends are talking ...
Friend 1: Why is there a "for sale" sign on your front lawn?
Friend 2: My husband has walked out on us. He just packed his things and left. There is no way that I can financially support this house.
Friend 1: Is your husband not making spousal support payments?
Friend 2: No, and the court system is moving too slowly. Besides, I have not heard from him since he left and no one we know even knows where he is. He has quit his job. We are left stranded.
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"Homebody" means a person who prefers staying at home.
خانه دوست ، خانه نشین و علاقه مند به خانه ، کسی که دوست دارد بیشتر وقتش را در خانه بگذراند
Example: Bill doesn't want to go with us to the party. As usual, he'd rather stay home and read. He's definitely a homebody.
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