English House
🏡 @English_House 🏡
Idiom Scenario 1
Two colleagues are talking ...
Colleague 1: How long have you and Terry from accounting been squabbling now?
Colleague 2: It has been several months.
Colleague 1: Can you even remember what the fight is about?
Colleague 2: Not really.
Colleague 2: Then perhaps it is time to make peace and have a more harmonious work relationship.
Colleague 1: Agreed. I will approach Terry and we will figure out a way to reconcile.
🏡 @English_House 🏡
English House
🏡 @English_House 🏡
Idiom Scenario 2
Two friends are talking ...
Friend 1: How are things going?
Friend 2: Not very well. My wife and I have been fighting all the time lately. It is getting rather tiresome.
Friend 1: What have you been fighting over?
Friend 2: Just about everything. It seems that both of us simply want to be right in any debate or argument regardless of the details.
Friend 1: So, be the bigger person. Just let it all go. It is time to make peace with your wife, stop arguing over trivialities and return to the happy and harmonious relationship you once enjoyed.
🏡 @English_House 🏡
English House
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