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⭕️ پست ویژه بسیار ویژه 👤 سخنان دکتر امیر اشرفی با موضوع جهان پساکرونا 👈 شهر هوشمند، کنترل بشر با هوش مصنوعی 👈 فروپاشی اقتصادی و سلب مالکیت خصوصی 👈 پول مجازی 👈 مواد غذایی تراریخته 👈 و جایگزینی گوشت مصنوعی بجای گوشت طبیعی 👈 انسان تراریخته و پَست کردن نژاد انسانها با دستکاری ژنتیکی بجز نژاد خودشان، 👈 سیستم اعتبار اجتماعی 👈 برده داری مدرن 👈 تقویت ژن اطاعت 👈 کنترل افکار و عواطف و جسم 👈 اینترنت جی5 . 📚جهت اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد مطالب دکتر اشرفی در این ویس (شهر هوشمند) کلمه internet of things را سرچ کنید، همچنین میتوانید به لینکهای ذیل مراجعه کنید👇 1️⃣ https://b2n.ir/217685 2️⃣ https://b2n.ir/012011 3️⃣ https://b2n.ir/943898
To understand where these phrases (“in the red, in the black”) come from, we have to go back to the days before accounting was done on computers. Before computers, accountants did everything by hand and with pen and paper. In order to help them differentiate between deposits and debits, they started using different color ink for each. Because black and red ink were two readily available colors, they were chosen for the purpose. Though it’s only speculation, some say that red was chosen to denote debits/losses/debts because red is considered a harsh color and can catch one’s attention. It also subtly reinforces the idea of negativity or something “bad.” They wanted to make debts stand out and catch people’s attention. ⠀ 📩 Origin: در زمان قدیم بانک‌ها دو لیست داشتند: لیست سیاه و لیست قرمز. لیست قرمز برای افرادی بود که بدهکاری مالی داشتند و لیست سیاه برای افرادی بود که حسابشان پرپول بود یا اینکه بدهکار نبودند. متضاد این اصطلاح be in the black است که به معنای حساب پر پول داشتن و پولدار بودن است. 🏡 @English_House 🏡
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💸 اصطلاح 👉 “In the red,” which means “to be in debt.” بدهکار بودن، بی پول بودن 🔎 the opposite: in the black Usage in a movie ("Cabin in the Sky"): ⠀ - Little Joe, we've just finished your ledger. I'm afraid you're in the red again. - I am? - Yes. Our records show that Georgia Brown got about half the sweepstake money. The other half was spent at Jim Henry's and other places like that. 🏡 @English_House 🏡
Origin: In Chapter 16 of Peter Pan, 1911, J. M. Barrie used a plot device in which the father of the family, Mr. Darling, consigned himself to the dog's kennel as an act of remorse for inadvertently causing his children to be kidnapped. This appears to be an obvious source for the phrase “in the doghouse” and several etymologists have confidently stated it to be just that. But the expression doesn't appear in Peter Pan and that's hardly a surprise as in the UK dogs live in kennels. ⠀ Doghouse is chiefly an American term and is rarely used in Scotland, where Barrie was born, or in England, where he was living when he wrote Peter Pan. ⠀ The origin of the phrase is more prosaic than the Peter Pan theory; it just refers to someone who is out of favour being sent out alone into the cold. 🏡 @English_House 🏡
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🤦‍♀ اصطلاح 👉 “In the doghouse,“ which means “in a situation in which someone is annoyed with you because of something you did.“ تو دردسر افتادن (با کسی)، به مشکل برخوردن Usage in a movie ("The Family Man"): ⠀ - You know champagne makes me do crazy things.  - I'll just fill yours up to the top. - I don't know how you did it, Hoss, but you pulled it off.* - I'm out of the doghouse? - Way out! ⠀ * To pull off - to achieve; to succeed at something difficult. 🏡 @English_House 🏡
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👨‍🍳 👉 “Whip up,” which means “to make food or a meal very quickly and easily.” (عامیانه/ به سرعت و با مهارت) تهیه کردن و آماده کردن، معنی دیگر: ترغیب کردن، تهییج کردن Usage in a movie ("Ratatouille"): ⠀ - Gusteau's Corn Puppies! They're like corn dogs, only smaller. Bite size! - What are corn dogs? - Cheap sausages dipped in batter and deep fried. You know, American. Whip something up! 🏡 @English_House 🏡
This expression alludes to the former British custom of tying up official documents with red ribbon. [Early 1800s] ☘☘☘☘ allude اشاره کردن tie up بستن 🏡 @English_House 🏡
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🎀 اصطلاح 👉 “Red tape,” which means “time-consuming regulations or bureaucratic procedures.” کاغذ بازی اداری، روند اداری طولانی Usage in a movie ("Blood Diamond"): ⠀ - Look at that man. You see him? His entire village was burned down. His wife and children, they got away. He's been working in the mining camps, he's been trying to get his family back. But he cannot get through all the red tape. All I'm asking is this, that you help him, huh? 🎯 Origin: در زمان های گذشته کاغذ ها و مدارک اداری و اسناد را با بند قرمز یا صورتی می بستند و امروزه هم این اصطلاح برای روند طولانی اداری به کار می رود. 🏡 @English_House 🏡
The phrase dates back to the 14th century. At this time the name Jack was typically used to describe the ordinary man. These people were working class and often had to supplement their meagre income by doing other jobs. ⠀ The phrase is often changed to "a Jack of all trades, master of none". Meaning that the person completes multiple tasks but none are done very well. It is often used in a derogatory manner. 🌱🌱🌱 meagre ناچیز derogatory تحقیرآمیز 🏡 @English_House 🏡
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🛠 اصطلاح 👉 ”Jack-of-all-trades,” which means “a person who has skill in many areas.” همه فن حریف، (آدم) آچار فرانسه، همه کاره (و هیچ کاره) Usage in a TV series ("House of Cards"): ⠀ - You carried it all the way up here? - For privacy. I had help. - Meechum. - That's right. - Jack-of-all-trades. Handyman, furniture mover. 📍 به فردی گفته می‌شود که از هر چیزی کمی اطلاعات دارد و احتمالاً در هیچ کدام خبره نیست 🏡 @English_House 🏡
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⚫️ حی علی العزاء ... حی علی البکاء ... فی ماتم‌الحسین علیه السلام .... مظلوم کربلا... 🏡 @English_House 🏡