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𖣐among the popular stereotypes of Muslim religion perhaps none is more widely than the belief that Islam suppresses women. Islam is an equal-opportunity religion whose principles affirm women pursuit of knowledge and literacy; affirm women’s inheritance, earning and managing of wealth; and affirm women’s spiritual potential *❂از میان "کلیشه‌هاي غلط" علیه دینِ اسلام، شاید هیچ‌کدام رایج‌تر از این نباشد که مي‌گویند «اسلام را سرکوب کرده است»!* *اسلام دیني‌ست که مبناي آن است؛ که اصول آن مشوّقِ زنان به علم‌آموزي‌ و دانش هستند؛ همچنین حقّ ارثیه زنان را به رسمیّت شناخته و اجازه کسبِ درآمد و مدیریت ثروت را نیز به بانوان اعطا کرده است و پتانسیل‌هاي معنوي زنان را تقویت کرده است.* *اگرچه در برخي از کشورهاي مسلمان، زنان مورد ستم واقع مي‌شوند اما «آموزه‌هاي اسلام» کاملاً به نفع زنان است.* 🌐دانشگاه هاروارد منبع:باورباران 🏡 @English_House 🏡
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Happy Mab'ath 🌷✨ The day prophet Muhammad was sent as God's messenger ♡🌝🌱 🏡 @English_House 🏡
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🌺 💐فقط حسین آی دنیا 💐این ذکر جهانی شده الحمدالله 🎙 👏 Happy Imam Hossein's (PBUH) birthday in advance :)🎊 🏡@English_House🏡
definition "a sore spot"
a sensitive subject that will upset, anger or embarrass someone

 موضوعی که باعث ناراحتی، عصبانیت یا شرمساری کسی می شود،
نقطه ضعف،
پاشنه آشیل`
Related words and phrases: exposed nerve, in the gut, nerve ending, raw, raw nerve, sore point, tender spot, the quick, touchy subject, weakness, where it hurts, where one lives a sore spot - Usage: formal<---------|------❌-->informal 🏡@English_House🏡
Idiom Scenario 1 Two colleagues are talking ... Colleague 1:  I don't understand why the boss got so upset with me during the staff meeting. Colleague 2:  You kept talking about the second quarter losses and that is a sore spot for the boss. He was so determined to go ahead with that new product even though it had not been fully tested and when it failed miserably, he looked really incompetent. So when you kept bringing up the second quarter, you kept reminding everyone of the boss's failure. Colleague 1:  I suppose that was embarrassing for him. I will be more careful in the future. 🏡@English_House🏡
Idiom Scenario 2 Three friends are talking ... Friend 1:  You are looking very healthy. Friend 2:  What a terrible thing to say. You know I have always struggled with my weight. I can't help it if I am overweight. I've tried so many diets and have always failed miserably. Now if you will excuse me, I need to leave. Friend 1:  What did I say to upset Julia so much? Friend 3:  Nothing really. It is just that you touched a sore spot. Julia has always been overly sensitive about her weight. 🏡@English_House🏡
🌺 گروه چت و رفع اشکال انگلیسی👇🏻 eitaa.com/joinchat/4007067660C220529a69d 🌺 گروه ویس انگلیسی👇🏻 eitaa.com/joinchat/1052901407C14f1434408 🌺 گنجینه لغات انگلیسی👇🏻 @Essential_English_Words 🌺 گروه دوستانه زبان آلمانی👇🏻 eitaa.com/joinchat/921895063C7a9e5f7d7f 🌺کانال اصطلاحات و پادکست👇🏻 @English_House 🌺آرشیو گرامر👇🏻 @grammar_archive
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🎞آمریکایی‌های کتاب‌خون!😏 🎤خبرنگار از مردم آمریکا می‌پرسه آخرین کتابی که خوندی چی بوده؟ نظر شما درباره این کلیپ چیه؟ فکر می‌کردید جوابشون این باشه؟🤔 🏡 @English_House 🏡
Definition "to see a man about a dog" to leave for some unmentioned purpose  این عبارت همانطور که از ظاهرش پیداست بسیار مبهم است و برای مواقعی به کار می رود که فرد‌میخواد جایی بره و کاری بکنه و بنا به دلایل مختلف ( مثل خجالت کشیدن ) هم نمی خواد طرف بدونه که کجا میخواد بره و چرا رفته. مثلاً برای بیان مؤدبانه توالت رفتن، مصرف الکل و. . .  ⠀ دیگه وقتی این جمله رو به کار ببری، طرف خودش می فهمه که بعدش نباید ازت سوال کنه کجا میخوای بری و چیکار.

Related words and phrases:

disappear, escape, flee, fly, go, move, quit, retire, start, take off, withdraw, ambiguous, enigmatic, equivocal, incomprehensible, mysterious, veiled

🏡 @English_House 🏡
Idiom Scenario 1 Two colleagues are talking ... Colleague 1: Where are you going? Colleague 2: Never mind. I need to see a man about a dog. Colleague 1: You are always disappearing like this and never an explanation. Colleague 2: What you do not know cannot hurt you. Better that you do not know. Then you have plausible deniability. 🏡 @English_House 🏡
Idiom Scenario 2 Two friends are talking ... Friend 1: After three beer in less than an hour, I need to go see a man about a dog. Friend 2: Is your bladder getting a little full? Friend 1: Yes. Where is the bathroom please? to see a man about a dog - Usage: formal<---------|------❌-->informal 🏡 @English_House 🏡
Definition "to cross that bridge when you get to it" to not be concerned about a possible future problem now but resolve to solve that problem only if or when the problem occurs. چو فردا رسد کار فردا کنیم چو فردا شود فکر فردا کنیم استعاره از اینکه نیازی نیست الان نگران آینده باشیم.   Related words and phrases: await, defer, delay, stand by, hold on, relax, postpone, put it out of your mind, set aside, suspend 🏡 @English_House 🏡
Idiom Scenario 1 Two colleagues are talking ... Colleague 1: But what will we do when the system crashes during Phase 3? Colleague 2: We don't know that the system will crash then. Colleague 1: But if it does? Colleague 2: We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I think we can pretty well solve any problem that may arise. We know the system inside and out. What's the sense of worrying about something that may never happen? 🏡 @English_House 🏡
Idiom Scenario 2 A couple are traveling on vacation in their car ... Husband: Where are we going to stay tonight? Wife: It's getting late and I'm hungry so let's stop at the next town and get a hotel room. Husband: What if the hotel doesn't have any rooms? Wife: Then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. There is nothing we can do about it right now.
to cross that bridge when you get to it - Usage:
formal<---------|--❌------>informal 🏡 @English_House 🏡