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🦋ادمین @soft88 ⁦♥️⁩روزی ۵ #صلوات به نیت سلامتی و ظهور امام زمان 💌 کانال لغت @Essential_English_Words 💌 آرشیو گرامر @Grammar_Archive گروه چت و رفع اشکال eitaa.com/joinchat/4007067660C220529a69d
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👇Common mistakes with unnecessary prepositions 1⃣👇 اشتباهات رایج با حروف اضافه غیرضروری 1⃣👇 🌷 Answer (= reply to). ❌Don't say: Please answer to my question. ✔️Say: Please answer my question. 🌷 Approach (= come near to). ❌Don't say: Don't approach to that house. ✔️Say: Don't approach that house. 🌷 Ask (= put a question to). ❌Don't say: I asked to the teacher about it. ✔️Say: I asked the teacher about it. 🌷 Attack (= go and fight against). ❌Don't say: They attacked against the enemy. ✔️Say: They attacked the enemy. 🌷 Comprise (= consist of). ❌Don't say: The book comprises of five chapters. ✔️Say: The book comprises five chapters. Or: ✔️The book is comprised of five chapters. 🌷 Enter (= go into). ❌Don't say: We entered into the classroom. ✔️Say: We entered the classroom. 🌷 Finish (= come to the end of). ❌Don't say: I've finished from my work. ✔️Say: I've finished my work. 🌷 Leave (= depart from). ❌Don't say: Brian left from England last week. ✔️Say: Brian left England last week. 🏡 @English_House 🏡
👇Common mistakes with unnecessary prepositions 2⃣👇 اشتباهات رایج با حروف اضافه غیرضروری 2⃣👇 🌷 Allow (to) or let (= give permission to). ❌Don't say: The driver allowed/let to John (to) sit in the front seat. ✔️Say: The driver allowed/let John (to) sit in the front seat. 🌷 Tell (= say to). ❌Don't say: I told to him to come at once. ✔️Say: I told him to come at once. 🌷 Behind (= at the back of). ❌Don't say: Edward hid behind of a large tree. ✔️Say: Edward hid behind a large tree. 🌷 Inside (= in the interior of). ❌Don't say: The boys went inside of the room. ✔️Say: The boys went inside the room. 🌷 Outside (= on the exterior of). ❌Don't say: They stood outside of the door. ✔️Say: They stood outside the door. 🌷 Round (= on all sides of). ❌Don't say: The earth goes round of the sun. ✔️Say: The earth goes round the sun. 🌷 Reach (= arrive at). ❌Don't say: We reached at the school early. ✔️Say: We reached the school early. 🌷 Resemble (= be similar to). ❌Don't say: Does she resemble to her father? ✔️Say: Does she resemble her father? 🌷 Obey (= act according to). ❌Don't say: We should obey to our teachers. ✔️Say: We should obey our teachers. 🏡 @English_House 🏡
English House
#words #clothes clothes 👚👕👖👔👗 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
لغات به ترتیب گفته شده در فایل صوتی ⤵️ 🔹 کلاه 🔹 کت 🔹 ژاکت 🔹 روسری 🔹 دستکش 🔹 کفش 🔹 کفش ورزشی 🔹 چکمه 🔹 کت و شلوار 🔹 جوراب 🔹 دامن 🔹 کراوات 🔹 تی شرت 🔹 ساعت مچی 🔹پیراهن مردانه 🔹 لباس زنانه 🔹حلقه 🔹 کمربند 🔹ژاکت ، بلوز 🅿️ لغات جمع 🔶 در انگلیسی بعضی اسامی همیشه جمع هستند و به فعل جمع نیاز دارند : 🔸 شلوار 🔸 شلوار جین 🔸 شلوار کوتاه ، شلوارک 🔸 لباس تنگ چسبان ، ساپورت 🔸 عینک 🔸 لباس خواب 🔸 عینک آفتابی 📣 برای clothes , glasses از فعل " wear " و برای حمل چیزها از فعل " carry " استفاده میکنیم . has ( got ) on = is wearing ⤵️ پوشیده get dressed = put on ⤵️ لباس پوشیدن get undressed = take off. ⤵️ لباس درآوردن 💥➖➖➰➰➖➖➰➰➖➖➰➰➖➖💥 ❗️ Common mistakes ❗️ اشتباهات رایج 👚 You put clothes on but you take clothes off [ Not put clothes off ❌ ]. put on ➡️ پوشیدن take off ➡️ درآوردن ☑️ Tip 👕 When you get dressed in the morning, say to yourself Now I’m putting on my socks. Now I’m putting on my shoes and so on. صبح که دارید لباس میپوشید ، میگید ⬇️ *⃣ Now I’m putting on my socks. دارم جورابامو می پوشم *⃣ Now I’m putting on my shoes and so on. دارم کفشامو می پوشم و به همین ترتیب... 🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡