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افشای واقعیت تاریخی درباره تجارت برده داری در آمریکا https://store.finalcall.com/product/jews-selling-blacks/ 🔰پاسخگویی: @sijjil
مشاهده در ایتا
St. Simon of Trent by Giovanni Gasparro @JewsSellingBlacks
Anti-Jew crime in London: overhearing Hebrew, mob assaults 3 Israelis "...Three Israelis were the victims of an antisemitic attack in London's West End on Saturday after their assailants overheard them speak Hebrew. The victims, two men and a woman in their 20s, told Israeli journalist Elad Simchayoff they were accosted by a large group of young men who identified them as Israelis. "They heard us talking and said, 'are you Jewish?'" The female victim, identified by her first name Tehilla, replied "yes, I’m Jewish", which led the assailants to start chanting "Free Palestine and ____ Jews". The men then started assaulting them, causing head injuries to the men. "I tried to stop them and stood in front as I was sure they would never hit a woman", Tehilla told Simchayoff, "They couldn’t care less, they hit me as well"..." Source: https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/europe/1705872493-overhearing-hebrew-antisemitic-mob-assaults-3-israelis-in-london @JewsSellingBlacks
E-mail Separator Template.xlsx
Excel E-mail Separator Template Spreadsheet This Excel spreadsheet has formulas in it which allows a person to automatically put commas in between e-mail addresses. This feature is especially useful for people who want to send a lot of e-mails in single groups. Please feel free to share this file with your friends. @JewsSellingBlacks
NYC: Pro-Palestine protesters clash with cops - with at least four arrested - at massive protest outside AIPAC Headquarters "...Pro-Palestine protesters appeared to clash with police outside The American Israel Public Affairs Committee headquarters in Manhattan on Friday afternoon. In videos posted to social media a woman wearing a keffiyeh scarf was seen scuffling with NYPD officers. Several protesters were also seen being arrested by officers on the street. 'You're funding genocide' shouted one woman as she was restrained by police. Protesters can be heard demanding a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict, and chanting 'Free Palestine' and 'shame on you.'..." Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13012031/amp/Pro-Palestine-protesters-clash-cops-four-arrested-massive-protest-outside-American-Israel-Public-Affairs-Committee-headquarters-New-York-City.html @JewsSellingBlacks
Jewish Black Slave Trade Fliers Distributed In Lynchburg, Virginia "...Flyers containing hateful rhetoric were left on porches and cars across Lynchburg. "For the average person, this is definitely terrifying," Dennis Martin, who received three flyers at his home said. The flyers claimed to link Jewish people to the slave trade and called for reparations, as well as for people to boycott Israel. Martin said he was disgusted that someone left these flyers in his neighborhood..." Source: https://wset.com/news/local/anti-semitic-and-racist-flyers-found-in-lynchburg-virginia-neighborhoods-january-2024# @JewsSellingBlacks
Norwalk police, FBI investigate antisemitic, racist emails to Common Council members, chief says "... The antisemitic and racist attacks toward Norwalk’s Common Council continue, as some members received “harassing emails” with antisemitic and racist hate speech this week, Norwalk police and Mayor Harry Rilling reported in a joint statement. “We believe this is ongoing cyber and mail harassment against city government officials,” said Norwalk Police Chief James Walsh. “The Norwalk Police Department, with the assistance of the FBI, is actively investigating to determine the identity of the parties responsible for these and the prior acts.” On Monday, Rilling and Norwalk police were informed that some Common Council members received hateful emails only a week after some members received antisemitic postcards at their homes..." Source: https://www.thehour.com/news/article/norwalk-racist-antisemitic-emails-common-council-18636953.php @JewsSellingBlacks
Timeline of Growing Resistance to Jewish Power Inside the US by John J Ubele.pdf
تایملاین تحولات و اتفاقات مرتبط با مقاومت ضد صهیونیستی در آمریکا توسط جان جیمز یوبل Timeline of Growing Resistance to Jewish Power Inside the US by John James Ubele @JewsSellingBlacks