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John James Ubele
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This video is almost 22 years old. The video is educational as far as revealing Jewish goals of overthrowing governments throughout the Middle East region and setting up puppet states for the benefit of Israel and Global Jewry: User Clip: Netanyahu's Expert Testimony on Iraq in [September] 2002 https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4529120/user-clip-netanyahus-expert-testimony-iraq-2002 @JohnJamesUbele
Psychological Operations.pdf
About seven months ago I came across a report titled, "Psychological Operations Within The Cyberspace Domain". The report was authored by LTC Prentiss O. Baker and was published in February 2010. Although the report is just over 14 years old, there is some useful information in it. The following snippet of text is from pages 17 and 18 (11 and 12) of the report: "...To take advantage of the opportunities that the cyberspace domain offers, Col. John Boyd‘s Observe, Orient, Decide and Act (OODA) concept provides some insights on how the JFC might be able to make faster decisions and re-distribute power within the cyberspace domain. Boyd‘s OODA concept aim is to diminish the adversary‘s capacity while improving our capacity to adapt as an organic whole, so that our adversary cannot cope while we can cope with events/efforts as they unfold. From a PSYOP [Psychological Operations/Psychological Warfare] perspective the focus is on the - orientation part of the concept in order to - penetrate adversary‘s moral-mental-physical being to dissolve his moral fiber, disorient his mental images, disrupt his operations, and overload his system, as well as subvert, seize those moral-mental-physical bastions, connections, or activities that he depends upon, in order to destroy internal harmony, produce paralysis and collapse the adversary‘s will to resist..." @JohnJamesUbele
End US Government Support To Israel.pdf
Please share the attached flier: End US Government Support To Israel @JohnJamesUbele
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“The Israelis are patent liars…they are inveterate liars.” - Col Larry Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff @JohnJamesUbele
Special thanks to the university art student who produced this picture. @JohnJamesUbele
This nefarious Jewish pressure must be permanently put out of business as soon as possible. @JohnJamesUbele
It was useful while it lasted. @JohnJamesUbele
Please post these images on social media sites, online forums and news website comment areas. Thank you for your support! @JohnJamesUbele