In the Name of Allah the All Compassionate the All Merciful
Lady Fatemeh is the color of love 💚
وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ إِنِّي جَاعِلٌ فِي الْأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةً ۖ قَالُوا أَتَجْعَلُ فِيهَا مَن يُفْسِدُ فِيهَا وَيَسْفِكُ الدِّمَاءَ وَنَحْنُ نُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِكَ وَنُقَدِّسُ لَكَ ۖ قَالَ إِنِّي أَعْلَمُ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُونَ ﴿٣٠﴾
When your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed I am going to set a viceroy on the earth,’ they said, ‘Will You set in it someone who will cause corruption in it and shed blood, while we celebrate Your praise and proclaim Your sanctity?’ He said, ‘Indeed I know what you do not know.’ (30
🔰And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know." (30)
☘ when
وقتی که
☘shed blood
خون ریختن
تقدیس کردن،
☘ proclaim
اعلام کردن
تقدس، پرهیز کاری، حرمت
پی در پی، متوالی
متخصص اولیاء امور
اعلام کردن
حرمت، تقدس
Asking question 🙋
1) what did Allah do?
Allah set a viceroy on the earth.
2) Did the angles agree with this decision?
No they didn't. They disagreed.
3) what was the excuse of the angles?
They said Adam will shed blood and cause corruption on the earth.
4) What was the answer of Allah?
He said, "Indeed I know that which you do not know".
5) Do the angles sanctify Allah?
Yes they do.
⭐️What is the Golden point of this Ayah? Were the angles right?
🦋 Oh Allah hasten the reappearance of Imam Mahdi
🦋Oh my mawla Let me cancel all my wishes For the sake of you
Voice 075.m4a
In the Name of Allah the All Compassionate the All Merciful
Oh my master Fatimah rescue me 🌹