Shame on all the Muslim countries which have relations with the Zionist regime.
Those who claim supporting Palestine should cut all their official and diplomatic relations with Zionist regime.
Isn't it time for all , Governments and countries to make an important decision on the issue of genocide by the Zionist regime and cut off their relations with Ziona forever?
In Palestine, what is happening in front of the eyes of the whole world is the crime of genocide.
The usurping government of the Zionist regime should definitely be tried. But Muslim and European countries should withdraw their support for Israel and cut off diplomatic relations with Israel
🔴مرحله دوم عملیات:
🔶️تشدید فشارها اینبار بر کاربران مصری برای مطالبه قطع صادرات سوخت به اسرییل از دولتشان
✔دولت شما اگه کمک نمیکنه که مردم بیگناه قربانی بشن، لااقل با فرستادن سوخت خیانت هم نکنه
✔دولت شما سوخت جنگنده رو تامین میکنه و دستش به خون کودکان فلسطینی آلوده هست
✔جنگندههای اسرائیلی برای کشتن مردم فلسطین احتیاج به سوختهای ارسالی شما دارد، صادرات سوخت را متوقف کنید
از جملات بالا استفاده کنید 👆👆👆👆
🔗لینک اول
🔗لینک دوم
🔗لینک سوم
🔗لینک چهارم
🔗لینک پنجم
🔗لینک ششم
🔗لینک هفتم
🔗لینک هشتم
Most of those who said they were civilians and were killed by Hamas, were actually killed by Israeli weapons.
#freepalestine 🇵🇸
All Israeli military bases in the occupied territories are targeted every day and every night, and tanks and armored vehicles and their soldiers are targeted with various weapons.
#freepalestine 🇵🇸
We were threatened from the beginning that American ships have come to attack you
They told us on Sunday at the beginning of the battle.
But our actions were carried out, groups entered and our next groups also left
#freepalestine 🇵🇸
So far, the enemy has not been able to take the initiative despite the support of America.
-Sayyed Resist
#freepalestine 🇵🇸