❇️ The #Life Conduct of the #Prophet Muhammad (a) against the Enemy after he (a) Reached the #Power
🔶 The great army of #Islam arrived near #Mecca. Sa‘d b. ‘Ibada held the banner of the #army of Islam, while he recited the #following poem, “Today is the day of #battle. Today, [your life and property] are considered permissible [to cease]. Today, God humiliates Quraysh.”
🌼 The Prophet (a) became very upset of hearing that and in order that people of Mecca do not have despair and disappointment, immediately said, “Today is the day of clemency, the day God honors Quraysh, the day #God exalted the Kaaba.”
🌸 Then, he (a) dismissed Sa‘d and appointed Ali (a) instead of him and ordered him to take the #banner of Islam from Sa‘d immediately.
🍃 This way, the powerful army of Islam entered Mecca with 10 thousand armed forces and Imam #Ali (a) was the #flag bearer reciting the slogan of #mercy.
📚 Sirah Halabi, vol. 3, p. 22.
📚 Sirah Ibn Hisham, vol. 4, p. 49.
📚 Sharh Nahj al-balagha, Ibn Abi al-Hadid, vol. 17, p. 272.
📚 Bihar al-anwar, vol. 21, p. 105.
📚 Tarikh Tabari, vol. 2, p. 334.
📚 Kamil, Ibn Athir, vol. 1, p. 614.
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#Jesus (p) is neither #God nor the #son of God and Jesus (p) is only a #prophet and a #creation of God !
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