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مشاهده در ایتا
#visit_iran #visit_paradise #soleyman #dezh #gachsaran #kohgiluyeh_and_boyer_ahmad #soleyman_dezh , which is probably one of the #castles of #ismailis #movement , is located close to #soleyman #village in 20 km #south_west of #gachsaran #kohgilouyeh_and_boyer_ahmad #province there were lots of #castles in the #history which had #hidden #entry and also #people could #reach #water #supplies during #long-lasting #sieges #soleyman_dezh had been one of three important and #unbeatable #castles of #ismailis in the #south of the #country that you must pass #impassable_roads to #visit it yourself this #castle was #base of #soleyman_ibn_taher_gonavehee who was the #leader of #qarmatians and it’s known as #soleyman_dezh for this #reason being in the #mountainous area and having #unreachable #roads make it more #important and more #special #castle which is #unique and is still #intact لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org
سیزده برقرارى ارتباط بین در ، دیدار است و هنگام ، نگارى است Being related among in a is in meeting and while in sending لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org