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مشاهده در ایتا
#visit_iran #visit_paradise #fourty_girls #tower #damghan #semnan #forty_girls_tower of #damghan has been #stable for 11 #centuries , and it is an #ancient #inherit of #iran the name of #forty_girls comes from the #pre-islamic #period of #iran #history this #tower was #probably made with #raw_clay around 4 or 5 #hijri_lunar and then it was #repaired by #aboo_shoja (an #unknown_person ). the #tower #probably was destroyed as the time passed and #aboo_shoja made it again based on the #primary_structure #plan but with #bricks and he designed a #cone #roof for it. this #tower is 15 #meters #high #archaeologists say this #historical #monument was built in 446 #hijri_lunar . this #information is gathered from the #inscription that is located #out of the #tower . the name of the #builder and the date of #build is #written on the #inscription in #kufi_handwriting .
is the and in . this is known as the symbol of . its is meters as the of the of ; ( = ) which has floors on the and the one . this is located in – the - in the cities of the of . the was started in and in and it was in . the of building of was notified . has of and area, a sq-meters , with a capacity of cars and a and a +antenna which is meters high. channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org