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مشاهده در ایتا
#visit_iran #visit_paradise #man_eater_castle #nir #ardabil There's a #mysterious #castle in the suburb of #kur_abbaslu #village near #nir - a #city in #Ardabil #province - which had been the #bully of the #area that has eaten #everyone who had #gone into it #locals #believe that many #centuries #ago, #people who went to #kur_abbaslu #village in #ardabil #province after #visiting the #bully #ancient #castle were #disappeared in a #completely #mysterious_way But this #puzzle is #solved by #philosophers - #andishmandan – that #visitors #came_back from the #other #side of the #castle because of its really #impossible and #hard #way and this cause #people #thought that they didn’t #come_back at all This #castle has a #fascinating #rock #structure that is #rare around the #world, which makes it a #man_eater_castle and an #outdoor #museum site in #Iran #remained #items in this #place #refer to #iron and #bronze #era - #4000_years_ago – There are #six #handmade #ponds that show the #ability #and art of the #residents of this #castle in #digging #rocks #experts #believe that the #breadth and #layers of this #castle show the #continuity of #human #life from the #Parthian #era to the #Safavian #era #اندیشمندانه_انتخاب_کنید #choose_wisely لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org
Open & type the words that start with letters in picture in the comments. = https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyx9nT6sQG9/ به بروید و کلمه هایی که با حروف داخل عکس شروع میشن را کامنت کن لینک پست = https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyx9nT6sQG9/ لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org
Open & type the words that start with letters in picture in the comments. = https://www.instagram.com/p/C27gJTuM7mC/ به بروید و کلمه هایی که با حروف داخل عکس شروع میشن را کامنت کن لینک پست = https://www.instagram.com/p/C27gJTuM7mC/ لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org
Open & type the words that complete with letters in picture in the comments. = https://www.instagram.com/p/C66KV69gI61/ به بروید و کلمه هایی که با حروف داخل عکس کامل میشن را کامنت کن لینک پست = https://www.instagram.com/p/C66KV69gI61/ لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org
Open & type the words that complete with letters in picture in the comments. = https://www.instagram.com/p/DA5oVuipsEi/ به بروید و کلمه هایی که با حروف داخل عکس کامل میشن را کامنت کن لینک پست = https://www.instagram.com/p/DA5oVuipsEi/ لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org
Open & type the words that complete with letters in picture in the comments. = https://www.instagram.com/p/DFP8FAvp9ES/ به بروید و کلمه هایی که با حروف داخل عکس کامل میشن را کامنت کن لینک پست = https://www.instagram.com/p/DFP8FAvp9ES/ لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org