#skin_care foe #teen #skin
1️⃣ #cleanse #carefully
2️⃣ #wash_off #makeup before #bed
3️⃣ #control_oil
4️⃣ #exfoliate
5️⃣ #get the #right #acne_products
6️⃣ Don't #share #makeup
7️⃣ #choose #spray #hair_products
8️⃣ #skip the #toothpaste and other #old_wives' #tales
9️⃣ #wear #sunscreen
🔟 #avoid #tanning_beds
channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org
#mola #moto
each #one becomes #selfish, will be #destructed
and each #one asks #others for #advice, will #share in their #minds
channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org
#mola #moto
your #feed is in two kinds, #Adam's child
the #feed which you are #searching for
and the food which is searching you
which if you don't go for it, it will come to you
so don't add a year's #sadness to your day's sadness
which eliminating #sadness wastes a #day of your life
if #next #year is part of your #life
#God will give your #share
channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org