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پایگاه اطلاع رسانی جامعةالمصطفی خراسان 💡 علم و معرفت برای همه انسان‌ها؛ 💡 🌐 www.mashhad.miu.ac.ir 📮شبکه‌های اجتماعی: 📲 https://zil.ink/almustafa_mashhad 📩 ارتباط با سردبیر: @mahdavisr
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11.08M حجم رسانه بالاست
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🏴مردم خشمگین در استانبول و آتش بازی به سمت کنسولگری اسرائیل
6.54M حجم رسانه بالاست
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♦️در شب حملات وحشتناک رژیم صهیونیستی علیه غزه، مردم بحرین برای حمایت از فلسطینی ها به خیابان آمدند
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♦️ بمباران جنون آمیز شمال نوار غزه توسط ارتش رژیم صهیونیستی
6.21M حجم رسانه بالاست
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♦️ مردم تونس با تظاهرات مقابل سفارت فرانسه خواستار اخراج سفیر فرانسوی شدند. @AkhbareFori
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
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♦️تظاهرات یهودیان آمریکایی در نیویورک در اعتراض به نسل‌کشی در غزه @AkhbareFori
10.35M حجم رسانه بالاست
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♦️مغربی‌ها برای حمایت از فلسطین به خیابان‌ آمدند 🔹هزاران نفر از شهروندان مغرب علی رغم اینکه حاکمیت کشورشان با رژیم صهیونیستی عادی‌سازی کرده، با شنیدن یورش بی‌امان زمینی و هوایی این رژیم به نوار غزه، خودجوش به خیابان‌های مراکش آمدند و علیه صهیونیست‌ها و در حمایت از فلسطینیان دست به تظاهرات گسترده زدند. @AkhbareFori
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
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♦️دیشب وقتی همه خواب بودند، کودکان در غزه این‌گونه آواره شده بودند @AkhbareFori
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
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♦️اولین تصاویر از سحرگاه غزه 🔹صدای بمباران و درگیری در شرق باریکه غزه سحرگاه امروز پس از شبی طولانی از حملات هوایی و مقاومت به گوش می‌رسد. @AkhbareFori
🏴 بسم الله القاصم الجبارين جنگ جهانی استکبار علیه و مظلوم اما صبور و مقتدر به مراحل خاصی رسیده، رژیم غاصب و کودک کش با کمک حامیان خود در راس آنها وحشیانه ترین حملات را علیه باریکه ی غزه آغاز کرده و در حال انجام هستند. یقینا فلسطین این پاره تن اسلام پیروز خواهد شد. اما لازم است همه ما که مدتهاست جامعه اسلامی را متشنج از این سیاستهای خصمانه آمریکایی، اسرائیلی می بینیم، دست تضرع به درگاه الهی دراز کرده و همچنین با توسل به حضرات معصومین علیهم السلام به ویژه استغاثه به محضر امام زمان«عج» برای نجات و پیروزی رزمندگان دلاور و شجاع فلسطینی دعا کنیم. در مراسم توسل و استغاثه به آنحضرت، امروز شنبه ۶ آبان همزمان با اقامه نماز ظهر و عصر در ساختمان نمایندگی خراسان شرکت خواهیم داشت. ✅معاونت فرهنگی تربیتی المصطفی نمایندگی خراسان ▫️ لینک کانال روابط عمومی نمایندگی المصطفی در خراسان جهت اطلاع از آخرین اخبار و رویدادها https://eitaa.com/almustafa_mashhad
🏴 بیانیه انجمن علمی ترجمه نمایندگی خراسان درمسئله فلسطین و طوفان الاقصی و کشتار کودکان مظلوم غزه.. معاونت پژوهش👇👇👇
In the Name of Allah وَ لَاتَحْسَبَنَّ اللَّهَ غَافِلًا عَمَّا يَعْمَلُ الظَّالِمُونَ إِنَّمَا يُؤَخِّرُهُمْ لِيَوْمٍ تَشْخَصُ فِيهِ الْأَبْصَارُ (ابراهیم، 42) Do not suppose that Allah is oblivious to what the wrongdoers are doing. He is only granting them respite until the day when the eyes will be glazed. (14:42) 🔹The oppressed martyrdom of a large number of Palestinian people in Gaza Strip during the horrific attacks of the brutal Zionist regime made the heart of every honorable freedom-loving person hurt. 🔹Palestinian militants shocked the world on 7 October 2023 when they swept into the Palestinian territories occupied in 1948 [Israel], attacking the Zionist occupier settlers and inflicting massive casualties. Operation Al-Aqsa Flood dealt an unprecedented, historic blow to Israel, which has usurped Palestinians' land, destroyed their homes and displaced them for 75 years. 🔹We praise and appreciate Palestinian resistance groups for their heroic operation, and the valiant Palestinian people for their historic resistance; and consider the operation as a pre-emptive strike against Israel’s strategy of evacuating Gaza’s residents and forcibly relocating them to the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, as well as a legitimate Palestinian response to heinous and horrible crimes on part of the Zionists, such as daily violations and organized terror, repeated incursions of al-Aqsa Mosque, and the constant expansion of the settlements. 🔹Shocked and confused Zionist regime, after its disgraceful security, intelligence, political, and military failure against Hamas's miraculous operation, in a crazy act, went to the defenseless Palestinian women and children instead of facing the resistance fighters in the battle scene. By constant barbaric and systematic bombing of the civilians, children, medical facilities, journalists, densely populated refugee camps, even those taking shelter in UNRWA schools, and killing more than 2000 children and infants, the Zionists once again displayed their ferocity and cowardice to the whole world, showed they never believe that "even wars have rules", and proved that they do not adhere to the principles and rules of international law. 🔹After suffering Israel the "irreparable defeat" of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, the imperialistic powers, top among them the United States and Britain, are trying hard to rehabilitate this deteriorating illegitimate regime by providing mass killing weapons, along with financial and political full support. Israel seeks to restore its deterrent image damaged by Operation Al-Aqsa Flood by launching a massive, devastating airstrikes on the innocent civilians. It tries to beat the Gazans' resistance by cutting water supply and access for humanitarian staff and supplies into Gaza, and gain social support by presenting fictional victimhood narrative in media. 🔹Surely, the heat of this disgrace will never be removed from the foreheads of this child-killing pariah regime and the countries that have supported it during its disgraceful 75 years life, or have kept deathly silent in front of their innumerable atrocities and the unjustly shed blood of the oppressed. 🔹Today, Palestine is the touchstone of the right and the wrong, the good and the evil. Israel is fully supported by the imperialistic powers, mercenary governments, and dictators whose hands are stained with the blood of innocent people, while the oppressed people and the justice-seeking nations and countries stand with the Palestine. No one can see or hear the tragedy of Palestine and say that I side with peace and justice, without condemning the oppressor and supporting the oppressed. 🔹We strongly condemn the apartheid Zionist regime, as well as the US and UK which are not only satisfied, but complicit in all its crimes; and reaffirm the inherent, legal and inalienable right of the oppressed Palestinians to defend themselves vis-à-vis the usurpers of Palestine. We raise serious humanitarian concerns over depriving 2.2 million people of essential food, fuel, water, electricity and medicine; and call on responsible
international institutions and Muslim countries to fulfill their responsibilities, and to support al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestinians' incontrovertible rights. 🔹We congratulate Palestinians on this precious victory that revealed the occupiers' infirmity, annihilated Israel's deceitful postures of invincibility, showed the power of believing in resistance, and underpinned the culture of resistance. We honor the memory of all the martyrs of the resistance, and extend our deepest sympathies to Palestinian people and resistance. We appeal to all freedom-loving and justice-seeking people not to be indifferent to these barbaric crimes, and do everything possible to support the oppressed Palestinians, particularly by recounting the true and full narration of Israel-Palestine heart-rending story that started 75 years ago, not at 7 October 2023. We pray and hope for the victory of the "oppressed but powerful" Palestine for we believe that "the future world belongs to Palestine; not to the usurping Zionist regime". وَأُخْرَى تُحِبُّونَهَا نَصْرٌ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَفَتْحٌ قَرِيبٌ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ (صف، 13) And other [blessings] you love: help from Allah and a victory near at hand. And give good news to the faithful. (61:13) Al-Mustafa Student Association of Translation, Mashhad, Iran October, 2023 ▫️ لینک کانال روابط عمومی نمایندگی المصطفی در خراسان جهت اطلاع از آخرین اخبار و رویدادها https://eitaa.com/almustafa_mashhad