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🌾#رهبر_انقلاب:🔅ملت عزیز ایران باید همتشان این باشد که قوی بشوند!🔅 #آتش_به_اختیار #فعال_فرهنگی . . 💢ارتباط با ادمین (جهت ارسال نظرات و پیشنهادات، سؤالات و شبهات...): @Abdozahra5
مشاهده در ایتا
🔅 is a religion with the goal to build a monotheistic civilization throughout the world. 🌀 Today, the Islamic ummah feels the need in reviving the Civilization of Islam by sourcing out different ways and solution. ⚜Amongst the various ways, the best and shortest route is by portraying an examplar and a concrete figure whom have established before, in a limited scale. ▫️By looking at the world ritual in this era, it is indeed a concrete example of Islamic civilization where Muslims could observe on the comparison of the limited dependancy on human's plan and the reliance on God's accuracy of plan, full of consistency and effectiveness. It is sufficient for Islamic Ummah to take Arbaeen as an example by developing the culture of society the values within Arbaeen until they would witness the revival of Islamic Civilization throughout the world. ┏━━━━━━↬▪️↫━┓ 🌐 @bayad_bedunii ┗━↬▪️↫━━━━━━┛