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پیج فارسی: @roshangarii پیج اینستاگرام: https://www.instagram.com/enlightenment40/ پیج عربی: @altanwir40 ترجمه فارسی پستها فقط در کانال ایتا قرار میگیرد.
مشاهده در ایتا
🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃 می توانید خانه براندازمان کنید و زندگی را از ما بگیرید ، اما هرگز نخواهید توانست ایمانمان را از ما بگیرید✌.
👆This picture is a summary of Palestine issue. The savage armed came with arms, and occupied the flourishing land of an ancient nation who were living their life in peace and progress by force. هذه الصورة خلاصة قصة فلسطین... الصهاینة المحتلون جاءوا من بقاع الارض مسلحین بالقسوة والعنف واحتلوا أرضا عامرة خضراء لشعب أصيل عنوانه محبة السلام والهدوء وشعاره الزرع والحصاد . این عکس، خلاصه ماجرای است.. صهیونیست های اشغالگر وحشیانه با اسلحه آمدند، و سرزمین آباد و سرسبز ملتی کهن، بی سلاح و عاشق صلح و آرامش و کشاورزی را با زور و اسلحه اشغال کردند.. 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
#Israeli occupier's bulldozer dragging the body of a #Palestinian man in #Gaza after he was shot by the Israeli #occupation forces. One of a thousand instances of israeli #terrorism #StopArmingIsrael #صفقة_القرن #سرقة_القرن #ارحلوا_عن_ارضنا #العراق #لبنان #السعودیة #لا_لصفقة_القرن #عمان #الاردن #الإمارات #Palestine #Isreal #FreePalestine #DealOfTheCentury #US #CNN #BBC #FOXnews #Trump #Occupatoin #peace #War 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
🔶 Get off our Land #StopArmingIsrael #صفقة_القرن #سرقة_القرن #ارحلوا_عن_ارضنا #العراق #لبنان #السعودیة #لا_لصفقة_القرن #عمان #الاردن #الإمارات #Palestine #Isreal #FreePalestine #DealOfTheCentury #US #CNN #BBC #FOXnews #Trump #Occupatoin #peace #War 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
Why say : #DownWithIsrael Since we believe in #Humanity. This is only one out of thousands of pictures act of the most savage entity on Earth. Killing a #palestinian youth and hanging his body by buldozer. Worse than #ISIS /DAESH. All #satanic #media are silent And #Celebs with no real humane identity are silent busy with nail implant or ...!!!! Looking for #Holocaust real picture? Not far from us. Just take a look in #Palestine. #Isreal #FreePalestine #DealOfTheCentury #US #CNN #BBC #FOXnews #Trump #Occupatoin #peace #War 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
#AIPAC ( #American #Israel Public Affairs Committee) Meeting for 2020 #Election #FreePalestine #DealOfTheCentury #US #CNN #BBC #FOXnews #Trump #Occupatoin #peace #War #USA #mercenarie #Israeli #America #American #Rusia #amazing #joke #DonaldTrump #BernieSanders #Palestine 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
As #corona virus does not engage #childrens, it shows that even a brainless cell can have more intelligent than the #baby killer regim of #Israel. #FreePalestine #DealOfTheCentury #US #CNN #BBC #FOXnews #Trump #Occupatoin #peace #War #USA #Israeli #America #American #amazing #joke #DonaldTrump #BernieSanders #Palestine #Huamnity #BDS 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
#Zionists believe that they are God's #chosenPeople and all other people (non-Jews) are #animals in their service. But every year, they put an animal ( #donkey ) on their heads and so they receive its blessing (feast of blessing) Who are the real animals?! #Israel. #FreePalestine #DealOfTheCentury #US #CNN #BBC #FOXnews #Trump #Occupatoin #peace #War #USA #Israeli #America #American #amazing #joke #DonaldTrump #BernieSanders #Palestine #Huamnity #BDS 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
I wish I had died for the breaking your small frightened heart. I swear by Allah that anyone who doesn’t want to save you and doesn’t do any thing for your freedom from criminal Zionists (even by words of mouth), doesn’t even have a bit of humanity. 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃