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هسته بین الملل بسیج دانشجویی فلوریدا موضوعاتی که در فضای مجازی آمریکا مطرح می شود جمع آوری می کند؛ جهت مطالعه و شناخت جامعه آمریکا و جنگ نرم
مشاهده در ایتا
🔷Some news stories about one of our recent activities: 🔸Norwalk police, FBI investigate antisemitic, racist emails to Common Council members, chief says https://www.thehour.com/news/article/norwalk-racist-antisemitic-emails-common-council-18636953.php 🔸Norwalk police, FBI investigate antisemitic, racist emails to Common Council members, chief says https://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/norwalk-racist-antisemitic-emails-common-council-18636953.php 🔸Antisemitic harassment continues with Monday morning emails to Norwalk Council members https://www.nancyonnorwalk.com/antisemitic-harassment-continues-with-monday-morning-emails-to-norwalk-council-members/
هدایت شده از یهودیان و سیاهان
NYPD hunts for anti-Jew man who pounded man with bat, called him 'dirty Jew' "...An antisemitic creep hit a man over the head with a baseball bat after calling him a “dirty Jew” on a Staten Island street this week, police said Tuesday. The 25-year-old victim was confronted by the hateful stranger on Grandview Avenue in Mariners Harbor around 2:30 p.m. Monday, the NYPD said. The attacker spewed the antisemitic slur and then bashed the man in the head with a metal baseball bat, causing a cut to the back of his head, according to police. EMS took the victim to Staten Island University Hospital to be treated for his injuries..." Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/nypd-hunts-for-antisemitic-creep-who-pounded-man-with-bat-called-him-dirty-jew/ar-BB1idXAZ @JewsSellingBlacks
هدایت شده از یهودیان و سیاهان
Here's an example of the enemy using e-mail marketing: Pro-Israel email blast targets NC school district after students 'walk out against genocide' "...A student walkout last week at two Chapel Hill-Carrboro schools decrying genocide in Gaza has unleashed a torrent of cloned emails to the district and Chapel Hill town officials. The emails, which appeared to be generated by the group Unified Jewish Voices, called for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools to cancel any clubs promoting hate and antisemitism, prohibit flyers and materials promoting those views, and to fire any teacher found using those materials in class. The district started receiving emails from the community, including Jewish staff members and families, before a Feb. 6 Instagram post was circulated about the student-led “Walk-out Against Genocide” planned for two days later, district spokesman Andy Jenks said..." Source: https://www.aol.com/news/pro-israel-email-blast-targets-125644940.html @JewsSellingBlacks
"..."It could have been just coincidence, but chances are it wasn't", Joftus, 17, said. She added that teachers had also received antisemitic emails from a sender outside of the school system over the weekend, confirming that the action wasn’t random. "It really had purpose and motivation behind it."..." Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2022/12/22/antisemitism-montgomery-county-whitman-vandalism/
🔷 چاپ بی پشتوانه دلار آمریکا توسط یهودیان به چه منظور است؟ 🔸آیا يهوديان، به زندگی و آینده ی مردم آمریکا اهمیتی هم می دهند؟ ✴️بسیج فلوریدا 🔰 (رصد شبکه اجتماعی آمریکایی جهت تحلیل شرایط و برنامه ریزی برای جنگ نرم) @FloridaBasij
ایالات متحدالیهود وایمار گونه!! درباره شرایط اقتصادی آلمان بین دو جنگ جهانی حتما شنیدین... داره همین بلا به سر آمریکای نگون بخت هم میاد!
✴️بسیج فلوریدا 🔰 (رصد شبکه اجتماعی آمریکایی جهت تحلیل شرایط و برنامه ریزی برای جنگ نرم) @FloridaBasij
بیدارشدگان غرب در نبرد با هیولا