🎦 Iran Slaps israel | Qom City Podcasts
Watch Now: https://www.aparat.com/v/hp5G0
And what a slap it was!!
The Islamic Republic of Iran, after having its Consulate attacked by the illegal and illegitimate Zionist regime of israel decides to respond! They called it "Operation True Promise".
Shaykh Ali Qomi and Sayyid Shahryar Naqvi discuss this retaliatory attack by the Islamic Republic of Iran on the Zionist regime of israel in the very first installment of "Qom City Podcasts" by Islamic Pulse.
#IslamicPulse #QomCityPodcasts #Podcast #Discussion #Analaysis #Thoughts #Iran #israel #ZionistRegime #TerroristRegime #FreePalestine #IslamicRepublic #Zionism #America #UK #LongLiveResistance #TruePromise #OperationTruePromise
Duration: 46:37
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📸 What has happened to you that you do not fight in the way of Allah, and for the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “Our Lord, take us out from this town whose people are cruel, and make for us a supporter from Your own, and make for us a helper from Your own.”
#HolyQuran #Allah #Oppressed #Women #Men #Children #Lord #Supporter #GazaStrip #FreePalestine #SaveGaza #Gaza #GazaHolocaust #GazaGenocide #GazaMassacre
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🎦 What Is Mahdawiyyah? | Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)
So generally speaking, what is Mahdawiyyah?
And where are courses being taught regarding Mahdawiyyah?
What are some of the different aspects that are covered in the study of Mahdawiyyah?
What are the two of many books that can help us in our endeavor to get to know the Imam of our Time (A) that are reliable sources?
Finally, is the general concept of Mahdawiyyah and a savior, limited to just Shia Muslims?
The answers will surprise you.
Sister Fatima answers as she answers the question "What Is Mahdawiyyah?" as we continue Islamic Pulse's brand new series, "Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)", in ode to the Awaited Savior.
"Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)" is a series which deals with fundamental questions about the Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A), so we can get to know his eminence just a little bit better, wherever you are.
#IslamicPulse #MeYouandImamMahdi #Allah #Islam #AhlulBayt #Muslim #Shia #Revolution #IslamicRevolution #Resistance #ImamMahdi #Occultation #TheSavior #AwaitedSavior #Savior #Salvation #AlMahdi #TheReformer #EndOfTimes #Mahdi #TheMahdi #AwaitedOne #Shaban #Qaim #15Shaban #Jamkaran #Imamate #Wilayate #Mahdawiyyah
Duration: 02:33
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📸 "And the wrongdoers will soon know to which place they are going to return."
#HolyQuran #Allah #Wrongdoers #GazaStrip #FreePalestine #SaveGaza #Gaza #GazaHolocaust #GazaGenocide #GazaMassacre
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52.03M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🎦 Can I Ask You A Question Father? | Reaction Time
Is it possible for a youth to have a theological or philosophical question stuck in their head for multiple years that was planted by the film and entertainment industry?
And what should we do when one of our kids or a child in our community has a question that deals with theology or philosophy and Islam?
How are these movies that create theological and philosophical doubts in people exacerbating issues like depression and anxiety?
And finally, what are just a few more shocking examples of theological and philosophical doubts that are created by Hollywood and the movie industry?
Well, Shaykh Ali Hemani and Sayyid Shahryar are reacting to videos where they see how media has a serious influence on people and how the intended influence is not at all random.
Get ready, because it's Reaction Time!
And remember to please protect your children before it's too late.
#IslamicPulse #ReactionTime #Islam #Allah #Shia #Ahlulbayt #Ethics #Morality #Movies #MovieNight #FilmIndustry #Hollywood #SubliminalMessage #Resistance #MassMedia #Truth #Justice #IslamicResistance #Media #SocialMedia #SoftWar #IslamicAwareness
Duration: 31:32
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📸 "Fight in the way of Allah those who fight against you, but do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not like transgressors."
#HolyQuran #Allah #Transgress #Fight #WayOfAllah #GazaStrip #FreePalestine #SaveGaza #Gaza #GazaHolocaust #GazaGenocide #GazaMassacre
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📸 "Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for spreading corruption in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely."
#HolyQuran #Allah #Children #ChildrenOfIsrael #Kills #Mankind #Soul #Corruption #GazaStrip #FreePalestine #SaveGaza #Gaza #GazaHolocaust #GazaGenocide #GazaMassacre
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🎦 The First Gate of Hell | One Minute Wisdom
After witnessing what was written upon Heaven's Gates, we now continue our journey through the Gates of Hell.
And so, there's a beautiful tradition where the honorable Messenger of Allah, the holy Prophet Muhammad (S) speaks about what his eminence saw when on the Me'raj, the Ascension, towards the Heavens.
What did the Messenger of Allah see?
What did the Messenger of Allah hear?
How many gates does Hell have?
And what was written upon "The First Gate of Hell"?
Sayyid Shahryar tells us about this golden tradition, that even though it passes quickly in this "One Minute Wisdom", will have you rewinding and writing down these secrets of the world and the hereafter.
#IslamicPulse #OneMinuteWisdom #OMW #Akhlaq #Ethics #Morality #Islam #Quran #AhlulBayt #Hell #Meraj #Ascension #Prophet #Muhammad #Life
Duration: 01:28
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