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Islamic Pulse
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Unveiling the belief system, jurisprudence, social/political issues, philosophical/theological foundation, Pure Islam
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🎦 The Top 5 Zio-Doggy Supporters Over Yonder Part 1 | Keepin' It Real Well, the shocking genocide of the Palestinian people continues on unabated, even after the passing of one whole year into this sickening mass killing of men, women and children, and despite the overwhelming global protests in condemnation of the zio-rabid doggy regime's genocide of the Palestinian people, that has now spilled over into Lebanon and even Syria. And it's clear for the whole world and all honest socio-political and geo-political analysts that the zio-rabid doggy regime of israel wouldn't have been able to do all the mass killing, without the full support of certain supporters. Who are those dastardly countries that are filling up the gas tank of the zio-rabid doggy regime's killing machine and how are they doing so? Take a looksee and find out for yourself. And hold on to your seats for the upcoming Part 2. Hey, we're just Keepin' It Real, wherever you are. Duration: 16:30 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 The Top 5 Zio-Doggy Supporters Over Yonder Part 2 | Keepin' It Real Over the last year, the whole world has witnessed with their own eyes the mass massacre and the mass genocide of the Palestinians and now the Lebanese at the hands of the rabid Zio-doggies gone wild squatting in their doghouse built on usurped land, known as israel. But would have these rabid Zio-doggies gone wild been able to do all this mass murder and mass genocide and mass massacre of so many people all alone?????? Well, in the last episode we only had enough time to cover countries number 5, 4, and 3, and how they support the zio-rabid doggy israel. And in this conclusionary episode, we bring you "The Top 5 Zio-Doggy Supporters Over Yonder Part 2", where we reveal the number 2 and number 1 countries supporting the zio-rabid doggy regime of israel and how they do so. Another Keepin' It Real in honor of the martyrs of Palestine and now Lebanon. The Resistance Continues. Hey we're just Keepin' It Real, wherever you are. Duration: 20:25 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 Where Does Imam Mahdi (A) Live? | Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A) Wouldn't it be wonderful to find out where Imam al-Mahdi (A) lives? And does his eminence live on this earth or in another dimension? What do the infallible and immaculate Imams (A) say about this matter? Find out as Sister Fatima tries to figure where exactly does Imam al-Mahdi (A) live, in this episode of "Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)". "Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)" is a series which deals with fundamental questions about the Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A), so we can get to know his eminence just a little bit better, wherever you are. Duration: 02:26 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 All Together Against iGHRAEL | Keepin' It Real UnScripted There is one thing that absolutely and most definitely and certainly and surely and without a doubt must be done ASAP, if humanity is to prevent the complete and total eradication and decimation of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian nation and Palestine as a country. And the beautiful and logical and rational and lawful and jurisprudential and just and noble and philosophical and ideological and humanitarian solution has been put forth by a very special human being who is at the forefront of the battle between Truth and falsehood. Don't search for the answer in the description because it's not here; just watch the episode and get moving, wherever you are. Hey we're just Keepin' It Real UnScripted, wherever you are. Yes, it's 'unscripted'; whatever that means to you. Duration: 13:57 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 End of Gregorian Calendar Year 2024 | Keepin' It Real UnScripted Well, just as past years throughout history have passed, so does the current 2024 Gregorian Calendar year pass on into the pages of history. And until the fateful and destined Day of Judgement, the years will continue to come and go in this temporal abode called 'Earth'. But before we dive too deep into any more spirituality, what are some of the major recaps of the past year, 2024 Gregorian Calendar? Britain, France, Italy, Germany, China, Russia, America, and The Resistance. And who can forget where the heart lies; Palestine. We've got another Keepin' It Real UnScripted episode in store for y'all, where we beat around the bush and talk about the "End of Gregorian Calendar Year 2024". Hey we're just Keepin' It Real UnScripted, wherever you are. And we still haven't fully figured out what it means to be "unscripted". Duration: 25:17 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 Does Imam Mahdi (A) Have a Family? | Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A) Does Imam al-Mahdi (A) have a family? And does Imam al-Mahdi (A) have children? What are some of the views regarding whether or not Imam al-Mahdi (A) has a family? Find out as Sister Fatima tries to figure out whether or not Imam al-Mahdi (A) has a family, in this episode of "Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)". "Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)" is a series which deals with fundamental questions about the Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A), so we can get to know his eminence just a little bit better, wherever you are. Duration: 02:21 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 🎬 aparat.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/islamicpulse1 🎬 shiatv.net/user/islamicpulse 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
هدایت شده از Islamic Pulse
🎦 Imam Ali al-Naqi (A)’s Network of Representatives | CubeSync What was Imam Ali al-Naqi (A)'s Network of Representatives? What was the mission of this Network of Representatives and what were some of the many things that it represented? How were the attributes and features of Imam Ali al-Naqi (A)'s Network of Representatives a serious threat to the Abbasid Empire? And in the end, when right in the face of the forces of Taghut, how did Imam Ali al-Naqi al-Hadi (A) destroy their dreams of endless power and might? Sayyid Shahryar answers in this episode of CubeSync, as he speaks about the 10th Imam (A) and "Imam Ali al-Naqi (A)'s Network of Representatives". Our condolences to the believers all across the world, wherever you are, upon the martyrdom anniversary of the 10th divinely appointed successor to the Messenger of Allah (S), Imam Ali ibn Muhammad al-Naqi al-Hadi (A). Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ son of the Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ son of the Commander of the Believers! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ son of Fatima, the Luminous! Peace and salutations be upon you, O' the Light of Lights! Peace and salutations be upon you, O' proof of Allah! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ Ali ibn Muhammad (A)! Duration: 13:51 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 Is Imam Mahdi (A) Aware of Our Deeds? | Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A) Is it possible for Imam al-Mahdi (A) to be aware of our deeds? What are some traditions that speak about whether or not Imam al-Mahdi (A) is aware of our deeds? And ultimately, what should we do with this new piece of knowledge? Find out as Sister Fatima tries to figure out whether or not Imam al-Mahdi (A) is aware of our deeds, in this episode of "Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)". "Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)" is a series which deals with fundamental questions about the Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A), so we can get to know his eminence just a little bit better, wherever you are. Duration: 02:03 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 🎬 aparat.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/islamicpulse1 🎬 shiatv.net/user/islamicpulse 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
🎦 The Military Garment, the Sword, & the Qur’an of Imam Kadhim (A) | CubeSync What did "The Military Garment, the Sword, & the Qur'an of Imam Kadhim (A)" represent? Which Abbasid Caliphs were contemporary with the Imamate of Imam al-Kadhim (A), and how did these Caliphs treat the divinely appointed Imam (A)? What did Imam Kadhim (A) inherit from his divinely appointed forefathers, and what did he do with that inheritance? How far and wide was the expanse of the Network of Representatives; and who was its leader during the time of Imam al-Kadhim (A)'s Imamate? And finally, how do all of these things come together and result in the martyrdom of his eminence, Imam Musa ibn Ja'far al-Kadhim (A)? In this episode of CubeSync, Sayyid Shahryar speaks about the 7th Imam (A) and "The Military Garment, the Sword, & the Qur'an of Imam Kadhim (A)". Our condolences to the believers all across the world, wherever you are, upon the martyrdom anniversary of the 7th divinely appointed successor to the Messenger of Allah (S), Imam Musa ibn Ja'far al-Kadhim (A). Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ Allah’s light in the darkness of the earth! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ leader to true guidance! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ flag of religion and piety! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ slain and martyred! Peace and salutations be upon you, O' proof of Allah! Peace and salutations be upon you, O’ Musa ibn Ja'far (A)! Duration: 10:47 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 When Did Imam Mahdi (A) Go Into Occultation | Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A) Do you know when exactly Imam al-Mahdi (A) went into occultation? What are two views regarding the date of the occultation of Imam al-Mahdi (A)? And approximately how many years have passed going into the occultation of the Awaited Savior of Humanity? Find out as Sister Fatima speaks about when exactly Imam al-Mahdi (A) went into occultation, in this episode of "Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)". "Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)" is a series which deals with fundamental questions about the Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A), so we can get to know his eminence just a little bit better, wherever you are. Duration: 02:32 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 🎬 aparat.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/islamicpulse1 🎬 shiatv.net/user/islamicpulse 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
🎦 The Focus of Imam Mahdi (A)'s Awaiters | Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A) What are some of the things that an awaiter of Imam al-Mahdi (A) should focus on? And what is a good gauge if one wants to decide on what to focus on as an awaiter of Imam al-Mahdi (A)? Find out as Sister Fatima speaks about some of the things the awaiters of Imam al-Mahdi (A) need to focus on, in this episode of "Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)". Congratulations to the believers, wherever you are, upon the birth anniversary of the Awaited Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A). "Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)" is a series which deals with fundamental questions about the Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A), so we can get to know his eminence just a little bit better, wherever you are. Duration: 02:04 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 🎬 aparat.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/islamicpulse1 🎬 shiatv.net/user/islamicpulse 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
🎦 We're Just Getting Started! | Islamic Pulse's 10th Year Anniversary!! By the grace and blessings of the Almighty Allah, 'We're Just Getting Started!" And first and foremost, our salutations and greetings be upon the Awaited Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A) and to the believers all across the world, wherever you are, upon the birth anniversary of the Master of the Age (A), Imam al-Mahdi - may Allah hasten his reappearance! So, it's been a long and rocky journey since the 15th of Shaban 2015 - that's 10 years ago - when Islamic Pulse started its humble media adventure with the humble aim of clarifying, explaining, and spreading the Pure Muhammadan Islam all across the world. And over the eventful years - and despite the ups and downs - our sincere team keeps on diversifying, our series and presenters keep on increasing, and our scope and horizons are wider than ever before; all thanks to the grace of the Almighty Allah. So on this 15th Shaban 2025 - the 10 year anniversary of Islamic Pulse - we humbly bring forth a quick recap of what we've achieved through the last 10 years up to the present-day. And the best part is - by the grace of Allah - "We're Just Getting Started!" And remember, despite the dire times, it's our collective responsibility to hasten the reappearance of the Awaited Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A), wherever you are! Duration: 07:24 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 🎬 aparat.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/islamicpulse1 🎬 shiatv.net/user/islamicpulse 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC