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Unveiling the belief system, jurisprudence, social/political issues, philosophical/theological foundation, Pure Islam
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🎦 They Just Shot Brotha Malcolm! | Keepin' It Real O' My God Y'all! They Just Shot Brotha Malcolm! (back in 1965) Now before we continue, it's good for y'all to know that with all the different current events going on in the world, we all really need a funny, relaxed, refreshing, and yet eye-opening commentary on it all. So Sayyid Shahryar bit the bullet and came on down to humbly shed a little insight into all that's going on around the world; past, present, and perhaps even future. And so in this episode of 'Keepin' It Real', we're going to be talking about a human rights activist on a domestic and international level, who happened to be from the United States of America, and who was - until his dying breath - a proud Muslim by choice, known as Shaheed Malcolm X. And just to test your general knowledge, we humbly ask you, what are just some of the names that Shaheed Malcolm X went by during his life and why was he called these various names? And to what holy Abrahamic religion did Shaheed Malcolm X adhere to; a religion which can solve all the world's problems? In what famous, yet notoriously and historically racist and white supremacist country did Shaheed Malcolm X grow up in? What did Shaheed Malcolm X and his family have to face in the United States of America, a situation which continues to this very day even as you read this engrossing description, as the world witnesses police brutality against the African American community in white supremacist America? What was and to a large extent still is, the Nation of Islam and what are some of their various differences when compared to the Pure Muhammadan Islam? Where did Shaheed Malcolm X learn about Islam, albeit, at the hands of the Nation of Islam? Where did Shaheed Malcolm get the surname, or better said surletter from, and why did he do so? Why did Shaheed Malcolm X separate ways from the Nation of Islam, and what Masjid did he end up opening, and what organization did he create post-NOI era and what was its purpose? What did Elijah Muhammad call himself, and yet despite him calling himself that which he called himself, what kind of problems did he run in to, which led Shaheed Malcolm X to take a different and even purer path? When did Shaheed Malcolm X go to the Hajj and how did the Hajj develop and give progress to his thoughts on human rights and civil rights? Finally, what are just some of the things that will definitely get you killed by the Federalis? Hey, we're just "Keepin' It Real". Duration: 23:42 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
34.87M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🎦 Just Get It Over With | Keepin' It Real So we've all seen the horrendous and terrifying, heart-breaking and tragic, cruel and bloodthirsty ongoing live mass murder of innocent men, women, and children in the lands of Palestine. Well, it seems that after well over 5 months into this present-day genocide, it's time to "Just Get It Over With". Yes, please, "Just Get It Over With", because this is all just too painful to watch. Hey, we're just "Keepin' It Real". And please, whatever you do, don't be a shameful supporter of the "Bulldoggy", the "Zio-Doggy", the "Doggy Supporters", or the "Doggy Wannabes", wherever you are. Duration: 20:04 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 Post-April The 14nth's 'True Promise' | Keepin' It Real Yes the world is in an uproar - either sweet or sour, or even both - after the Islamic Republic of Iran's retaliatory attack on the Zionist entity called israel in an amazing operation code named 'True Promise'. But what all happened before post-April the 14nth's operation code named 'True Promise' that led to the incredible fulfillment of the Islamic Republic's promise to the Zionist entity? And what all can be expected in the region and perhaps even across the world in this cosmic change in socio-political and geo-political and other word-dash-word calculations "Post-April the 14nth's 'True Promise'"? We are no longer living in a pre-April the 14nth 'True Promise' world anymore. Hey, we're just Keepin' It Real, wherever you are. Duration: 23:14 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 What In the World Does the United Nations Do?! | Keepin' It Real Almost a whole half year has passed since the genocide of the Palestinian people began, by the Zionist locos who've gone totally israeli beyond imagination, with the support of their 'Doggy Owners' and 'Doggy Supporters' and 'Doggy Wannabes'. But amongst all this utterly terrifying and truly shocking death, destruction, misery, oppression, and murder; "What In the World Does the United Nations Do?!" And so in this episode of Keepin' It Real, we're talking about what is the purpose of the United Nations, and subsequently what is it that the United Nations does, and eventually what has the United Nations done when it comes to Palestine. Another Palestine Special Keepin' It Real episode you don't want to miss, wherever you are. Allah help our Palestinian brothers and sister, before there aren't any Palestinian people left on the face of planet earth. Duration: 24:37 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
37.79M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🎦 America's Most Endangered Species | Keepin' It Real Well, as you've guessed from our snazzy title, in this episode of Keepin' It Real, we're Keepin' It Real by talking about "America's Most Endangered Species". Aaand we're tryin' our best to keep these ultra-awesome episodes as short as possible, but sometimes info-knowledge takes its sweet time. So what are "America's Most Endangered Species"? Well, take a peak and you just might be pleasantly surprised, or perhaps horribly sickened, as we go through some of "America's Most Endangered Species"? Hey, we're just Keepin' It Real, wherever you are. Duration: 21:27 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 I Got The Post-Arbaeen Blues! | Keepin' It Real Dear viewers, this episode was recorded on Sept. 17, 2023 and was supposed to be released a really really long time ago. But the al-Aqsa Storm happened on Oct. 7, 2023 and our gears changed towards supporting the Palestinian people in their resistance for freedom. Back to the episode at hand, do you know what the "Post-Arbaeen Blues" are? Well, in this episode we're gonna let you in on a little secret called "The Post-Arbaeen Blues" and how to cure them. So Sayyid Shahryar is our eye witness in this episode as he went to the land of Iraq for the Arbaeen of Imam Husayn (A) and decided to humbly shed a little insight into the "Post-Arbaeen Blues" year 1445 Islamic Lunar Hijri Calendar. And so we all came back to our temporal worldly homes in 2023 with the sweet heavenly aroma of Arbaeen still in our hearts. Still, what were some of the things that the approximately 25 dash 30 million pilgrims of Imam Husayn (A) will attest to witnessing in Arbaeen 2023 Gregorian Calendar and Arbaeen 1445 Islamic Lunar Hijri Calendar? And as predicted by the 'predictability department' of Islamic Studios, what did the mass media clowns do as regards to their "fair" coverage of Arbaeen 2023 Gregorian Calendar? And finally, what is the future of 'The Great Pilgrimage of Arbaeen' and the ideals and stances and movement of his eminence the Master of Martyrs Imam Husayn ibn Ali (A)? And just in case you're planning out there somewhere, there's really no point in standing up against an ocean of Husaynis; so don't bother. And make sure to go to Arbaeen 2024 Gregorian Calendar and 1446 Islamic Lunar Hijri calendar, wherever you are. Insha Allah, we just might run into each other. Hey, we're just "Keepin' It Real", wherever you are! Duration: 25:37 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 I Gots The Arbaeen Fever | Keepin' It Real So as predicted by the predictability analysis department at Islamic Pulse, the Keepin' It Real crew skedaddled over to the far away lands of Iraq to attend the Arbaeen of the Master of Martyrs, Imam Husayn (A). And this time, we made sure to take our snazzy little cameras to get all the great shots we wanted to share with our honorable viewers that the mass media clowns are hiding from the world. So what in the world is the 'Arbaeen Fever' and someone for God's sake, please tell us if it's dangerous and contagious? Well, take a peak and you just might find out whether or not you gots the 'Arbaeen Fever'. But by the end of the episode, we'll have you praying to catch the 'Arbaeen Fever', because it's one fever that you won't want to get rid of. Hey, we're just "Keepin' It Real", wherever you are! Duration: 21:29 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 It's Time To Kill Some Palestinian Kids | Keepin' It Real On the horizon is close to one year into this sickening genocide of the Palestinian people, under siege with no escape from the bombs and bullets raining down upon their heads. And one of the most unfortunate victims of this genocide are the innocent and helpless children of Palestine. In order to truly perpetrate a genocide, you have to make sure that the children of a nation, those that are the future generation of that nation, are completely eradicated. And that's precisely what the Zio-rabid doggies gone israeli are doing. Hey, we're just Keepin' It Real, wherever you are. Duration: 16:59 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 The Top 5 Zio-Doggy Supporters Over Yonder Part 1 | Keepin' It Real Well, the shocking genocide of the Palestinian people continues on unabated, even after the passing of one whole year into this sickening mass killing of men, women and children, and despite the overwhelming global protests in condemnation of the zio-rabid doggy regime's genocide of the Palestinian people, that has now spilled over into Lebanon and even Syria. And it's clear for the whole world and all honest socio-political and geo-political analysts that the zio-rabid doggy regime of israel wouldn't have been able to do all the mass killing, without the full support of certain supporters. Who are those dastardly countries that are filling up the gas tank of the zio-rabid doggy regime's killing machine and how are they doing so? Take a looksee and find out for yourself. And hold on to your seats for the upcoming Part 2. Hey, we're just Keepin' It Real, wherever you are. Duration: 16:30 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 The Top 5 Zio-Doggy Supporters Over Yonder Part 2 | Keepin' It Real Over the last year, the whole world has witnessed with their own eyes the mass massacre and the mass genocide of the Palestinians and now the Lebanese at the hands of the rabid Zio-doggies gone wild squatting in their doghouse built on usurped land, known as israel. But would have these rabid Zio-doggies gone wild been able to do all this mass murder and mass genocide and mass massacre of so many people all alone?????? Well, in the last episode we only had enough time to cover countries number 5, 4, and 3, and how they support the zio-rabid doggy israel. And in this conclusionary episode, we bring you "The Top 5 Zio-Doggy Supporters Over Yonder Part 2", where we reveal the number 2 and number 1 countries supporting the zio-rabid doggy regime of israel and how they do so. Another Keepin' It Real in honor of the martyrs of Palestine and now Lebanon. The Resistance Continues. Hey we're just Keepin' It Real, wherever you are. Duration: 20:25 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 All Together Against iGHRAEL | Keepin' It Real UnScripted There is one thing that absolutely and most definitely and certainly and surely and without a doubt must be done ASAP, if humanity is to prevent the complete and total eradication and decimation of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian nation and Palestine as a country. And the beautiful and logical and rational and lawful and jurisprudential and just and noble and philosophical and ideological and humanitarian solution has been put forth by a very special human being who is at the forefront of the battle between Truth and falsehood. Don't search for the answer in the description because it's not here; just watch the episode and get moving, wherever you are. Hey we're just Keepin' It Real UnScripted, wherever you are. Yes, it's 'unscripted'; whatever that means to you. Duration: 13:57 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 End of Gregorian Calendar Year 2024 | Keepin' It Real UnScripted Well, just as past years throughout history have passed, so does the current 2024 Gregorian Calendar year pass on into the pages of history. And until the fateful and destined Day of Judgement, the years will continue to come and go in this temporal abode called 'Earth'. But before we dive too deep into any more spirituality, what are some of the major recaps of the past year, 2024 Gregorian Calendar? Britain, France, Italy, Germany, China, Russia, America, and The Resistance. And who can forget where the heart lies; Palestine. We've got another Keepin' It Real UnScripted episode in store for y'all, where we beat around the bush and talk about the "End of Gregorian Calendar Year 2024". Hey we're just Keepin' It Real UnScripted, wherever you are. And we still haven't fully figured out what it means to be "unscripted". Duration: 25:17 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp