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Islamic Pulse
108 دنبال‌کننده
466 عکس
624 ویدیو
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Unveiling the belief system, jurisprudence, social/political issues, philosophical/theological foundation, Pure Islam
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📸 "Nothing out of your news remains hidden from us." 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/IslamicPulse1 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.cm/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
📸 "Indeed, the divine destinies will never be overwhelmed or overcome." 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/IslamicPulse1 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.cm/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
📸 "Every one of you must practice in a manner so as to get closer to our love, and must distance themselves from things which bring you closer to our displeasure and anger." 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/IslamicPulse1 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.cm/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
📸 "And as for the reason of the incidence of the occultation, so Allah says, “Oh those who believe! Do not question about the things which if get apparent and are disclosed to you, you would feel bad about them” [Quran 05:101]." 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/IslamicPulse1 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.cm/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
📸 "I am the Seal of the Awliya." 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/IslamicPulse1 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.cm/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
🎦 Let's Get To Know Imam al-Mahdi (A) 2 | Salaam, I'm Kulsoom! Salaam, I'm Kulsoom! And welcome to Season 2! Would you like to know a little bit about Imam al-Mahdi (A)? Well, "Let's Get To Know Imam al-Mahdi (A) 2" together! It's going to be really exciting, I promise! In this episode, we're going to answer 4 questions about Imam al-Mahdi (A). Are you ready?! And we hope to see you soon in the holy city of Qom, wherever you are! Congratulations to the believers, wherever you are, upon the birth anniversary of the Awaited Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A). "Salaam, I'm Kulsoom" is a series which deals with basic information about Islam, focusing primarily on revered Shia personalities and catering specifically to our younger generations, wherever you are. Duration: 03:33 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 🎬 aparat.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/islamicpulse1 🎬 shiatv.net/user/islamicpulse 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
📸 "I am the one who fills the earth with justice just as it is filled up with aggression and cruelty." 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/IslamicPulse1 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.cm/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
📸 "O’ Allah; comfort and deliverance is from You!" 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/IslamicPulse1 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.cm/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
📸 "It is for my sake that Allah repels calamities from my family and my Shias." 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/IslamicPulse1 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.cm/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC