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Islamic Pulse
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472 عکس
635 ویدیو
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Unveiling the belief system, jurisprudence, social/political issues, philosophical/theological foundation, Pure Islam
مشاهده در ایتا
📸 "O’ you who have believed; seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient." islamicpulse.tv | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
📸 "The granting of patience [from Allah] is in proportion to the extent of the calamity you are passing through." islamicpulse.tv | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
📸 "Do not fight them unless they initiate the fighting, because, by the grace of Allah, you are in the right, and to leave them until they begin the fighting will be another proof for your side’s right against them. If, by the will of Allah, the enemy is defeated, then do not kill the one who runs away nor strike a helpless person nor finish off the wounded nor inflict harm on women." islamicpulse.tv | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 The Concept of Hardship | Shaykh Mansour Leghaei What is the overall concept regarding the hardships that one faces in their life? And what are the two types of repentance that a human being goes through? Does sincere repentance lead to divine punishment? And what are some verses of the holy Qur'an that talk about the concept of hardhship? In this Scholar Clip, Shaykh Mansour Leghaei speaks about "The Concept of Hardship". With Allah's help, you will get through it. Duration: 06:16 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 The Succor of Patience and Prayer | Golden Pearls Sometimes we end up facing a difficult trial or a painful calamity and we don't know how to cope with the issue. What does the holy Quran tell us to do when we are faced with a difficult trial or a painful calamity that seems to be too overwhelming? Sayyid Shahryar tries to provide a little light as he answers, while giving you all a "Golden Pearl" from the holy Quran, wherever you are. Golden Pearls is a series which hopes to provide a bright light in the darkness, via the holy verses of the holy Quran, especially in the difficult times that we are all facing, wherever you are. Duration: 03:13 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
📸 "Faith is patience during calamity, and thanksgiving during ease." 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/IslamicPulse1 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.cm/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC
🎦 Imam Mahdi (A) Will Inherit The World | Golden Pearls It seems like the heights of oppression have been reached. Millions across the world starving. Millions across the world displaced. Millions across the world unable to make ends meet. When will this earth finally witness the ultimate salvation brought about by Allah's just kingdom of truth? When will the blessed ship of salvation reach the holy shores of bliss and prosperity? Sayyid Shahryar explains, while giving you all a "Golden Pearl" from the holy Quran, wherever you are. The oppressed will inherit the earth; it is Allah's unbreakable promise. Golden Pearls is a series which hopes to provide a bright light in the darkness, via the holy verses of the holy Quran, especially in the difficult times that we are all facing, wherever you are. Congratulations to the believers, wherever you are, upon the birth anniversary of the Awaited Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A). Duration: 03:26 🌍 islamicpulse.tv 👤 fb.me/islamicpulse 📱 eitaa.com/islamicpulse 🎬 aparat.com/islamicpulse 📱 telegram.me/islamicpulse 💬 twitter.com/islamicpulse1 🎬 shiatv.net/user/islamicpulse 📱 instagram.com/islamicpulsetv2 📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kt2sNOcxQsk6mFsGyT0RWC