🎦 The Meaning of Allahu Akbar | Shaykh Farukh Sekaleshfar
What is the common translation and understanding of the phrase 'Allahu Akbar'?
And is the aforementioned common translation and understanding of the phrase 'Allahu Akbar' completely accurate?
If not, then what should be the correct understanding of the phrase 'Allahu Akbar' according to a tradition of Imam Sadiq (A)?
In this Scholar Clip, Shaykh Farukh Sekaleshfar relays the words of the 6th divinely appointed Imam (A), where his eminence speaks about "The Meaning of Allahu Akbar"
Allahu Akbar, indeed!
#IslamicPulse #ScholarClip #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Muslim #Shia #Salvation #Wisdom #AllahuAkbar #ImamSadiq #GodIsGreat #AllahIsGreat #TheGreatest
Duration: 01:11
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📸 “O’ Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message. And Allah will protect you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelieving people.”
#TheHolyQuran #HolyQuran #Quran #Allah #Islam #Muslim #Shia #Messenger #Announce #Revealed #Lord #Message #Protect #Disbelieving #Guide #EidAlGhadeer #Ghadir #Ghadeer #GhadirKhum #Wilayah #Imamate #Imam #ImamAli #Ali #Ikmal
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🎦 Islam's Great Eid of Ghadeer | Sister Fatima
What do you really know about "Islam's Great Eid of Ghadeer"?
Well, we're going to let you in on a little secret, that's not so secret, and it's all about "Islam's Great Eid of Ghadeer"!
We've got "Islam's Great Eid of Ghadeer" all covered in just 5 easy to ask questions; well as covered as a kid can.
So what are these 5 special questions that will have help you understand the significance of "Islam's Great Eid of Ghadeer" just a little better?
Well, you're just going to have to watch to find out, wherever you are!
Sister Fatima answers 5 easy to ask questions, as she sheds a little historical light upon "Islam's Great Eid of Ghadeer".
Our special congratulations to you all on this auspicious and blessed Eidul Wilayah; "Islam's Great Eid of Ghadeer", wherever you are!
#IslamicPulse #Allah #Muslims #Shia #Islam #Quran #AhulBayt #Ghadeer #Ghadir #EidGhadir #EidGhadeer #Eid #Mawla #Mowla #Hajj #18thDhulHijjah #DhulHijjah #GhadirKhum #Khum #Ali #ImamAli #Politics #Secularism #Resistance #Taghut #Falsehood #Truth #Justice #ImamKhamenei #Imam #ImamKhomeini #Wilayate #Khilafa #Caliphate #Caliph #Leader #Imamate #Wilayah #WilayatAlFaqih #Khamenei #JihadeTabyiin #AwaitedOne #Mahdi #Media #SoftWar #IslamicRepublic #Revolution #Resistance #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwareness
Duration: 07:03
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📸 “This day have I perfected for you your religion, and completed My favor on you, and chosen for you Islam as a religion.”
#TheHolyQuran #HolyQuran #Quran #Allah #Islam #Muslim #Shia #Messenger #Announce #EidAlGhadeer #Ghadir #Ghadeer #GhadirKhum #Wilayah #Imamate #Imam #ImamAli #Ali
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🎦 What Really Happened On Ghadeer | Eid al-Ghadeer Special | One Minute Wisdom
So, "What Really Happened On Ghadeer"?
Well, before you answer, a very special congratulations to all of you, wherever you are, on the auspicious Eid of Eid al-Ghadeer!
Now, we're pretty sure you all know what happened on the great occasion of Ghadeer on the last Hajj of Messenger of Allah (S).
Yet, we still wanted to let you know, just in case you don't know "What Really Happened On Ghadeer".
So, how can we possibly tell you "What Really Happened On Ghadeer" in just one minute, give or take a few seconds?
And what were just some of the things that happened on the day of Eid al-Ghadeer?
And what was transferred from the Messenger of Allah (S) to Imam Ali (A) on Eid al-Ghadeer?
What is a famous statement of the Messenger of Allah (S), delivered on Eid al-Ghadeer, which is conveniently found even in the books of traditions of the Ahl al-Sunnah brothers and sisters?
What is the true meaning of 'Mawla' in the context of Ghadeer, despite the ridiculous and weak other meanings that people try to forcefully apply to the word 'Mawla'?
What interesting statement can be found in the books of the Ahl al-Sunnah brothers and sisters, which had been said by Abu Bakr and Umar on the event of Eid al-Ghadeer?
And finally, what is the present-day system of Wilayatul Faqih an on-the-ground manifestation of?
Well, Sayyid Shahryar humbly tells us "What Really Happened on Ghahdeer", albeit in one minute, in this One Minute Wisdom Special, as we celebrate Eid al-Ghadeer, wherever you are.
Happy Eid al-Ghadeer and Eid al-Wilayah to you all, wherever you are!
Stay strong on the path of Wilayah.
#IslamicPulse #OneMinuteWisdom #OMW #Allah #Muslims #Shia #Islam #Quran #AhulBayt #IslamicQuotes #Akhlaq #Ethics #Morality #Ghadeer #Ghadir #EidGhadir #EidGhadeer #Eid #Mawla #Mowla #Hajj #18thDhulHijjah #DhulHijjah #GhadirKhum #Khum #Ali #ImamAli #Politics #Secularism #Resistance #Taghut #Falsehood #Truth #Justice #ImamKhamenei #Imam #ImamKhomeini #Wilayate #Khilafa #Caliphate #Caliph #Leader #Imamate #Wilayah #WilayatAlFaqih #Khamenei #JihadeTabyiin #AwaitedOne #Mahdi #Media #SoftWar #IslamicRepublic #Revolution #Resistance #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwareness
Duration: 01:48
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📸 "Indeed, the greatest of all the people in worth and value is the person who does not consider the world a station and abode for themselves."
#ImamMusaAlKadhim #TuhafAlUqool #Allah #Islam #Muslim #Shia #ImamMusa #ImamMusaBinJafar #AbulHasan #Kadhim #Wilayah #Imamate #Imam #Hadith #GreatPeople #Worth #Value #ImamKadhim #ImamKazim #Worldliness #Hereafter #Paradise #Contentment
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🎦 Let's Get To Know Imam Kadhim (A) | Salaam, I'm Kulsoom!
Salaam, I'm Kulsoom!
Would you like to know a little bit about Imam Kadhim (A)?
Well, "Let's Get To Know Imam Kadhim (A)" together!
It's going to be really awesome, I promise!
In this episode, we're going to answer 8 questions about Imam Kadhim (A).
So get ready!
And we hope to see you soon in the holy city of Qom, wherever you are!
Our congratulations on the birth anniversary of Imam Kadhim (A).
"Salaam, I'm Kulsoom" is a series which deals with basic information about Islam, focusing primarily on revered Shia personalities and catering specifically to our younger generations, wherever you are.
#IslamicPulse #IPKids #Allah #Islam #AhlulBayt #ShiaKids #ShiaQuiz #Muslim #7thImam #MusaIbnJafar #ImamMusaKadhim #ImamKazem #ImamKadhim #Kadhymain #Medina
Duration: 03:01
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📸 "Verily, Allah gives succor to this Ummah only as a result of [the presence of] the weak among them, their supplication, their prayer, and their sincerity."
#TheHolyProphetMuhammad #ProphetMuhammad #Muhammad #DurrAlManthur #Allah #Islam #Muslim #Shia #Hadith #Ummah #Presence #Supplication #Prayer #Sincerity #Succor #Oppressed #Suffering #PalestineWillBeFree #Zionism #America #GazaStrip #FreePalestine #SavePalestine #SaveGaza #Gaza #GazaHolocaust #GazaGenocide #GazaMassacre #GazaUnderAttack #FreeGaza #StandWithPalestine #Palestine #Netanyahu #Satanyahu #israel
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🎦 At What Price Will You Sell Your Self? | Imam al-Kadhim (A) Special | One Minute Wisdom
So, "At What Price Will You Sell Your Self?"
Now we know this is a real weird question, but before you rush to answer, a very special congratulations to you all on the birth anniversary of the 7th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Musa ibn Ja'far al-Kadhim (A).
So, have you figured out "At What Price Will You Sell Your Self?"
And what does the 7th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Musa al-Kahdim (A) say about this discussion of ours?
And what does his eminence, the 7th divinely appointed Imam (A) say endows a human being with value and worth?
And what does Imam Musa al-Kadhim (A) say about the true value and worth of a human being?
Well, Sayyid Shahryar answers in this One Minute Wisdom Special, celebrating the birth anniversary of the 7th divinely appointed Imam, Imam Musa ibn Ja'far al-Kadhim (A), using the wise and immaculate words of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (A).
So, "At What Price Will You Sell Your Self?"
And for your own sake, please choose the highest imaginable price that you can possibly fathom, wherever you are.
#IslamicPulse #OneMinuteWisdom #OMW #Akhlaq #Ethics #Morality #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Muslim #Shia #MusaIbnJafar #alKadhim #Kadhim #ImamKazim #ImamKadhim #Kadhimain #Kadhimayn #Auction #Sold #OpenMarket #FreeMarket #Consumerism #Materialism #Capitalism #Slavery #DebtSlavery #Revolution #Resistance #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwareness #Imamate #Wilayah #WilayatAlFaqih #JihadeTabyiin #Qom
Duration: 01:25
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📸 "The bane of civilization is the tyranny of rulers."
#ImamAli #GhurarAlHikam #Civilization #Tyranny #TyrannyOfRulers #Allah #Islam #Muslim #Shia #Hadith #PalestineWillBeFree #Zionism #America #GazaStrip #FreePalestine #SavePalestine #SaveGaza #Gaza #GazaHolocaust #GazaGenocide #GazaMassacre #GazaUnderAttack #FreeGaza #StandWithPalestine #Palestine #Netanyahu #Satanyahu #israel
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🎦 Pray 5 Times A Day | The Last Kid Standing
So you think you know what's going to come running at you with full force in this savage jungle called the material realm?!
You've got it so wrong.
Welcome to the second episode as "The Last Kid Standing" continues fighting his way through the wild jungle of the material realm.
One of the main pillars of faith is Salah.
And if you're going to succeed on the path of Allah, you're going to have to know about this very important pillar of Islam.
So "Pray 5 Times A Day" and be "The Last Kid Standing", wherever you are.
"The Last Kid Standing" is a series endeavoring to promote the basic ideas, concepts, and practices necessary for our youth to succeed both in this world and the next, within the framework of Islam, wherever you are.
#IslamicPulse #IPKids #Allah #Islam #Quran #AhlulBayt #ShiaKids #Muslim #TheLastKidStanding #Prayer #Salah #Salat #Namaz #ImamMahdi #Zuhoor #TheSavior #Humanity #TheWild #Jungle #MaterialWorld #MaterialRealm
Duration: 02:17
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📸 "Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then supplicate earnestly [together] and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars."
#TheHolyQuran #HolyQuran #Quran #Imamate #Imam #ImamAli #ImamHasan #ImamHussain #ImamHusayn #LadyFatima #FatimaZahra #ProphetMuhammad #MessengerOfAllah #Allah #Islam #Muslim #Shia #Messenger #Sons #EidAlMubahilah #Mubahala #Mubahilah #Supplicate #Liars #MubahilaVerse
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