هدایت شده از ملاردی ها/ ملارد کهن
My Today Epistle☝🏿
سادات ببخشن ...
May the attributed ones to Fatima excuse me but some brutal facts in the heart of history must be retold the world
رسم اینه که وقتی مریض میشی یه گوشه کنار دیوار جاتو پهن میکنن
It is common the family spread the sick bed in a wall corner
ولۍ میگن جاۍ حضرت زهرا رو وسط خونه پهن کرده بودن
But it has been written in the history that Fatima's family spread her bed in the center of the home
میدونین چرا ؟
Do you know why
چشم مادرمون از #در و #دیوار ترسیده بود!
There is s proverb with this context :
A burnt child fears the fire
Forty men gathered behind Fatima's home to arrest imam Ali and finally pushed the door open while Fatima entangled between wall and door hopelessly not to let them come in
The reminiscence of wall and the door's nail scared Fatima our spiritual mother until she departed from this life
A man has right to die by knowing the adventure of Fatima, wall, door and her never unborn Mohsen
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾