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باعرض سلام وخیرمقدم💕💕 به جمع نورانی کانال نورعلی نور خوش آمدید...امیدواریم گامهای مادرجهت رضای الهی ویاری امام زمان (عج) باشد... کپی ونشر باذکرصلوات جهت ظهورحضرت آزاد است اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج 💚💚💚 آیدی خادم کانال @SAmiri_14
مشاهده در ایتا
🟢 Friday: More prayers and appeals for the reappearance of the Imam (atfs). بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم ✍️ I knock on this door as much as it is possible until I see the owner (my master) ✅ and delight my eyes (as an eyeliner) by letting me have a look at him👉 و اکْحُلْ نَاظِرِی بِنَظْرَهٍ مِنِّی إِلَیْهِ (a part of dua Ahd) It has emphasized on becoming stable in remaining his supporter by seeing him through an eyeliner of looking at him, which means 🔴To see him permanently🔴 Seeing the Imam reminds God of us, and seeing the Imam (atfs) constantly brings us closer to God. 📣 From today, let us ask God not only to hasten the reappearance of our Imam, but also to meet him permanently In sha Allah🤲❤️
🔵 Sunday: Reviving our hearts by dhikr بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم 📣 Sahar, an hour before the morning prayer, is time of gathering for 313 companions in the cabin, government of Mahdi's Fatima (as). ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ Imam Askari(as): To reach Allah is a journey that is only achieved by being awake at night. 📚Bihar al-anvar,volume 78 page 379. Our connection to special companions of Imam Mahdi(aj) and finally our connection to the Imam will take place at a specific time and with certain activities. An example: It has been said that if we pray at its prime time after we enter the time of a specific prayer, the time that Imam Mahdi(aj) prays, then dhikr of our prayers would be connected to his. Then we become connected to him and his particular companions inshaAllah.