📸 “Explaining and clarifying the current events of the day is a very important duty. That is why it has been included in the narration of the Messenger (S) where he says, “Indeed, the believer strives with their sword and their tongue.” [Tafsir Nemuneh, v. 15, p. 383] At times the believer wages Jihad with his life, [meaning] he goes to the frontlines, sometimes with his sword, [meaning] he uses a weapon, and sometimes with his tongue. Tafsire Nemuneh, v. 15, p. 38”
#ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #duty #Messenger #ProphetMuhammad #Believer #Jihad #Weapon #sword #JihadTabyiin
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📸 “Now, don’t be disheartened by this flaunting of falsehood. Know that those who are flaunting today, will one day be trampled under the feet of the believers."
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