مطالعات راهبردی آمریکا
چینی‌ها در سیاست‌های اعلانی خود هرگز مطرح نکردند که آمریکا در حال افول است و یا چینی‌ها به دنبال برا
The Chinese never have stated in their declarative policies that the United States is on the decline or that the Chinese seek to defeat the United States in the international system; the US as a controlling power has been able to maintain the post-World War II order it has established. So the Chinese, at least in their declarative policies, do not have such an intention. 💬 Dr. Majidreza Mo'meni (Faculty Member of Allameh Tabataba'i University) 🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰 @ascenter